Chapter 15: The future wizard of the Order (not confirmed)

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It had been a few days since I became an "apprentice" on the Royal Alchemist Academy and started under the tutelage of Lina, my senior.
We were taking our training in the apprentices' small laboratory, when suddenly Arnold came to visit us and asked me to help him.
Well, it was more like this...

"Hi, Arnold! Can I help you with something?"
"You're in my way.... Ampere!"

As soon as he refused Lina's greeting, walked into the room and approached me in a manner that knew nothing of discretion or any kind of courtesy.

"Mr. Arnold. Good evening."

Smile politely, smile politely...
Arnold didn't even pretend to respond to it, and didn't even give an excuse before taking the container with the recovery medicine I was preparing.
He took it and gulp half of it down.
Surprised by the sudden action, I involuntarily put my hand on Arnold's arm, who was still holding the container to warn him.
But he didn't even have to shake off my hand to finish it.
After drinking, he put his glasses back in place with a cool but useless gesture.

I'm stunned - not only I, Chelsea and Lina-senpai also - we all were stunned.
I was about to say some word to him about his previous behavior, when...

"Oh, disgusting."

His voice made some old memories come back to my brain, reminding me of our first encounter a few years ago.
What a difference...
This person hasn't changed either, my mouth unknowingly relaxed and pronounced.

"... Arnold is still the same."
"No, sorry, I was thinking on something else"

The words that spilled out unexpectedly from my mouth got me in the way of his sharp gaze again, but I dodged it with a smile.
I'm no longer overly frightened by every single one of Arnold's rough words - or rather, I'm no longer overly frightened by every single one of Arnold's rough 'actions'.

This is the kind of person he was from the beginning, and I'm starting to feel something akin to resignation.
Unsociable - shy, according to Miss Mercedez - foul-mouthed and proud, but actually he has feelings that are appropriate for his age.
And he can't read the emotions of others, so he ends up doing the most outlandish things... in my opinion.

That's the way he is, Arnold.
When I, myself, was convinced of this fact, the sound of the bell sounded, signaling the scheduled time for this class is over.
It was already evening - the scheduled time's end according the training program.

"I'll show you the castle's herb garden."

Arnold said such a thing immediately after hearing the sound of the bell, this is another too sudden exclamation.
Not paying any attention to my eyes open wide in surprise, Arnold grabbed my wrist.
He gave a rough pull and forced me to walk, pulling my hand forward.

The feeling of his hand on my wrist was completely different from Lucas, not to mention he was obligating me to walk - not that I was thrown off, but the way he pulled my hand much more roughly than Lucas made me honestly feel more frustrated than surprised.
But even before I can voice my dissatisfaction, Arnold was already leaving the mixing room with me forcefully following him.
I had no choice but to swallow the words of frustration and look at Chelsea and Lina-senpai for help, but both looked at us from far away, stunned and frozen in place.

"Good jobs! Thanks for your lesson today"

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Seeing the scene, I only managed to greet them before crossing the door.
When we left the laboratory room, not long after, Arnold slowed his step, also released my wrist.
I peeked at Arnold's face as I took a few steps forward.
He is the youngest "genius" to become a royal alchemist, but has time to show an "apprentice" the herb garden!

No intention to make fun of it at all, I'm simply wondering, so I'll better just say it out loud.

"... Do you have quite a bit of time to spare?"

He nodded lightly at my words.
It wasn't a firm nod, but a nod that was somewhat distant - a nod that seemed to flow off the topic.
Based on his reaction, maybe he doesn't have that much time on his hands, then...
Why did he offer to show me around the herb garden in the first place?
Even if Arnold himself didn't show me around, because of my future training as an alchemist I would probably go there as much that I would end hating the mention of it.
That question also flew out of my mouth.

"Why do you bother to show me around personally?"

Arnold stopped in his tracks when hearing question.
Sheesh, I said it as it came to my mind, but was it too self-centered?

I was deliberately trying to sound polite, wondering the reason of Arnold taking the time to do this for me.
But... Arnold's rough temper can be contagious? If so, then I've been infected already.

I hurriedly caught up with Arnold to correct the mistake.
And when I looked at his face - he had a very thoughtful and stern expression.
From that expression.... he felt not anger, but deep sadness.
His expression startled me to a stop.

"I hope to borrow your talent in the near future."

He said that clearly.
I don't know when Arnold says the near future refers to, and he never told me what he needs my talent for.
But Arnold has a clear purpose, and in order to achieve that purpose, he asked me to come, this made me realize that we were getting closer.
But whatever his intentions were, I am simply grateful for his guidance to this amazing medicinal herb garden.
I don't know what its "purpose" is, but for now, I'll just accept his kindness.

And when the "near future" comes, I don't know whether I will be useful or not, but I'll make sure to repay the kindness I received from everyone.
We'll work together, that's all.

After that event, often, Arnold would visit me at the end of the evening, when the training was over, and take me out to the Royal gardens.
And then, straight out to the herb garden for Alchemists.
Not only that, but he also went down to the Royal Capital with me and showed me the recovery medicine being sold there.

-I want to borrow your talents in the near future-

Arnold's words, his voice tone, came to my mind again.
I don't know what he wants me for, or what worries he carries.
But I do know this... The person who recognizes my talent more than anyone else is him - Arnold.

 * * * *

A few months have passed since I became an "apprentice" of Royal Alchemist Master.

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I had finally gotten used to the life in the Royal Castle and my training was going well, when one day I was stopped by my senior, Lina.
It was at the end of my practical class.

"Laura, you're very close with Arnold, aren't you?"

I stopped my hands, that were still putting away my tools.

Lina-senpai was very enthusiastic about teaching me.
She acknowledged that my skills were good enough, and taught me what my previous mentor didn't because of her self-study centered teaching techniques.

"I'll teach you the basics - such as the proper way to wash your mixing tools - and you'll be able to learn the basics procedures in detail, without being averse to it. You can do it."

But when I remember that powerful smile showed to me when we first met, after the name "Arnold" came out of my senior's mouth.
I freaked out and overreacted just at the thought of what was coming next.
I'm sure she has some feelings for Arnold - but I can't say she's just asking me for doing a favor or question about him.
At that moment, I sensed an "unnaturalness" in her smile like never felt in my whole life.

The voice that was called out is the same as usual, a sharp gaze directly to my eyes yet soft tone of voice that shows concern for her juniors.

"Perhaps it's because our mentors had a good and long master-students relationship, or maybe they requested him it as a favor... Arnold's former Master is a very kind person, so maybe she told him to take care of me."

Half-reflexively I prayed for her to understand.
I'm not that close with Arnold! I'm not that close with Arnold!
And I'm not trying to approach to him or steal him from you!
Trust me, I'm a very shameful person so doing something like that is out of question.

Lina-senpai showed a pretense of thinking for a few seconds about my words, then she looked around 'busily'.

"Chelsea, I'm sorry to bother you, but I need to go and pick a good amount of this herb here. Can you bring it for me?"

Handing Chelsea, who was cleaning up the compounding room as I was, the herbs and a basket that picked up at random.
Chelsea nodded her head while receiving the medicinal herbs at the sudden instruction from her senior.

"Ha, yes..."

"I'm sorry, I forgot Mr. Kasper asked me to do that. I'll clean up for you, don't worry."

Once she was told that Mr. Kasper had asked for it, it was impossible not to agree.
Chelsea nodded and hurriedly left the laboratory.
The little footsteps' sound moved away.
After confirming it, Lina-senpai quickly approached me again.

"... I don't think that emotionless creature would do something kind like that for someone"

Lina-senpai said trying to low her voice to tone to a whisper, her eyebrows got together and her expression looks very apologetic.

--Excuse me? It seems to be a deviation from the development I was expecting.

The moment Lina-senpai chased Chelsea away, she made a strange observation about Arnold's behavior.
I wondered if what was happening was real or possible.
But I can't sense any hostility in Lina-senpai's voice or expression, and on the contrary, it gave more the impression of a girl's gossip.
As she's now very close to me, I can guess that it's because she doesn't want her voice to leak outside.
But it's not something you'll do with someone you cannot tolerate or you don't trust enough.
No, I suppose she wouldn't do it if it weren't the case.

"Did you hear about Arnold's ... magic power?"

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Wha... This was all about Arnold's-- magic?
The topic that Lina-senpai broached did not graze a millimeter on the topic I had imagined.
I was puzzled by that, but I shook my head a few times and said honestly.

"I don't know."

Then she put her finger over her mouth and pretended to think again.

"I thought of Laura, because you would know something if you were close with him but I'm sorry for asking you about it, I know it sounds weird."

What was directed at me was her usual gentle smile.
While I answered "No, no" to that, the theme picked my curiosity.
What exactly is the story of Arnold's magical power?

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was okay to ask, but I couldn't resist for too long.

"Um, Arnold having magic powers... what kind of story is that?"

My question was answered by Lina-senpai without any hesitation, but whispering more secretly than before.

"Arnold has a very strong magical power and there are rumors that he's going to join the Knights Order as a Wizard."

--I almost dropped the glass container in my hand for the surprise.
Arnold has strong magical powers?
Well, that could be the case, he's an elf.
Elves are said to have many more individuals that are born with magical powers than us, humans.
One of the future heroes and his little sister, Elvira, is a genius sorceress, the best of all of them.

That much is understandable.
But - what does it mean to join the Knights Order as a sorcerer?
I remember hearing in the explanation in "The Last Brave" that the Chevalier Order also has sorcerers in it.
There is a possibility, but we're not talking about whether a sorcerer can belong to the Knights now.

"Shortly before Laura entered the Academy, Arnold was invited to join them by the head of the Knights, in person. And it didn't seem to be a just rumor either."

Lina-senpai continued, despite me being speechless with surprise.
The Knight's Commander is - it's Veik!
He's also one of the future heroes.

"He's the youngest alchemist ever and went from being an apprentice to a Royal Alchemist Master, right? From the day I came in, Arnold was the only one to get all the attention, and I was compared to him in everything! But him! He was so irreverent! It's not his personality, is it? I'm always getting frustrated by that!"

At the end, she was screaming in frustration.
But soon, Lina-senpai came to the seat next to me and shrank.
Lina-senpai doesn't have any love interest in Arnold--instead, she sees him as an enemy! Apparently.
But certainly, considering the position she's in, that sentiment is understandable.

A boy who was called a genius since he entered the Academy, and who became the youngest apprentice to be officially recognized as a Royal Alchemist Master, a real genius!
If such a person was her class colleague -- being compared to him all the time, and as a result, everybody branded her as unqualified!
Maybe I would have ended feeling the same.

Plus, that personality of Arnold's.
Honestly, all I can think of to help him save face is that he's not a bad person.
Yes... even if I try to defend him...

"And then when the Knight Commander called out for him, everyone around me was screaming about the genius! The genius's feats! And bla bla bla... everything was about only him. That's just the way it was. And when people asked him what were the needed requirements for being invited to join such an important Order, he just says, 'It was nothing...' Don't tell me! Ugggh! That's it! That disgusting face again! It's!! gwaaaa!"

With a soundly slap over the table and narrowing the corners of her eyes, Lina-senpai glared into the void.

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She must imagine that she's slapping Arnold's irritating face.

Since I've only seen Lina-senpai graceful and mature, the way she express her emotions now... In spite of the surprise, I couldn't help but smile.
She is only 16 years old, no matter how mature she pretends to be.
Also, over the incident a few months ago, the mystery was solved.

When we first met, she wanted to confirm the truth of the rumor with a disquieting air…
What I thought was because of her fondness for Arnold, so she was jealous of me, who was rumored to be his girlfriend - but it was actually because she had a big rivalry with Arnold.
It was probably because she saw me as his ally, and was trying to discover what kind of person I was, someone who would love the man she disliked the most.

Besides, as far as the story she told me goes, we met right after Arnold was called into the Order.
It was probably just at the time when their rivalry was at its highest.

"I was so stubborn that I didn't want to leave his side for a moment, and even though I felt like an idiot, I was trying to find out why that guy was called up."

Lina-senpai lowered the volume of her voice again.
I nodded at her and waited for her next words.

"Then I heard the rumors whispered among the members of the Knights. I heard he was the one that asked for it."

--Arnold said he wanted to borrow my talent, but he was much more interested in his own talent than in mine.
My mind is overflowing with doubts and questions.
I didn't know you even had a talent for magic, but it's still just a rumor.

The surprise passed, and a dry chuckle spilled out from her.

"I can't help but laugh,"
Said Lina-senpai as she revealed her honest feelings
"God why?"

I nodded as she was looking at the empty sky through the window.

"It's not fair, right?"
Without thinking too much through, he's from the race of elves and Elvira's brother, the genius sorcerer Elvira's brother.
It was quite possible that he had strong magical powers.
However, when she left her parents at an early age and became an apprentice under Miss Mercedez...
She had a talent for magic, too? It seems that I unconsciously felt that I really didn't know anybody.
Is he really a "good" person then?
To be honest, I was surprised to hear this story from Lina.
Arnold was a character that did not exist in my memories of the game.
I have no idea who he will be or what will he do in the future, and now I realize that I have no idea who he really is.

It's the same for Lina, who is right in front of me now, Chelsea, who is my classmate, and Mr. Kasper, who is my head professor.

I and Lina-senpai and the others are genuine new acquaintances, and I have no idea what kind of personality they really have, what they think of me, Laura, and how they will be involved in the future of this world or mine.

There are more unknowns ahead of us than ever before.

But... "Unknown" is exactly what I wanted.

"Oh, this rumor... Please keep it a secret, ok? I don't have enough information and if someone hears about it will think I'm just jealous of him. So, please"

Lina-senpai showed a smile like a girl of her real age, somehow she looked younger than usually.
I just thought of her as someone who was selfishly mature, but she also had an age-appropriate side that she showed me today I'm putting them together, and find a new perception of her true nature.

I nodded again at Lina-senpai's words, then we furtively resumed the cleaning up.

Even so, the youngest Royal Alchemist Master and a talented knight sorcerer (not confirmed) - Arnold really have a great occupational determination.

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