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Chapter 1122: 1122

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That seemingly ordinary sigh and words at that time.

Now that she thought about it, it inexplicably made her heart ache.

At that time, Yang Meimei looked at Jin Jingsheng with envy. What was she thinking at that time?

Was she thinking… … How good it would be if her father was such a person ? ?

That was originally an unreachable dream… …

It was originally just an unreal illusion… …

In the end, someone suddenly told her that her father should have been Jin Jingsheng.

It was because of Zuo Aiai, Zuo Tianhao, and Mo Chen that her life had been completely changed.

Everything that she had encountered was because of these people.

How could Yang Meimei not hate them?

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So she became Yang Lan, so she decided to start taking revenge, so… … Her life had completely taken a different path …

As long as she thought of Yang Meimei’s feelings in the past.

As she thought of how strong her love and hate feelings were, she walked down this path… …

Her tears couldn’t stop falling… …

She wanted to say sorry to Yang Lan… …

But she also knew that her words could not make up for all the trauma that the girl had suffered since she was young… …

She cried more and more, and in the end, even Jin Jingsheng was a little scared.

He did not know what to say, but he also vaguely felt that there seemed to be some unknown reason behind Zuo Aiai’s crying.

He waited quietly, waiting for Zuo Aiai’s crying to gradually decrease.

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Waiting for her emotions to calm down bit by bit.

Waiting for everything… …

To calm down.

Zuo Aiai wiped the tears from her face, raised her head, and looked at Jin Jingsheng with her red eyes.

This time, she didn’t hesitate anymore.

She knew that the outcome of all this, no matter how tragic, how painful, how difficult to accept… …

Had to be accepted by Jin Jingsheng himself.

Otherwise… …

Fate and life, to Yang Meimei, were too unfair… …

Too… …

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Unfair… …

“Uncle Jin… actually, your mother’s daughter… She’s still alive. ”

Yang Meimei

Yang Meimei was a heartbreaking character from the very beginning. I liked this girl very much, but I was also very cruel to her.

When I wrote about her, I couldn’t help but shed tears for her because of the plot in my mind.

I felt very sorry for her.

She had experienced a lot. So next, I will use Yang Lan as the first person to write a plot about her.

I don’t know what you think of her, but in this book, I feel that Yang Lan is the only girl who should be forgiven for doing anything.

Because she’s just… … It’s heartbreaking . .

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———————— —


The darkness, as thick as ink, will cover the mountains forever.

She was dressed indecently in dirty clothes and had to cross a mountain to fetch water before the Sun rose.

Because there was no money to dig a well in the village, their family had to carry water for a living.

The mountain road is very difficult to walk, her shoes have been broken, the wounds on the soles of her feet have healed, healed and then broken… …

One after another, the wound healed and finally turned into a thick cocoon.

The process was extremely painful, but after the cocoon formed, it did not hurt to walk on it.

She felt very lucky.

Her skinny body carried a bucket that was even heavier than her. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and continued to walk… … Before Dawn, she had to rush home …

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