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Rex's eyes flashed in excitement as he saw the two glowing spirit cores levitating above his palm, the pulsating energy that is akin to a beating heart breezed his skin with immense mana that was aimless and detached from anything.

By being severed from Giana's body, the spirit cores are now anyone to use.

Imagine holding two elemental stones that contain the thick mana a ninth-rank realm Awakened possess, that is exactly what these detached spirit cores are. Something priceless, and can only be gained in exchange for a life.

Without saying anything, Rex threw Giana an elixir to close up her wound.

Despite still feeling surreal about what had just happened to her, Giana feel the sting in her chest and decides to quickly drink the elixir, closing the wound at a rapid pace visible to the eyes.

Not even needing to glance to the side, it's safe to assume that the others were shocked.

Although he has done many unthinkable that should make the others used to his surprises, this one is more shocking than usual. It doesn't only involve Rex's resilience and battle talent, but a meticulous way to extract something fragile and precious.

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Out of everyone, the one that was shocked the most was Prof. K.

Prof. K is a scientist who is very well much revered in the human territory, more so, he has done this kind of experiment and reached the conclusion that the link, binding an Awakened to their spirit cores is way too complex for modern technology or magical control.

Every attempt of removing the spirit core guaranteed the death of the Awakened.

But what he thought was impossible was made possible by a single man, a man that doesn't fall into the category of a researcher or a scientist like himself, a man that's beginning to become an unexplainable enigma.

'What secret does he have? His control of energy is too precise to do that' Prof. K thought.

Looking at the spirit cores for a couple of seconds longer, Rex then puts the two away into his inventory, and both spirit cores vanish under the others' eyes. He then looks down to meet Giana's gaze, "Still, no hesitation. I'm impressed"

Rex knows that he was going to eventually get her to do that, but this is unexpected.

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For someone as strong as Giana, training to reach the absolute peak through tears and blood, she gave up her spirit cores rather too quickly. 'I hate to admit it, but it seems like she really regrets what she did...'

At this realization, there's trouble inside Rex's eyes before he turns around.

"I'm a man of my word, you comply with my demands so I'm going to give you the chance you seek," Rex said without even looking at her, he then waved his hand before an object materializes on the floor in front of Giana. "Inside that, you'll find what you need to do"

"But I understand that it's impossible for your current state, so I'll let you work with Prof. K"

Upon hearing this, Giana quickly snaps out of her daze as her mind grasped the unreversible fact that she was now nothing but a human that is slightly stronger. Rex already scanned her earlier and finds that she was only equivalent to a third-rank Awakened.

Probably due to the fact that her body still retains the resilience of a superhuman.

Giana frown when she heard this, if the request was only about updating intel about the Executor, or any other things that Rex wanted to do in the human territory, then she doesn't need any help.

Although she was now in this state, she still has Brigitta to ask for help from.

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"H-Help...? Is it impossible for me to finish the tasks inside this without the help of Prof. K?" Giana asked, she feared that Rex gave her an impossible task just to make her suffer for not being able to complete it and win his help.

But Rex quickly declines her messy thought, "No, the tasks are not impossible..."

"Even without your ninth-rank realm power, you can still finish the tasks I gave you. But you'll still need Prof. K's help for what I'm about to do to you," he added before his eyes shifted to Prof. K, "and you..."

Upon hearing this, Prof. K feels the bad feeling looming around him started to get thicker.

For some reason, the words that came out of Rex's mouth make his heart beat faster. It was then his suspicion becomes true when a cheeky smirk appeared on Rex's face before he reappeared right in front of Giana's eyes once again.

The tip of Rex's index finger already touches Giana's cheek, and his red eyes are unblinking.

Adhara who is watching this from a sideline feels like something is off, the way Rex is talking indicates something that she can't quite grasp. While she was looking at the scene in front of her, something caught her eye.

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Squinting her eyes, she looks down at the torn clothes on Giana's chest.

Even though she has no clue about anything in regard to runes whether it was ancient runes or normal runes, she can tell that the slightly glowing symbol at the center of Giana's chest is definitely a rune.

It was a rune that was carved by Rex, and that can only mean one thing.

'Rex branded her?! No... don't tell me he's going to' 

Giana held her breath when she saw Rex's index finger touching the surface of her skin, below her right eye. A burning sensation started to appear at the spot where Rex's finger is touching her, "Since you judged me unfairly, let's see how you experience it first-hand"

After saying that, an energy shot into Giana and send her stumbling back.

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