Ruined Vampire Stronghold, The Great Barricade.

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Uing the earth manipulation pell from many Awakened tationed inide the Ruined Vampire Stronghold, a couple of temporary houe made of dirt and clay can be een built inide the tronghold for the Awakened to ret.

Not only that but the military alo ha contributed with modern weaponry on the wall.

Modern weapon from heavy artillery, ballitic miile, and even tank can be een on the wall and inide ready for a udden attack from the Supernatural. With the additional ten of thouand of military men, the Ruined Vampire Stronghold ha been fortified greatly.

In the middle of the tronghold lie quite a big houe where Brigitta i itting inide a room alone.

Although the room wa tranquil with nothing but ilence that can eae the mind, Brigitta' epreion i far away from tranquil a he wa eperienced a treful moment that might triumph over any bad moment he eperienced o far.

Brigitta know that Ratmawati City i being attacked, but he can't do anything about it.

The powerful gut of hockwave that came from Ratmawati City can be felt directly by her a her ene pan mile and mile away, and that ene of her make her even more treed a thee hockwave are no joke.

With both of her hand upporting her forehead, Brigitta tayed ilent for about ten minute.

Many bad cenario run through her mind which i very troubling for her, it' alo the reaon why he wa itting alone inide thi room becaue he can't let the other Awakened and military men here aw her being like thi.

Cultivating the trict and cold perona, Brigitta can't how any emotion in front of the other.

But oon enough the ound of foottep can be heard from outide the room forcing her to lean back on the chair he wa itting on, taking a deep breath he eraed the worry on her face in the blink of an eye before an Awakened knock on the door and tepped inide.

Going in a military alute tance, Brigitta wave her hand before the Awakened relaed.

"I've received new from Sir Denzel about Ratmawati City and am here to report it to you", the Awakened aid clearly, and thi made Brigitta' eye widen in anticipation a thi i what he wanted to hear the mot.

Out of everything, it' about time he received the good or bad new about Ratmawti City.

Although he wa anticipating thi moment to come, the Awakened' epreion turn gloomy making her unconciouly forget to take a breath, "Ratmawati City ha been attacked uddenly by a ninth-rank Supernatural, it tarted at the Silvertar Family' manion and devatate a huge part of ector 2 and ector 3. Mot of the Silvertar Family died from that attack including Re Silvertar, but Preident Sebrof and Lady Giana managed to fend off the Supernatural off until it got away. Both of them were heavily injured but will urvive. A of now, the tatitic how that proimately a million live have been lot from that attack..."

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Upon hearing thi, Brigitta' eye train down to her dek, tunned by the new he jut received.

Even though he already epected that the damage would be catatrophic ince the Supernatural ha never reached Ratmawati City ever ince the Supernatural Emergence, which lead to their defene protocol inide being weak, the new wa jut too hocking.

It wa like a bomb eploding inide her mind, thi kind of damage wa way out of her epectation.

Not only wa ector 2 and 3 got decimated by that udden attack, but the victim reache a million in number. On top of that, the riing tar of humanity, Re Silvertar died from that which i a very huge lo for them.

Depite never meeting the man, he ha high epectation of Re Silvertar.

Giana ha talked about Re a couple of time to her and he alo ha high epectation for him, which i why he' anticipating for Re to become the fifth ninth-rank realm Awakened of humanity, putting them cloer to the Supernatural' overall power.

But now the new he received told her that he wa dead, and that made her lump in her chair.

The Awakened kept ilent for a moment to let Brigitta proce the new he jut heard ince he alo need ome time to collect himelf after hearing the new, but then tep cloer to the dek and tretche out hi hand, "Lady Brigitta, thi i a peronal meage from Sir Denzel. He wanted you to read it alone"

Brigitta take the envelope before he nodded her head and end the Awakened away.

Jut like before the Awakened alute once again before turning around and leaving the room, it wa only Brigitta and the envelope now, 'What doe Denzel want to ay to be ecretive like thi? Doe the attack ha more to it than what meet the eye?'


Opening the envelope, Brigitta take out the piece of paper before he unfolded it.

Upon reading the firt entence that i handwritten at the very top of the paper, Brigitta' eye widened a he cover her mouth in abolute hock. She wa right, the attack wa deeper than it eem.

Now that he read thi, he realized that the attack wa off ince Ratmawati City i ecured.

Jewel of Lat Hope, the barrier urrounding Ratmawati City ha been tanding for dozen of year and contain a devatating amount of multiple arcane mana from different ninth-rank realm Awakened. It' unbreakable even by the King of the Supernatural and i the thing that make Ratmawati City a anctuary for humanity.

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Even from afar, Brigitta can till feel the robut energy of the Jewel of Lat Hope.

If the Jewel of Lat Hope i till tanding trongly then the fact that a Supernatural managed to neak inide i cloe to impoible, epecially a ninth-rank realm Supernatural that would definitely be ened by the eighth-rank realm Awakened and above.

Focuing back on the letter, Brigitta can't help but frown, "How did thi happen...?"

'Re Silvertar i the one that attacked Ratmawati City, he' a Werewolf Prince.'

Although he already read it a couple of time already in a pan of half a minute, Brigitta till find thi urreal a Re i clearly an Awakened with an affinity to the black lightning element. It' preciely why he find it hard to believe ince no Werewolve have lighting affinity.

One and the only element that the Werewolve can control i moonlight, that' it.

Jut from the firt entence alone eplain a lot of quetion that are inide Brigitta' head right now, but then more quetion popped out replacing the anwered quetion, "Why did he uddenly attack u if all thi while he han't done anything crazy? Killing Weley i crazy, but he' long deerving it"

Continuing to read the letter from Denzel, her eye quickly can through the content of the letter.

Baically, the letter' content i Denzel haring the information traight from Ratmawati City that he had jut received, the reaon for Re' udden outburt i alo tated there a Giana' fault a one of her men killed Re' parent.

Keeping thi information a ecret from the public i a mut a they already got a tory.

While reading through the entire letter word by word trying to decipher what i the caue of thi catatrophic event, Brigitta tarted to become angry a he blamed Giana for thi. But knowing her hitory, Brigitta know why he did thi.

Even then it doen't change the fact that the world wa affected by her deciion.

Soon enough Brigitta arrive at the lat entence at the very bottom which i in capital letter and underlined, and thi entence make her clench the letter before he look to the ide with a troubled epreion.

'Re Silvertar i going out of the human territory, make ure to not block him'

Although he can either leave human territory through the Great Barricade near her right now or the Demon Stronghold, chance are he would be going through the Ruined Vampire Stronghold. It' nearer and afer o Brigitta need to prepare.

Other people don't know thi and he need to control the military men and Awakened here.

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But jut a he wa about to go out and regulate the people tationed here, the door uddenly got knocked on jut when he reache for the handle. Opening the door, he aw the ame Awakened from before tanding in front of the door.

"Lady Brigitta, I think you need to ee thi..."

Upon hearing thi, Brigitta intantly ruhe outide following the Awakened.

Reaching outide of the houe the both of them intantly jumped to the wall facing the Supernatural territory, the Awakened then point forward before he aid, "It' tarted about five minute ago, they are tarting to retreat for ome reaon"

Looking at the view, Brigitta frown a he doen't undertand why they are doing thi.

'Did they ene the fight in Ratmawati City? They probably did but till, if they wanted to attack u then why are they doing thi?', Brigitta thought, pondering a to the reaon why the Supernatural are doing what they were doing right now.

The army of Supernatural that are guarding the Ruined Vampire Stronghold tarted retreating.

Each one of them tarted to turn around and retreated in an organized manner, they are doing a tactful retreat but the reaon i unknown. Not only that but Brigitta alo aw that Demelza i alo retreating after giving one lat look at the Ruined Vampire Stronghold.

From left to right, Brigitta didn't ee even one Supernatural that remained there.

Surpriingly enough even a couple of watchtower that ha never been empty wa pulled and deolated, the Supernatural are commencing a full retreat of the entire place a if they were giving up ground for humanity to reclaim.

"Get back, I'll try to find what' going on", Brigitta commanded before her eye burned with mana.

In a matter of econd, Brigitta managed to gather o much green arcane mana and concentrate it to the middle of her forehead, the glow in her eye become even fiercer a a green glow appear, "Ultimate Arcane Spell, Whiper of the Wind!"


Jut after he chanted that, a couple of ripple made of wind arcane mane wept the entire place.

About three ripple that keep on epanding to her front cover every nook and corner of the deolate plain and foret in front of the Ruined Vampire Stronghold, her eye were cloed a he trie to find anything out of the ordinary.

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Since the pell i a locating pell, he find that the Supernatural are really retreating.

Many of them including the lower-rank one and the higher-rank one left the entire place, even Demelza wa amongt them, walking back deeper into the Supernatural territory. But upon reaching a certain ditance, Brigitta uddenly frowned.

'Hmmm...?', Brigitta can feel the ripple meet a retriction that made it unable to advance further.

Jut after clahing againt thi unknown retriction, the ripple got hredded into piece before diappearing almot intantly. Brigitta got knocked back to her ene a he look to the front with a frown, "I don't know what, but the Supernatural are planning omething"

True enough, Brigitta quinted her eye and find the retreating Supernatural uddenly diappeared.

Even though the army of Supernatural that are o maive that they filled the entire foret from left to right, they lowly diappeared one by one a they enter omekind of inviible barrier. It' urely the work of a ninth-rank Supernatural if her pell wa broken like that.

In fact, he upect that it' the work of multiple ninth-rank realm Supernatural.

Although he wa the third tronget ninth-rank realm Awakened after Sebrof and Denzel, a ninth-rank realm Supernatural houldn't be able to dipere her pell a eaily a that. It' impoible a there wa no reitance.

The ripple jut hatter upon clahing againt the barrier which lead her to that concluion.

But jut to make ure, Brigitta glance at the military men on the wall near the ballitic miile before he intructed, "Fire a couple of miile forward, give each miile ome pace from the other. I want to ee if there' really a barrier there and how big it i"

Upon hearing thi, the military men activate the weapon and put in the coordinate.

Soon enough the ballitic miile launcher poitioned itelf left and up facing the ky, with a pre of a button eight miile fired before they plit to eight different path. Thee miile are quite fat a they launche into the horizon.

Brigitta quinted her eye waiting for the impact to happen.

Jut a moment later the eight miile eploded one by one upon hitting the barrier, and thi confirm her upicion and alo the ize of the barrier, "It' maive... about ten mile wide. What are they going to do with thi?"

A he mutter that to herelf, Brigitta uddenly ened an aura from the other ide.

Looking over to the back he ened a powerful aura alongide four other aura heading toward the Ruined Vampire Stronghold, and he already gueed who thee people are, "The letter came at the right time, he' already here..."

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