Rex cleans up his bloodied hands while going out of the studio.

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The stalker from before already left the place,

Rex already takes his left eye to be an example for the Atkins Family, although he's still a student he can't be taken lightly.

That is what Rex trying to remind them.

He then went out of the mall after eating, his stomach is full and now he's on his way to his house to check on Kyran.

Edward and Adhara are doing what he is told so there's nothing left for him to do.

He didn't want to fetch his family himself because he's afraid that he's being followed by someone, and turns out his hunch is correct.

'I'll check on the detective again tomorrow, he has to give me something', Rex thought as he stands at a bus stop.

Rex looks up to the sky while knitting his eyes,

The sun is shining brightly right on top of him, Rex can feel the sunlight warmth penetrating into his skin when suddenly,

His vision suddenly blurred.

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Rex blinks his eyes a couple of times but when he looks at his surrounding, all of the people are gone and the crowd sound is gone.

'Hmm?', Rex looks at his surrounding in confusion.

There are many people in his surrounding just a couple of seconds ago, but now they all vanish as if they got swept by the wind.

Rex looks to his left and right feeling something is wrong.

He then suddenly felt the warm sunlight also gone, his surroundings turn dark blue as the sun got replaced by something else.

On top of him, there's a dark blue ball that replaced the sun.

Rex looks at the dark blue ball and deduces it is the moon, but it's different from usual.

Then suddenly,

Rex felt that the light coming from the dark blue moon stings his body, the stings started to get worse as he can feel his skin burning.

'What the hell happened?', Rex thought in confusion.

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He then saw his skin turns ashy black because of the light from the moon,

Little by little, Rex's skin turns into ash.

Rex panicked as he tries to catch the ash to no avail, he can only helplessly look at his body turns into ash bit by bit before he suddenly woke up.


The cars in front of him honk snapping Rex back to reality, his surroundings turn to normal.

Rex lets go of the metallic pole he grips on his side, he looks at the metallic pole and saw that the pole is bent because of his grip.

"Mom, is he an Awakened like the people on the TV?", a boy asks his mother while pointing at Rex.

They're both sitting at the bus stop before his mother covers his mouth, "Stop it Michael, it's not polite for you to point at a stranger", his mother scolded.

Rex looks back and saw the mother smiles with a sorry expression.

He then looks back to his front and opens his stats tab,

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Pack: Silverstar (2/2)

Level: 26 (2,481,000/10,000,000)

Race: High Werewolf

Full-Moon: 8 Days - Yule Moon

Berserk: 62%

Sanity: 33%

Mental: 51 (+32)

Strength: 115 (+60)

Agility: 59 (+2)

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Endurance: 46 (+26)

Intelligence: 82 (+20)

Looking at his stats, 

Rex realized that the next full moon is in a week's time, he hasn't really prepared for it because of the problems that come stacking right on him.

'My Sanity is too low, I need to find a way to raise it', Rex thought.

The Sanity stats will be calculated during the full moon and he doesn't want his sanity to be this low, it should be at least 70% or above.

While thinking, Rex suddenly felt uneasy because of the sunlight.

He saw the bus already close to him, but instead of waiting he runs towards the bus and knocked on the door roughly.

"Be patient young man, I'm not going anywhere", the bus driver said while shaking his head.

Rex already sits down on the back of the bus, he felt better after entering the bus when his skin is not directly exposed to the sunlight.

'Is the weird dark blue moon in my vision, the next full moon?', Rex thought.

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