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Chapter 1131: 1131

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What White Ghost said was not a lie.

He did not expect that Jin di would spend his whole life in prison because of this.

What he said before was just to provoke him.

With Jin Di’s ability, that small prison would not be able to trap him.

He would definitely come out.

Therefore, he had to crush Jin Jingrong before Jin di walked out of that prison. If he could not seize this opportunity, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

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This was also why he needed to know Jin Jingrong’s whereabouts so urgently.

“What you said… is it true? ”

Fu Yaxian was still a little dazed. Obviously, she had not thought about it so much.

This woman was very shrewd in business, but she was too stupid in love. No Wonder Jin di did not even look at her.

Lu mobai smiled. “whether it’s true or not, you can think about it yourself. Jin Di’s men have already started to move. I think these things can not be hidden from you. If I’m right, Jin Di will walk out of that place within ten days. ”

Fu Yaxian’s expression was slightly moved.

He continued to add fuel to the fire. “before that, what you do will depend on you. At this time, Zuo Aiai would definitely not appear. If she did not appear, it would be a good thing for Jin di. But if you appear… … It would be a rare good thing for Jin di. If you went to the police station during this period, it would give the media the impression that you were already Jin Di’s wife. If Jin di abandoned you after he was released from prison, then Jin di would definitely bear the name of being abandoned and ungrateful. At that time, even if it was because of the moral cross, he would definitely marry you “… isn’t that your original purpose?” “? Why, I’ve already said this, don’t you understand that I’m helping you?”

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Fu Yaxian looked at him.

This time, she finally didn’t hesitate anymore.

“I don’t know where Jin Jingrong is, but a few days ago, I heard Jin di tell Danil to arrange two nanny vans to go to a place. I don’t know where this place is, but I can tell you all the information I’ve heard. ”

Lu mobai smiled.

“That’s enough. ”

Yang Lan didn’t have any jobs, but Lu Mobai had a lot of things to do recently, so she was happy to be free and hide in her own agency.

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But she didn’t expect Zuo Aiai to be so patient, waiting at the door of her agency from morning to night!

“Have you left? ”

The secretary pushed the door open with coffee and shook her head.

“That lady is still waiting. ”

Yang Lan frowned. She didn’t know what Zuo Aiai was doing for all this useless work.

Didn’t this woman know that since things had already come to this, it was useless to tell her anymore?

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I’m definitely not the mastermind behind all this. At most, I’m just a willing chess piece under Lu Mobai.

“Miss Yang… then should we still play tonight… ”

Before the secretary could finish her words, Yang Lan suddenly threw the coffee in her hand onto the wall and stood up unhappily. “How boring. Get Out of here. Don’t disturb me again. ”

The secretary was already used to Yang Lan’s unpredictable emotions, so she turned around and walked out with a normal expression.

Yang Lan was left standing alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. She looked at Zuo Aiai, who was as small as an ant, downstairs. Her body was filled with anger, and she had nowhere to vent it!

In the end, she simply smashed everything in the office that could be smashed… …

To the current her, this bit of money was no longer important. Now, as long as Yang Lan opened her mouth, the white ghost would bring the world before her eyes.

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