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I have a terrible headache. My vision is blurred. I have to remember to take some medicine. I launch a computer terminal. I enter a command. I move my fingers slowly and type. I have to be careful to not make any mistakes. I rewrite a configuration file. The text editor restarts with an error. Then there’s a light. There isn’t enough time. I look through my notes I use to recreate the world. I want to see her soon. Her. We enjoy unconsciousness that was filled with love in a place beyond our experience. A place where they go on forever. The twilit days. My dizziness does not subside. I have palpitations. I have to remember to take some medicine. I lay down in the gap between the electrons. My hands become numb. It is raining. I’ll name her Aura. A place where I arrive at the end of your thoughts, a place you cannot reach. Has the storm ended? Or is it coming? I can’t gather my thoughts. I leave a note. I entrust our will to her. I entrust our future to her. I have to remember to take some medicine. A bell rings in a church. I am there, yet I am not. She is there, yet she is not. She and I are there, yet we are not. We dwell at the forefront of a data sequence that seems to go on into infinity. My own sins. Eternal and fleeting. True and false. Finite and infinite. This world is full of everything. The rain keeps falling. It record the beginning of all things. There will be countless fragments. I follow the inscription. I press the Enter key. I need to hurry. I have no more time left. She is our hope. I have to remember to take some medicine. I now take some medicine.

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