The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 59: The Invincible Full-Moon System C

Baby cries were heard from inside the hut,

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Ugrok widened his eyes in fright, he tries to stand up with all of his remaining power to get inside the hut.

Rex frowns, he lets Ugrok sluggishly walks back to his hut.

Rex decided to follow him, 'Is that the child, I mean his child? a baby Cyclop?'

The closer they got into the hut, the louder the cries of the baby is.

Ugrok opened the hut,

The hut is filled with animals hide that covers the whole floor, many animal's tusk and horns also decorated the insides. In the middle of the hut lies a bed, there is a little creature on it flailing its hands while crying.

Ugrok eye lit up, he got closer to the little creature with caring eyes.

He strokes the little creature gently, the fierce bloodthirsty fighter that Ugrok shows before is nowhere to be seen.

Ugrok's right arm is scorched and bloodied,

The injury is nasty but although it hurts, Ugrok didn't show any kind of pained expression while he caresses the little creature with his left hand.

On closer inspection,

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Rex noticed that the baby Cyclop is not a pure one, Cyclop has one eye and reddish-brown skin. They also have one horn coming out of their head, and two blunt fangs on their mouth but the little creature in front of Rex is different.

The baby Cyclop has the same color as Ugrok but it has two eyes, Cyclop also has a big burly body but the baby in front of him has a lean proportional body.

Then suddenly, Rex realized something as his expression turns into shock, "HALF-HUMAN?!", he cried out in shock.

Ugrok glances at him and said, "Yes, his mother is a human"

Rex killing intent suddenly rises, his face darkened with disgust.

Rex grabs Ugrok's neck and lifts him up, "You forced a human to bear your baby?!", he roared in anger.

Ugrok struggles trying to break free from Rex's grip but his body is still in a weakened state, "Ugrok never force her! *Akh* It was never Ugrok's intention!"

Rex squinted his eyes scanning Ugrok's expression,

There is no sign of lying from his expression but it still hard for Rex to believe it, humans despise Supernatural so it's almost impossible for a situation like that to happen.

After pondering briefly, Rex lets Ugrok go,

Ugrok catches his breath while holding his neck, "Why are you judging Ugrok?! You are a Supernatural just like Ugrok", he said grimly.

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Hearing this, Rex frowns as he remembers, 'He only knows my Werewolf form, he doesn't know I was a human before'

"Believe it or not, I was a human before I turned into this thing", Rex said.

Ugrok's expression turns skeptical, "Impossible!", he said but suddenly he remembers Adhara's form that looks weird.

"I don't care what you think. tell me, why are you here in the middle of Human Territory?", Rex asks curiously, Ugrok can aim for Rosie at any moment during the fight but he didn't, this left a good impression on Rex.

Rex felt that Ugrok hate him more although Rex is in his Werewolf form,

Ugrok lifts the baby Cyclop up trying to calm him down, "Ugrok's race loves fighting, we are called the berserker but after our demise, the remaining Cyclop doesn't want to fight anymore. So I ran away to this place, a place where my ancestors built to shelter Cyclops from the coming war"

'War? Did he meant the war that is ongoing now?', Rex thought.

"Ugrok plan is to live here until the day Ugrok die using the animals in Emham Forest as food, Ugrok doesn't want to fight anyone, Ugrok is only afraid that the humans or Supernaturals will kill Ugrok's son", He said with a sad expression.

Hearing this, Rex was put into thoughts, 'My conscious doesn't like killing someone that has no will to fight, as long as he doesn't threaten human then it's alright if I let him be'

"Fine, I will spare you. But if you kill any humans, I will hunt you down!", Rex threatened.

Ugrok nodded his head,

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'System, is the Cluster Domain you mean is this place?', Rex asks the system.

'Ugrok says he is the owner, what did he mean by that'

Hearing this, Rex stands up and asks, "I want to be the owner of this place, where is the Energy Crystal"

Ugrok raises his head hesitatingly, he then replied, "Promise me to let me and my son be if we didn't disturb the humans"

Rex nodded his head, he promised and he meant it.

Ugrok still not buying it, "If you really mean it then swear upon your Origin!"

Rex was confused but he nodded his head to show his sincerity, "I swear upon my Origin that I will not kill Ugrok and his son if they didn't threaten the humans"

Origin Swearing is a sacred promise for Supernatural, If any Supernatural broke the promise then they will be hunted and killed by their ancestors themselves and this is the holiest promise a Supernatural can make.

After swearing, Rex suddenly felt his body restrained by an invisible chain.

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Rex smiles bitterly, 'Well this is not sincere if the System erases it right? oh well'

Ugrok then tells Rex about the Energy Crystal that sustains this dimension, he said that the Energy Crystal will show up during the morning inside this hut.

After that, hurried footsteps were heard from outside the hut until suddenly the hut curtain opened forcefully.

Rosie gets inside the hut and shouted, "Rex! Adhara went berserk again!"

Rex then got out of the hut and saw Adhara is destroying the surroundings as if she's possessed.

'System, how do I calm Adhara down?', Rex asks hurriedly.

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