Chapter 22: Sudden return home

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"You really worked hard and helped us a lot! But I'm sure your parents are worried about you, so please go home and show them a cheerful face!"

Those were Mister Kasper's words when gave me a few days off, that's the reason why I'm returning to the village of Emme now.

The journey from the royal capital to the village of Emme takes more than a day, and several horse-drawn carriage rides.
As we approached the village, the road became sloppy and it was honestly not a pleasant ride.

But the moment I spotted my parents waiting for me at the entrance to the village, I got down and ran to them, not knowing where all my fatigue had gone.

"Father! Mother!"


I ran, and they hug me tightly... too tightly!

"We were worried, I heard that the royal city was attacked by demons...!"

Their voices... a trembling whisper that come into my ears.
Mr. Kasper was right about how much my parents have been worrying until now.
I sent them a letter beforehand, to let them know I was going back home, but my parents seemed uneasy until they actually saw my face.

"I'm sorry for making you worry... But it's okay! Everyone in the Order protected me"

I hugged my mother back in a reassuring way.
Even saying so, my words weren't comforting for my parents, and for a good reason... The prestigious Knights of the Royal Capital was there at that moment, but it's said that it was the biggest damage that the city suffered in all the history!
Even when, they defeated the monsters before they invade the city.

Also, the seriously injured Order Commander - Vaik, who I haven't seen again after that disaster... can he be included in the list of "the greatest damage of the history"?
All I know is that he has lost the sight in his right eye.
I'm hoping to visit him soon, but...

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That adorable voice... I looked around to meet the owner of it.

"Petra... Oh, not only you! All of you came!"

Petra, Yulia, and Radmila, the three girls that live in the village of Emme, were about to come running up to us.
With a glance I told my parents that I've to go and go to greet my friends.
Anyway, I will have a lot of time to talk with my parents tonight.

When I reunited with the girls, was really glad to see them again, and taking their hands between mine as when we were younger.

"Thank you for your letter, I always look forward to the next one."
"Yes, me too, recently I got a job in a nearby town. Because I really admire Laura!!"
"Laura, you're looking more mature now, aren't you?"

Yulia has become a grown up already.
Petra's tone and appearance have become more refined, but now a complete adult yet.
And Radmila, who is smiling softly, is adorably as ever.

Although we had corresponded regularly with each other by letters, it had been a few months since we had actually spoken face to face like this.
As I stare at the faces of the girls, who have grown up to be adults, our conversation start for the first time in a long time.
But then I noticed that Lucas wasn't here.
Some might say I'm too sticky, but I assumed that he would naturally greet me when I came home as he always did in the past.

"... Where's Lucas?"

"Ohh, he usually helps at Granny's house"

Petra replied.

Why did Lucas go to see my Master?

As I wondered, I remembered... He has been talking with Master lately, that's why he spoke to me about my medicine when came to the Capital.
It's not like there's any particular hassle, but I'll visit Master's house later, I planned it from before anyway.

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Maybe I should go now, I decided, and I'll later enjoy of the conversation with my friends.


The house where my Master lives reminds me of so many happy events... what nostalgic!

It's actually only been a few months away, but those calm and happy days, when I was cultivating my skills here under Master's tutelage... somehow seems very distant now.

"Hi, this is Laura! I'm home!"

"Oh, you have come!"
When pushed the old door, Master greeted me with a smile.
This smile hasn't changed at all since we first met.
Master's smile also gives me peace of mind, as if everything will be resolved somehow.
That warm feeling spreading in my heart and mind...

Remembering the reason why I came, looked around.
After hearing that Lucas was here, I couldn't find his figure nowhere.

"Isn't Lucas around here? I heard he came too..."

"Oh, Lucas, yes! He went out to pick some medicinal herbs for me."

As I opened my eyes wide at Master's response, she finished her sentences so casually with a laugh.

Recalling the conversation that we have when Lucas visited me at the Royal Capital. My master and my childhood friend were friends from long ago and I didn't know?
It seemed that Lucas had heard from Master about my abilities as an alchemist.

But after hearing that Lucas is not here, I think it's better to ask Master about "that".

Master, does she know something about the disease that Elvira has been suffering until now? It's probably.
After all she's a renowned Alchemist Master who had once worked as The Royal Alchemist Master, I can ask her directly, because if there's someone who knows some kind of cure for this disease or any clue that can lead us to it, it's her.

"Master, I'd like to ask you one question."

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Deliberately lowering the tone of my voice...
As expected Master, sensed this acutely, and quickly wiped her smile to look at me seriously.
I took a big, slow breath to calm myself down, then, in a hushed voice, asked.

"There's a disease called autonucleosis, do you know about it?"

Her eyes widened slightly at the topic I had broached.
Is it because she never heard of it before or...

"Where did you get the name?"

"The sister of a senior of mine--"

"It's a ... calamity."

She muttered something like that and her gaze dropped to the floor.
It would be better if... Let's cut to the chase, shall we?

"Do you know if there's any cure for it?"

The question was not answered, and a heavy silence fell between us.

That silence felt like an eternity to me, I can't wait to get some answers!
But Master, was looking seriously at the floor as if she was thinking about it, so I didn't dare to say anything that would hurry her up.
When she looked up at my face again, I bent forward and waited for her mouth to open.

"Laura, do you believe in legends and mythological objects?"


It was my turn to look surprised, because instead of answering my question, she asked another question to me.
But despite her questioning, Master continued without waiting for my reply.

"It's said that... There're horns of demons that can cure any illness... A beautiful medicinal herb with leaves that shines like the sun, water that springs up in unexplored regions and grants eternal life... These legends remain in every country and region."

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"Oh, um, what...?"

I let out a puzzled voice at the outrageousness of the story, really don't know what Master is trying to say.
Staring firmly at me in bewilderment, Master opened her mouth again.

"There is no cure for autonucleosis... without resorting to such things."

--I stood on my feet in shock and despair.

"There is no way to cure autonucleosis without relying on the existence of legends' objects?? That's what you're telling me??!"

I have a lot of respect for my master.
As her disciple, I know, that she is a very good alchemist, the best one I met until now.
That is why those words were so heavy and gave me a deep despair.

To create an entirely new recovery drug from scratch, without relying on those legends... Or... Can we find a glimmer of hope in an object of an uncertain legend?
A cure for the intractable disease...

From now on we have to... but will Arnold and I be able to accomplish it in time?
Others will lend their wisdom to us if we ask for it?
However, even if dozens of people were to gather, is it really possible to create an effective recovery drug for an intractable disease for which there has been no cure until now?
... In less than three years - no, stop thinking about that! This is no time to be complacent!

I managed to hold up on my trembling feet with my own strength.

It's the only way! We just have to try as hard as we can.

Clenching my fists I made a vow to myself!

After enjoying my vacation in the village of Eme, you will return to the royal city and study about this disease on all the books you can find, that first! Gather more information about it.
Arnold should have done that already a long time ago.
Therefore, I must acquire the same level of knowledge as him and start developing a recovery medicine as soon as possible.
... The days that are coming are going to be very very busy.

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