Subject: Investigation

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Sender: Lios
Here is an area where the infection is spreading.
Go investigate.
The words are
Λ Lambda Server Resurrecting Confused Judgment

BlackRose and were informed of these instructions from Lios so we rushed from Carmina Gadelica to the area.

“Hey, can we just leave things like this?”

On the way, BlackRose grumbled as usual.

“I feel like we’re just getting pushed around by him.”

“Can’t be helped. We don’t have enough information on hand. Lios is a system administrator and I think it’s best to be on his side for the time being.”

I said the empty words that I had seen several times.

“You’re right. I remember a little bit. The exchange between Lios and Helba from before,” she said.

“Couldn’t it be that Lios knows next to nothing just like us?”

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“That is…”

I couldn’t say ‘not true.’

“Or better yet, maybe we should be on Helba’s side,” BlackRose said somewhat harshly.

We arrived at the destination area.

There was an evening sky. There were eerie green cracks and scorched red stains scattered all over the place.

A series of data was floating inside the cracks.

BlackRose and I immediately stopped chatting and stood on guard.

The atmosphere was exactly the same as when I had encountered the Reaper.

“Be careful, BlackRose,” I said, looking around alertly.

“Kite, but… the Reaper should have already been defeated, right?”

A noise flowed through the space and suddenly a large shadow appeared.

“Something’s coming!”

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I clasped my dual blades.

The battle with that horrifying god of death came flashing back into my mind.

At that time, Balmung was in my party, so we managed to defeat it.

Otherwise, BlackRose and I would have been among the unconscious.

Would we have to fight the Reaper again here? Didn’t we beat him already? Is it possible for BlackRose and I to compete against it?

Various questions circulated in my head, and the battle began without finding a clear answer to all of them.

The shadow descended and the thing that appeared before us was not the dreadful Reaper.

It was a monster that I didn’t know how to describe.

The size and air of the body certainly had something in common with the aforementioned Reaper.

However, its appearance could not be described well in just one word. To put it bluntly, it looked like a painting that had been cut out and carried around.

“What us that thing? What’s happening?” BlackRose groaned loudly.

“We have no choice but to defeat it, BlackRose!”

I yelled out, prepared for a battle to the death.

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We won easily.

The mural monster sometimes ran around at a blazing speed that created afterimages, which confused us, but that was all there was to say. I felt that it was a few steps inferior to the Reaper.

After damaging and weakening it, I used Data Drain and it was possible to read its name from the character string, as with the Reaper. It read ‘Innis’.

After that, when we gave it the final blow, the mural monster melted and disappeared, just like the Reaper.

“Perhaps we’ve become stronger.”

BlackRose said what I was thinking.

“Yeah, we‘ve been fighting all this time under the direction of Lios.”

We cleared up the enemies who had an air of strength and we were filled with relief.

BlackRose and I laughed heartily. It’d been a while since we’d felt like this on the internet and in real life.

That was, until we returned to Carmina Gadelica and reunited with Lios sour look.

The town had changed.

The PCs, not to mention the NPCs, had disappeared.

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The usual BGM was playing, but this was eerie.

“The infection has spread.”

Only one person, Lios, was waiting for us and staring at us.

“Lios, what happened? Where are the other PCs?”

“The Town’s data is no longer stable. It was dangerous, so I shut it down forcibly.”

I heard him mutter softly.

“In addition, complaints started to increase…”

And he shouted loudly.

“What the hell did you guys do?! I told you to investigate!”

“That’s right. We just did the same as before,” BlackRose replied, but her voice wavered. Probably because she was shocked by the scene before our eyes.

“Okay, don’t move until I tell you. That’s an order!”

Lios then transferred out and disappeared.

We were left behind, standing in the ghost-town-like streets.

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