With the steady pace they are going through the Supernatural territory, Rex and the others arrived at the place where Gistella recommended after a couple of days' journey. It was a tedious process as they mainly try to avoid confronting any Supernatural.

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Rex was able to match King Baralt and Queen Catsha, but he doesn't let that get in his head.

Although fighting the two ninth-rank realm Supernaturals at the same time proves that he's stronger even without the Dual King Mark. Generally, due to receiving the powerful ability from King Baralt, he knows that his enemies are not just the two of them.

It was also thanks to King John that Azzen doesn't join in the fight.

Ultimate defeat awaits him if he was forced to fight any more than King Baralt and Queen Catsha. Even without the disturbance from Azzen, killing one of them is a hard task as their life force is just too much to be killed easily.

Vital wounds that would've killed any Supernatural wouldn't kill the two, they are just different.

Knowing that fact Rex decided to maneuver over any Supernatural lest one of them managed to report their location. With the help of Kyran, he can be quite certain that there's nobody watching them right now.

It's safe to believe that the ninth-rank Supernaturals don't know where they are right now.

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But that could change if they confronted Supernaturals and doesn't manage to kill off all of them, Rex doesn't want to take that chance and decided to just focus on reaching the destination and making a new home for themselves.

Now the five of them enter another forest that is bridged by a small cliff.

At the bottom of the cliff is a running river and they also can hear the sound of a waterfall not far from them. For regular people, they need a bridge to went across the small cliff but that doesn't apply to Rex and the others as they jumped across it easily.

Landing on the other side of the cliff, Rex and the others gaze at the forest in front of them.

"Surely this is the place, I've never been here but I can already tell", Gistella mutters.

Just from the foreboding feeling that the forest is emanating on this dark night, Rex and the others are certain that this forest is the place Gistella is talking about. Even from the get-go, they can feel a cold wind breezing their faces as if it's a way for the forest to warn them to go away.

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But not hesitating at all, Rex takes the first step into the forest followed by the others.

Despite the force beckoning the five of them to stay away, they push through into the forest, disregarding the warning it has given to them. While walking through the forest which is very lush, Rex and the others find that it stinks with age.

Ancient trees that climb high like skyscrapers, and their spreading branches depicted that vividly.

Each step they take makes a crackly sound as they stepped on branches and stain the bushes. If not for the constant flying mutated fireflies and the bright moon in the sky, this dusky forest would've been way darker than it currently is.

Kyran and Adhara can't help but gasp at the majestic forest, they were clearly in awe.

Contrary to them, Rex doesn't seem to be that surprised by the beauty of the forest that is untapped by either humans and Supernaturals. As his mind is focused on one thing only, he kept walking without doing any sightseeing.

While walking through the forest, Rex suddenly frowned.

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Glancing to the side he saw a pretty big mutated snake wrapping its body on a tree like a spiral, it weirdly hisses at him before lunging forward for a bite with its fangs. Rather easily, Rex caught the mutated snake's head with his hand.

'Weird... it should've sensed that I'm way stronger than it', Rex thought in confusion.

Since he turned into a Werewolf there are not many mutated animals out there that try to attack him, only cursed creatures or higher-ranked mutated animals try to take a piece of him. On top of that, he's now a ninth-rank realm entity so this is pretty weird.

Normally, any mutated animal would just run away from sensing his presence alone.

Rex weirdly look at the still-hissing mutated snake that has already wrapped its entire body around his arm, he paused for a brief moment before he crushed the mutated snake's head with brute strength alone.

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Looking back at the others, he also finds that a couple of the same snakes are attacking them.

"What in the world? Do they not have survival instincts?"

"Weird... this forest is really weird"

Adhara and Kyran commented as they killed the mutated snake that attacked them with a swing of their hands, it was completely baffling to think that these mutated snakes tries to attack them as if they are actually seeking death.

Crouching on the ground, Rex decided to touch the mutated snake he killed and scan it.

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