100 billion doted on

Chapter 1290: 1290

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“Ah AH, what a typical lady and lady has the right to say… Give it to me? Hehe, Zuo Aiai, who do you think you are? Do you really think you can give up the Mo family just because you want to? ”


“I’ve lived in this family for more than 30 years. Every brick and tile here has been renovated and repaired several times over the years. No one knows better than me how much money was spent each time and how much the company’s quarterly report is worth, but you… “. “…” ? What do you know ? Why would a person like you use such an attitude to say that you want to give up the Mo family to me ? And.. .. I advise you not to spout nonsense like killing grandma. My lawyer is also present today. We’re still cousins. I don’t want to see you in court.”

After Mo Huichen said this coldly, he took his plate and left the buffet table.

Zuo Aiai stood where she was and looked at him. When Mo Huichen’s lawyer saw that he had left Zuo Aiai’s side, he went over and whispered something into Mo Huichen’s ear.

Mo Huichen suddenly smiled and looked at her happily, as if he was looking at a joke.

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Zuo Aiai’s gaze was cold, without a trace of emotion or fluctuation.

No one could tell what this daughter, who had nothing to do with the MO family for nearly thirty years, was thinking about.

However, everyone knew that if mo Yu’s lawyer announced Mo Yu’s will today, then she would very likely fly to the top overnight and become a phoenix.

No, she would become a queen.

The Queen of the entire Mo family kingdom.

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Everyone was quietly waiting for the moment when the throne would change.

Because that would determine who they would prostrate themselves before in the future.

“Today, I welcome everyone to attend my mother’s funeral. As my son, I once again express my deep gratitude. ”

When Mo Zhi spoke, no one said a word.

Because according to the schedule, after Mo Zhi finished speaking, it should be the lawyer’s turn to read the will.

Most of the people present today were the MO family’s business partners. Most likely, they wanted to continue working with the MO family, which was why they came here.

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“Then, it’s time to read out my mother’s will. Thank you so much for being here with us today to witness this moment. ”

Mo Zhi’s expression didn’t look good. He probably felt uncomfortable because his power was about to be transferred to someone else’s injury.

Everyone thought so.

Mo Huichen held his wine glass and smiled under the stage. His lawyer walked up from the side of the stage. The will was supposed to be read out only for family members, but he had put in all his effort to get it. Naturally, everyone had to know The more grand his takeover ceremony was, the better.

“The will in my hand is the will left behind by Mrs. Mo when she passed away. This is a notarized legal will. Now, according to my client’s wishes, the contents of this will will be publicly announced. ”

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The lawyer opened the envelope and took out the piece of paper inside.

Then, he read each word clearly.

“I, Mo Yu, will leave all my property to my legal grandson, Mo Huichen. This will will be effective upon my death and can not be changed. ”

The moment these words were said, the entire place fell silent.

However, the three parties involved in the MO family, Mo Zhi, Mo Huichen, and Zuo Aiai, appeared unusually calm.

Zuo Aiai, in particular, did not even look the slightest bit surprised after hearing the entire will. She just stood there quietly, as if she had long known that such an outcome would happen.

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