Vol 12 Chapter 13

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Yuuji, arriving at the royal capital on the seventh day of the trip


The trip from Premie city to the royal capital, the seventh day.

While the spring sun was shining, one carriage advanced on the road.

It was Yuuji and his group who were traveling in order to escort the elven girl Riese to the royal capital and meet with the elven adventurer who made the royal capital his base.


Yuuji, Alice, Riese, Kotarou, former third rank adventurer and scout Enzo, seamster Yurshelle from the pioneer land.

Kevin and his two exclusive escorts.

Premie city adventurer’s guild master Salomon, as the elven girl’s escort.

And then Alice’s brother Charles and wolfkin Denis who they rescued from bandits.

It was an association of eleven people and a dog.


Leading the carriage was Kevin’s exclusive escort Ianis and scout Enzo.

Aias, the other exclusive escort who had made a quick roundtrip from the last inn town to the royal capital, was slowly moving next to the carriage. They did replace his horse and it did not show on his face, but it must be in consideration of the fatigue of the person in question.


On the coach of the carriage were Kevin and Yuuji.

Beside the resting Charles and Denis, Alice, Riese and Yurshelle were glued in a narrow space on the wagon bed. Charles and Denis woke up, but they seemed to be resting, to play it safe.


The group’s rearguard was Salomon. As the elven escort, he was protecting the carriage’s rear where it is easiest to be targeted for kidnapping.

Kotarou was moving comfortably, running in front or in the back of the carriage and sometimes off the road in the open plains. She seems to be a woman who did not want to be bound. Despite being a dog.


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The stone walls of the royal capital were already in sight ahead of the group.

This was the final distance of their trip to the royal capital.


“Lots of things happened, but it looks like all of us will be arriving safely. Charles-kun and Mr Denis look to be fine as well…”

“That is right. The health of the two seems to be alright. Mr Yuuji, please be their emotional support. Not only for the two of them, but also for Alice-chan and Riese-chan. I’m regretfully poor in such things”


Kevin, who was sitting on the coachman’s seat, and Yuuji exchanged conversation with a low voice.

Certainly as Yuuji had said, the members who departed together from the beginning were unhurt. The conditions of the two they saved on the way were also stable.

They will be able to safely reach the royal capital that was in sight ahead of them.

However, like Kevin said, emotional support is necessary.


Charles, who Denis was worried about, had currently settled down. However it seems he only moved in his life with the bandits, as he vaguely put it. Given that the matter being only a problem with his mind, it would not be strange for it to return.


Although Alice was able to reunite with her brother Charles who she was separated from for three and half years, she learned at the same time that her parents and one of her brothers could not be saved.

Given her happiness of meeting her brother and being told to be happy even when alone, she was currently behaving stout-hearted.Even if these were the values of the other world, she was a nine year old girl. It would not be strange for her to become unstable.


Riese, who wished to travel together, saying because they would not be able to meet each other ever again if she were to return to the elven country. Their trip to the royal capital finished today, what would be left is just joining up with the elven adventurer who made the royal capital his base. And according to their talks of the future, it is possible that they would bid farewell here.

The twelve year old girl hugged Alice, Yuuji and Kotarou. It would not be strange for her to become insecure right before their final farewell. It is unclear if this world has the concept of the current life and life after death.


The seventh day of their trip, the final day.

While each having their own thoughts, the carriage advanced.

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“It’s pretty amazing when you look at it closely, isn’t it…”

“Wow! It’s big! It’s amazing, isn’t it Yuuji-nii, Charles-nii!”

“This is the royal capital…”

‘Humans are amazing, aren’t they…’


The royal capital, where they finally arrived after departing from the pioneer land going through Premie city.

When they neared its entrance, Yuuji and his group reflexively raised their voices to the impressiveness of the stone wall.

In addition to Yuuji and Alice, Charles, whose body and mind they were worried about, and Riese, who was told not to speak in elven language, leaked out their words.

Yuuji already had set up his camera in his right hand and installed the parts that would put the weight on his shoulder for stability. Without sparing the consumption of the battery he was preserving, he shot it in video mode.


The stone wall surrounding the royal capital was around six meters tall.

According to Kevin, there seems to be three gates for land use and a port for travels in water.

In front of the gates where Yuuji and company reached, figures of travelers on foot, neighbourhood farmer-looking people and merchants burdened with wagons, carts or a wooden rack on their back could be seen.

Each seemed to be forming a queue and receiving an inspection to enter the city.


“Mr Yuuji, please tell Miss Riese. Not to talk in the elven language beyond this point”


Sitting on the coachman’s seat, Kevin told Yuuji.

In order to protect Riese, it is better that it is not known that she is an elf. Agreeing to that, Yuuji told Riese. While showing a slightly disappointing look, Riese nodded.

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The group stood in the queue for merchants.

A few words flew in Yuuji’s ears as he was sitting on the coachman’s seat.


“That flag over there, that’s from Gaegus company, right? Who came back?”

“Hey wait a minute, the coachman and his escorts are not wearing the cloak”

“I heard it from those who departed. Said they crushed the mud rats. Looks like we have grass in the royal capital too” (TL: couldn’t find anything about any sayings resembling this: 王都にも草がいたそうだ)

“As expected of apprentices of the ‘Bloodstained’! So, who is it? Is it the ‘Bloodstained’ again? Or is it ‘two arrows one point’ for example?”

“Ain’t he the ‘Fighting peddler’!? This ain’t good, don’t meet eyes with him!”


The queue of peddlers standing in line before Yuuji’s group made way. As if making way for them, telling them to please go ahead.


“*sigh*... That’s why I didn’t want to use this method…”


While sighing, Kevin moved the carriage forward.

Kevin dropped his shoulders, but the two exclusive escorts boastfully threw out their chests.

Of course Alice and also Yuuji looked at those three with sparkling eyes.


“ ‘Fighting peddler’? It's a gentle name compared to the other ones”

“You idiot, don’t you know? He didn’t like his nickname so he changed it through body language, you know! He turns daily necessities and nearby stones, everything into weapons and equally grants his enemies death, Kevin of ‘Certain Dea-’... Hiih! No, it’s nothing”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, by all means please go ahead”

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Perhaps the words of merchants, peddlers and well-informed farmers entered his ears, Kevin took a glance towards them.

Then, the road quickly opened even further.

Yuuji and Alice opened their mouths absentmindedly.

Kotarou barked once in satisfaction. As if praising him, saying not bad, Kevin.


“Sigh*... I was young”


Grumbling softly, Kevin moved the carriage further.

Speeding through the queue, Yuuji and company safely reached the gatekeeper.


Kevin’s exclusive escort might have been spreading words the previous day.

Just by lightly checking the seal and documents, each certification of residence and their cargo, the group were easily allowed to enter the royal capital.

Perhaps he obtained proof, but Kevin received a rather significant reward.


The group passed through a stone tunnel that continued from the gates. It appears that the stone wall was not only high, but wide as well.

At the end of the dim tunnel, one could see a public square illuminated by dazzling light.

Finally, Yuuji’s party of eleven people and a dog set foot into the royal capital.

Moving forward to the public square, Kevin slowly stopped the carriage. Kevin turned around to the wagon bed from the coachman’s seat.

Puffed up with pride and loudly, Kevin informed.


Now then, Mr Yuuji, Alice-chan, Riese-chan, Miss Kotarou. And also Charles-kun and Mr Denis. Welcome! This is Riviere, the capital of this country!”

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