100 billion doted on

Chapter 128: 128


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This time, he did not wait for her reply at all and immediately cut off the call.

She held her phone and lamented… … Why did everything have to come to this day ? ?

‘If he really has a true heart for you, I actually think that he’s a good date. ‘

Lei Xiaoxiao’s words were still ringing in her ears. She could not say that she was not moved at all. It was just that after experiencing so many things… …

Every time she made a decision and chose a person, she had to be extremely cautious.

When she was with Chen Ziyi, she had used up more than twenty years of her heart and love. She really did not have the courage to love recklessly like she used to… …

In the end, she was tortured by him and thrown away like a rag.

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Jin Di… … Did he really have a true heart for himself ..?


When Jin di hung up the phone, Danil just pushed the door open and walked in. Seeing that Jin di did not even take off his coat, he directly put his briefcase on the desk and looked at the phone in his hand with a gloomy expression.

He then carefully asked, “CEO Jin… the dress shop has already sent the clothes over. Miss Zuo… When will she come? ”

Jin Di took out a lighter with a gloomy face and lit a cigarette without saying a word.

Danil had already guessed that there was something wrong with Miss Zuo. However, with CEO Jin’s temper, he didn’t want to explain everything clearly… …

It was expected that he would make Miss Zuo angry… …

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“How about I call Miss Zuo again and explain the situation in detail? ”

“No need. ” Jin Di stubbed out the half-lit cigarette in the ashtray. When he raised his head, his expression was still calm.

“Ask Secretary Chang to be free tonight. ”

“But… CEO Jin? ” Danil did not expect Jin di to suddenly make such a decision. He was shocked …

“Do as I say. ”

The words that Danil did not say were stuck in his throat. In the end, he only said one word. “Okay. ”

When Danil walked out of Jin Di’s office, Secretary Chang was already waiting eagerly at the door.

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In Jin Di’s company, the people in the secretary’s office were all men. Because Chang Ningning was the niece of Jin Di’s aunt, she became the only female secretary who was left behind.

Like all other women, she had high expectations for this man who held the highest authority in the entire company and also had an impeccable handsome appearance.

Although Chang Ningning liked Jin di, she had never done anything like other stupid women to lower her own value.

Her current position could be said to be close to the water. She believed that she would seize the opportunity sooner or later.

For example, at the Glory World Banquet held by Goldking tonight, Jin Di would appear in front of the media for the first time. Jin Di, who had never had a female partner, definitely could not appear alone tonight.

Jin Di never interacted with female celebrities in the entertainment industry. In this way, the circle he chose would be greatly reduced… …

She especially dressed up today. She picked out her clothes and waited in the company for Jin di to come back from his business trip to see her… …

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All for a gamble tonight.

“Danil, how was it? What did CEO Jin say? ”

Danil had not liked this woman since the first day Chang Ningning came to the company. Although she looked demure and perfect, there was no flaw in her at all.

But she gave people a very false feeling.

In comparison, he preferred Miss Zuo to be with Jin di.

At the thought of this, Danil’s face darkened and he answered unhappily.

“President Jin asked Secretary Chang to make time for you tonight. ”

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