Chapter 13: Apprentice of Royal Alchemist Master

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-- The day I officially became an Apprentice of Royal Alchemist Master.

"Congratulations, Laura. You've passed with one of the highest scores!"

The same shaggy head and round glasses as two years ago, that person - Mister Kasper tell me with great excitement.
So, it's true, two years have passed since then.... I've already turned 14 years old.
This year it was me the one taking the exam to become an apprentice of royal alchemist - and just now, I was informed that I had passed.

"Oh, thank you...!"
"You are a genius like I've never seen! You really deserve a perfect score like never before on history."

Master Kasper said, waving the recovery potion in his hand that I had made for the practical test.
For the past two years, I've worked even harder at my studies.
As a result, my brain is now a dictionary of medicinal herbs, and the complex preparations that even a full-fledged alchemist would struggle to make, I handled it as a child play.
In the end, Master said to me, "I don't have anything more to teach you".
So, to be honest, I was confident about the exam.
But when I was told that I had passed the exam, I was so happy I almost jumped up.
I'm one step closer to my goal.
No, I'm not just one step closer... My goal is almost within reach.


"Master, I've been accepted on the Royal Academy!"
"I heard. Congratulations, Laura."
"I'm going to tell the news to my parents and Lucas!"

After refusing accompanying me to tell them saying she would slow me down, I said goodbye to Master who had come with me to hear the results, and ran off.
I ran through the Royal gardens to the remote tower that served as relatives waiting room, where I waited for Arnold two years ago.
My parents, are this time the ones waiting there.
They decided to come after I explained to them that if I pass, I wouldn't have time to return to the village of Emme, as I would be living in the Royal Castle from that day on.
And Lucas, who also followed me here.
As we walked to the entrance of the castle where the exam was taking place, my parents looked worrier than I did, but at the same time if I was confident on my own skills, Lucas even was more.
I noticed it when he saw me off.

I opened the door of the waiting room, with a loud sound, and saw a familiar gold emblem, on the eyes of someone who turned around to see me.
At once, my parents followed his actions.

"Father, mother, Lucas! I got it!"

I ran in direction to my parents and hug them as they stared at me with their mouth open wide.
They are probably very surprised.
A few seconds passed until they returned me the hug... painfully tight.

"You're our pride and joy... Congratulations, my dear!"

The voices whispering in my both ears were trembling, I think it's understandable.
Both my father and mother supported my seemingly outlandish dream without asking for detailed reasons.
They gave me all the support they could, only replying "if that's what Laura want".
In a village where that could be seen as a lack of filial piety, they granted me permission to run after my dreams.

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But I won't forget what I learned in the village of Emme!
If I could become an alchemist and make money, even if only a little, I want to repay all their kindness and allows them to live a good life.

When the hug ended, I looked at them both firmly.
Our gazes met, and they laughed out loud, when seeing that my eyes too, somehow strangely, were moist with tears.

Maybe I'm feeling a little nostalgic, but.... I'm not sure when I'll be able to hug them again, or if it would happen ever again.

No, I shouldn't get lost in my ideas...

Turning my head I saw him...
The roundness of his face has been significantly reduced and the eyes look cooler.
Instead of the adjective "cute", the adjective "handsome/cool" are more appropriate now.
Lucas huffed and smiled gently as his gaze locked with mine.
Is it just my imagination or his eyes look somewhat sad?

"Congratulations, Laura"

"Why? ... Do you wish I would have failed?"

He had completely finished changing his voice, his height had grown steadily, now I've to look up to met his eyes.

"No way, I wouldn't think that now. ... I thought so until about three years ago."

That being said, his voice sounded a bit deep and the tone also became a little more boyish.

I chuckled and hugged Lucas, then he hugged me back gently.
This level of skin-to-skin contact was normal among us, as childhood friends.
The hug was gentle at first, but it became tighter and tighter.
Holding me against his chest, Lucas's body is so close that it hurt.
But more than that, Lucas's body temperature was strangely reassuring.

"Congratulations, Laura... Really!"

"Thank you, Lucas."

This time, it was a gentle, enveloping voice.
As I was so soaked in sentimentality that I wasn't able to hear the surrounding voices for a while until - a man's voice that I didn't remember called out to me, "Ampere...."


That voice that was clear, even when it came through in a hushed way.
I only had one person in mind who would call me Ampere.
I tried to release myself from Lucas's embrace and looked back towards the entrance, and there was--.

"Mr. Arnold...?"

Arnold Rocco stood with his perfect face, even more refined in perfection than it already was two years ago, but also with features perfectly placed in a perfect position, as if God had worked on his face's creation personally.
As a noticeable change in the elements that formed that perfect face, glasses were added.
Had he been too diligent in his studies to even take care of his eyes health correctly?
However, the black thin-framed accessory further accentuated Arnold's good appearance.
--they seems too early for him, but it looks good.

Arnold gave a small shake of his head in response to my rhetoric question.

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As he did so, his glossy black hair swayed smoothly.
Seeing him again, for the first time after two years, I could recognize that Arnold had grown up to be such a handsome young man that I almost laughed remembering the past him.
He was two years older than me, so he must be sixteen by now.
That must be the reason why, his face, body and even the air around him looks so refined... He's nearly an adult - in this world, you can be considered an adult when you turn 18.
I was almost convinced that he was past the age of 18 when I saw him - but making some calculations he still isn't.

The noisy place has quieted down, because Arnold captured the attention of all the people in the waiting room.
But the person in question, as if to say he didn't care about anything, walked up to me with a slow but stern step.

"Mr. Kasper needs to talk with you. Come quickly."

As expected, his voice sounds deeper than it was two years ago.
And yet it's pleasant to the ears, and also full of... sweetness??
It seems that God has given this man not only a perfect face, but also perfect vocal cords.

"Sorry. Mr. Kasper is calling me."

At those words, I hurriedly tried to prepare myself, and reflexively let go completely of Lucas's embrace - but he suddenly grabbed my wrist.
As I looked at Lucas in surprise, he turned his serious eyes on Arnold.

"Please take care of Laura."

Still holding my arm, Lucas bowed his head in front of Arnold.
As if following him, I bowed lightly as well.'s only because, he's my childhood friend.
My best friend since childhood.

There's something in the air that reminds me of two years ago... It's the same tension.
I'm not sure why, but I think I feel like they're still incompatibles.
But, have to say that maybe I'm wrong and just is my impression of the situation.

"Ok. Let's go"

He shifted his gaze from Lucas to me and hurried me with a few words.
I flinched for a moment at the sharp black eyes, but quickly answer with some words.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

I left them behind, who were still in a state of shock, and looked at my parents.
Then I ran toward them and squeezed their hands together between mine.
If Arnold takes me to Mr. Kasper now, before I can see them again, they'll have already returned to Emme's village.

"Father, mother. I've heard that you can take some days as a holiday during the change of seasons, so I'll be sure to return home then. And I'll write you a letter... a letter every week. I'll send some yummy snacks or anything I find. Please, until I see you again... Please take good care of yourself! And then, um, um...."

Speaking as fast as I could think of, rattling off every word that appeared on my mind, until...
My parents started laughing at their clumsy daughter, who was visibly flustered.
Their narrowed eyes seemed to be filled with an overflowing amount of love, and my vision involuntarily blurred.

"It's okay. It's not like this is your last chance to say goodbye. It's good to work hard, but you have to take care of yourself above all else."

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I felt my parents' hands on both cheeks, lowered my eyelids and muttered in a low voice, "Thank you" so that I don't forget the sound of their warmth words.

It's hard, but I've to leave them.

Lucas quickly came up to me and took my hand in his.
He was holding my hand very strong.

"Laura it's ok if you don't want to. I'm worried. If you're pushing yourself too hard..."

"No! Not really. I'll send letters to Lucas, too."

"Yeah. I'll write to you too."

The gold crest in his eye was glittering, seeing it glowing, I thought of the years to come.
Lucas and I are now 14 years old.
Lucas will be a brave hero in less than three years, and shortly before his 17th birthday, Lucas will abandon the village of Emme.

As yet, I have not heard any reports of the monsters power growing, but without a doubt, the resurrection of the demon king is coming.
The time for Lucas to become a brave hero is also coming near.

Less than three years... I will spend that time here, surely it will pass in the blink of an eye.
The time from the day I 'remembered everything' to today has also passed in the blink of an eye.

"You, too, have to take care of yourself, Lucas."

Those words came out of my mouth naturally, and at my words, Lucas said.

"Yes, I'll remember what Laura promised me that day."

He smiled at me as if he can see through everything.
When I realized that I wouldn't be able to see that smile or hear his gentle voice encouraging me for a while, I suddenly felt a surge of loneliness.

"........I wonder, maybe I'll miss you more than you will do "

"That's not true. I'll definitely miss you more than you will miss me"

We both raised our eyebrows and laughed.
And then from both side, we embraced again.

I'll get a vacation when the seasons change, then I'll go back to the village of Emme.
To my hometown, small but warm and with people I care about.
I looked at my parents, and at Lucas.
We took turns smiling at each other and after a short while, I ran off to Arnold.

"Thank you for your patience."

Arnold didn't reply to my words and walked away, his silent responses seems to be the same as ever.
Or rather, the coldness and sharpness in his eyes expression has become more notable from two years ago.

This is the third time I've met with Arnold.
It would be less than ten days the entire time we spent together in the past.
As a boy of the same generation as me, who wanted to become an alchemist, I felt a certain amount of familiarity with him.
But that doesn't mean I know or understand him well.

From now on, I'll be living with him, but--

"So, the wait is over."

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I cowered at the frustration that was suddenly dropped on me.
I know that Arnold is not a bad person.
His mentor, Miss Mercedez, had said that Arnold was just shy.
And above all, I felt that she really loved and judged Arnold, from his actions in despite of his words.

I'm sure she knew a lot more about him... A lot that I still don't know, but again it's in part because he's like this.
She must have seen him as adorable.
From Miss Mercedez's words, and from the words he himself has said to me in the past, he loves deeply Elvira and must be a good brother.
He's a good person, just not affectionate.

Even though I know that, I can't help but feel defensive when the gaze and words directed at me are sharp.

"I'm sorry ... but time is such a--"

"No, you're not. I'm the one who has been waiting and waiting for you."

I couldn't understand Arnold's words and, on the spur of the moment "Huh?" a strange voice sound came out of my mouth.
At my pathetic try to respond, Arnold stopped in front of me, without looking back.

"Two years have been a long time."

The corner of his mouth rose faintly, perhaps an illusion of my eyes.
But without fail, the cold atmosphere that surrounded us disappeared.
A long silence felt upon us.
I didn't know what to say

*Two years have been a long time*

From his words, I can guess that his exclamation of "waiting and waiting" earlier, referred that time when we were on the Royal gardens and I told him "I'm going to be an apprentice of Royal Alchemist Master."
It was a long time for Arnold, if he waited for me, two years until that promise became a reality... but two years is too long for keep waiting for someone!

I guess it contains a meaning.

It's true that two years ago, after his exam I accompanied him and before leaving he told me, he would wait for me but I didn't think that he would be literally "waiting".

You say you were waiting for two--
To be honest, two years isn't that different of a month, from my perspective.
In fact, from that day when Arnold and I parted ways until today, I was always busy studying.
So for me, I don't feel like I made Arnold wait, in the first place, I didn't expect he would do that.
However, if Arnold is complaining that he was "really waiting for too long" I would say some kind of apology and If not... this prideful boy might not direct the word to me ever again.
I was struggling to find the correct words, but managed to say it.

"Well ... was it worthy the waiting?"
-- this time, no doubt, Arnold laughed. His eyes, through the frames of his glasses, narrowed.

Apparently my apology was to his liking.

"Let's go."

I caught up with him, and started walking next to his side as we went away.
Arnold's expression, which I stole a glimpse of, was the softest one I've ever seen.
At the end, we walked side by side, in direction to the Royal Castle.

--From now on, my days as an apprentice of the Royal Alchemist Master will begin. 

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