Chapter 20: Make, make, make more!

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A scene far removed from the ordinary, with people busily coming and going, and a voice filled of anxiety whispered here and there.
I ran mindlessly guided by it.

Lina-senpai... So she has been waiting for me, here in the middle of the hallway.
I'm out of breath, but I muster up courage enough to run again, knowing that I'm almost there.

"Senpai! A-- I-- Um!"
"Thanks goodness! Are you alright? Did you get hurt?!!"

I was breathing with difficulty so couldn't answer to her.
Not only did I have studied to be an alchemist, but I make sure to do exercise every morning as well, still...

I take a few deep breaths, putting aside the thought that I grew up in the countryside surrounded by mountains, but even so, it was too much for me.
Lina-senpai patted me on the back as I try to do something my shortness of breath.
And then she hurried to command me.

"Ok, don't worry, we'll take care of it! Laura, now! You need to go to the shelter with Chelsea--"

"No! I came here to help!"

After it was said, I discovered my voice sounded very loud and determinate.
It was too much for a "strong suggestion"

"Ampere will help me. The girl over there will be Lina's assistant."

Faster than she could reply, a male voice instructed us what to do.

I turned around to see and as she's not in a position high enough to complain I think it's decided, still the time he came was just too good.

"Arnold!! What are you talking about?!! It's too dangerous for them, they need to go--"

"We have not enough persons!! What are you going to do if we run out of recovery medicine!!"

Arnold…your voice is too high.
But I've to agree with those words - and of course I'm glad that Lina senior feels the same way.
Finally, I was able to breathe normally again.

The castle should be stocked with a sufficient amount of recovery potion and under normal circumstances it would be enough.
However, this time, the place where they are fighting is also very close to the royal capital, with a horde of demons as have never been seen before.

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If the Order is unable to stop them... the city could be overrun by demons!
To prevent that from happening, we need more recovery potions for the knights and in the unlikely event that the monsters enter into the city...

"There's no time, we have to start!!"

Lina walked into the laboratory, calling out Chelsea's name.

I followed Arnold through a door to another laboratory room.
Then, I gathered the medicinal herbs that were placed here and there in the room and started to prepare them.

"Faster! Make all you can! If you think there's no enough ingredients, go pick them right now before it's too late!"

"Ah Ah, yes!"

Arnold's instructions signaled the start, and we set to work on it at the exact same time.

"We have to mass produce several recovery potions in a short amount of time!!"
"But they'll be not so potent. Oh, no! I don't have this recovery here right now! "
"Here! It is a highly potent restorative herb that can quickly heal a seriously wounded soldier. You have to make as much of it as you can."
"Not this one no! It takes a lot of time and effort to make one highly effective recovery potion with this."
There are several kinds of medicinal herbs, some of which have restorative effects and some of which increase the effects of other medicinal herbs, but all of them if handle in large quantities, need to be mixed carefully and without haste.
In some cases, mismanagement can cause muscle paralysis.

From then on, it was just a battle against myself...
Instantly judge the potency of the medicinal herbs in your hand, and thinks of how to formulate the recovery potion.
Grind several medicinal herbs, mix them with fresh water, and place them on the fire, watching them closely during the process and stirrer if necessary.
It's time! Turn off the fire.

I had no problem concentrating on one or two, but my head was in a state of confusion as I was simultaneously roasting an unprecedented amount of herbs.
But that doesn't matter, I've to do it!
It's for situations like this that I've been studying to this day!

Make another!
Make another!

Mix and bottle them up!

"I'm off to pick more of this!!"

Start again making another!
Make more!

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I wonder how much time has passed since I mindlessly continued to make the recovery potions.
The wooden box filled with recovery potions was closed and someone took it away.

This is the third box, and even though the two of us are doing well, the recovery medicine is still not something that can be mass-produced in a short time.

If it were a game, probably it wouldn't be a problem, just picking herbs and pressing a button you can obtain as much as you need but here!
I shout thoughtlessly in my mind.

But no matter how much I think over it, there is no way that the herbs in front of me will be transformed into recovery medicines so fast.

I and Arnold, we have to do it!

He wiped the sweat that floated on his forehead, and I was about to start the next preparation - when in a moment.

"Recovery potions! Are here any?!!"

The door swung open wildly, sending a chill through my spine as a person entered into the room.

He looked up to us and everywhere around, searching for them.
There stood a knight in shining armor with bandages on his forehead and right arm.

--coming back from the front.

I looked at Arnold, who was still mixing, he glanced at me as saying "I left it to you".
So, I showed the man the two wooden boxes that we have filled with the potions we prepared and that Arnold have placed next to the entrance.

"Please take this with you!"

The Knight nodded and held up one of the boxes.
I could see that his face contorted in pain as he did so.
--The bandage wrapped around his right arm is smeared with blood.

"Oh, you need to drink one too...!"
"No! I'm fine! I can handle it!"

He said so laughing painfully as he walked down the hallway.

By the time he came here, they were already short of recovery medicine!
I wonder if they've used up all the storage.

No! Forget it! Don't worry about it now! You don't have time to worry about that right now!
We need to prepare more potions right away!

Hurriedly, I came back to my previous position, and I was about to resume my work.

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-- Clung!

Again the door opened wildly with a loud sound. This time I turned around to see who it was and was startled.

It was Mr. Olivelle who was there... is… His right flank! Borrowing a shoulder from his subordinate, he has reached the room.

"Mr. Arnold! Ahh--"

Mr. Olivelle exclaimed.
My mind was at lost, with many thoughts at the same time.
I thought he was here to get more recovery medicines, but hearing his painful voice I felt my heart stopping.
I didn't think...
he's not the only one, isn't it?
How could I have not noticed it before!

--Arnold has a powerful magical power.

Lina-senpai's voice brought back to my mind at same time too.
I'm sure the rumor that my senior got wind of was true.

"The Commander is hurt !! His right eye...! And yet, right now, he's still fighting a huge beast-shaped demon...!"

Injury to the right eye.
The moment I heard those words, my throat made a disgusting sound.

--Does Vake lose his right eye in this battle?

I tightly clutched of my white coat, it was coming I knew it!
But that didn't mean I wasn't shocked.

If I had told them beforehand, or if... this future could have changed ...
No! Even If I had done so! They would have think of me as a little girl telling stories to gain attention.
They would not have heard me!

Even myself... I wasn't convinced that Vake was going to get hurt for sure.

Mr. Olivelle, who I was staring at in disbelief, continued his words.

"The demon's skin is so hard, the sword won't go through at all! That's why we need a sorcerer...!"

It seems that Arnold also sensed the reason why Mr. Olivelle had come to visit him.
Arnold gathered the recovery medicines on his desk and shoves it into his white coat pocket.

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So you're going to...

The sound of hurried footsteps went away before I even could pronounce the words.
I'm thinking about it vaguely as I listen to the sound of the "sorcerer" moving away.
The next moment, however, I realized that not everybody has left.

"We need to treat Mr. Olivelle!"

With several recovery medicines in hand, I rushed over to Mr. Olivelle.
He had scars all over his body, the one on his right flank is... pretty serious.

"O-- Mr. Olivelle, are you alright??! Ple-- please take this for now."

"Thank you very much."

Mr. Olivelle gulped the recovery potion.
Then, his face was distorted for a moment, and his body became tense.
"So-- soon..."

I was surprised, checked and rechecked if the recovery medication was the correct one, but the strength quickly drained from my body when I saw the picture in front of me.

I thought, "What !! What is with this reaction?"
--Yes, it's the first time I've ever seen by myself a person so wounded like this! Using the recovery potions I've made.

I looked at the wound on his flank... The wounds were healing themselves.

"You're an excellent alchemist after all, aren't you?"
"No, it's not...well, there's more...if you want there's..."
"No, I'm fine now. Please use it on the other knights."

Mr. Olivelle smiled once at me and then stood up.
Then, with firm steps, he walked away.

Where in the world is he thinking to go to?
Don't tell me you're planning to go back to the front lines!!

I stared uneasily at the door for a little while, but every second is too precious to waste it, I reminded myself.

Now that Arnold went out, I have to work even harder!
You have to make more and more!

Facing the mixing table I slapped my cheeks and regained the vigor.


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