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Chapter 121: 121


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The scene in front of t made Chen Ziyi’s face instantly turn purple.

He clenched his fists and stood there without saying a word. Zuo Yunyun’s face turned Pale with anger, but she did not dare to say a word because Chen Ziyi was present.

She did not know how long Supreme Jin Di had kissed her. All she knew was that when he let go of her, her face turned red and she took in a huge breath of air desperately.

He stood up coldly and threw out a sentence.

“Do you have anything else to say? ”

Lei Xiaoxiao and Zuo Yunyun were stunned at the same time. Soon, they realized from the direction of Jin Di’s gaze that he was actually talking to Chen Ziyi.

“I want to catch up with Xiao’ai again, can’t I? ”

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“Zuo Zuo’s throat was damaged by the thick smoke, ” Jin di answered leisurely. His meaning was clear.

How could he catch up with Chen Ziyi when he couldn’t even speak?

Chen Ziyi curled the corners of his lips when he saw Jin Di’s overbearing methods. “Is that Mr. Jin, who is famous in the business world, so overbearing and domineering towards women? Don’t you know that Xiao’ai hates it when men treat her this way? ”

In the face of his provocation, Jin Di just faintly curved the corner of his mouth, the resolute nose peak and sword-shaped eyebrows, linked into a cold outline, with a sense of arrogance and indifference.

“does she not like it, or does Mr. Chen not understand? ”

Hearing this sentence, the smile on Chen Ziyi’s face and the color of blood instantly faded away… …

He looked at Zuo Aiai sitting on the hospital bed, but her line of sight was always looking at Jin di standing not far away from her.

Even a glimpse… … Don’t even bother to give it to themselves …

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At that moment, an injury that he did not even realize flashed across his eyes.

His father, Chen Zhenhua’s voice echoed in his mind.

“The Chen family can not go against the Jin family for the time being. Do not have a direct conflict with Jin di. Do you hear me? ”

Do not… … Have a conflict ? ?

Was He going to let him watch Zuo Aiai and Jin di play the zither and play the zither, loving each other to death?

Sorry, he could not do it!

If that was the case, then everyone would fight to the death and never have peace!

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Zuo Aiai had always been his. Even if he did not want her for the time being, he would not allow anyone to get their hands on her!

Suddenly, a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Ziyi’s mouth.

“I have known Xiao Ai for many years. I advise Mr. Jin not to be too arrogant. ”

Jin Di did not speak.

Chen Ziyi smiled and walked to Zuo Aiai’s bedside. Suddenly, he reached out his hand… … And caressed her cheek …

She frowned and dodged, causing his hand to freeze in midair.

However, the smile on his face did not fade. His cold voice was extremely clear.

“Mr. Jin, do you think that a man and a woman can be together for more than five years… how close will they be? ”

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Chen Ziyi’s words instantly froze the expressions on the three women’s faces.

Lin Huiyue could not keep her composure the most. She grabbed Zuo Yunyun’s hand and protested in dissatisfaction.

“Ziyi… What are you saying? Your fianc��e is… ”

“Auntie Lin, this is between Xiao’ai and me. Please don’t interrupt. ”

His voice was cold to the bone. Zuo Yunyun’s eyes reddened as she bit her lower lip until her lower lip was bleeding. In the end, she held Lin Huiyue’s hand and said softly without saying a word.

“Mom, let’s go back. Ziyi… he, he is right. This is between Ziyi and sister. Let’s not care about it… ”

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