100 billion doted on

Chapter 14: 14


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The most important person to her now was her mother. If anything happened to her mother, she really… …

A pair of black calfskin flats appeared in front of her eyes.

She thought it was the nurse at the nurses’station, so she thanked him. She took it and was about to put it on when she saw a pair of calfskin shoes in her hands and a pair of black trouser legs.

She was stunned for a moment and raised her head… …

The man’s hands were in his pockets, his chin was slightly lowered, and his determined lips were pursed into a line.

Only those eyes made her feel as if she had seen them somewhere before!

They were dark gray like the stars, like a natural crystal cave, shining brightly.

“raise your feet. ”

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The man gave a simple order.

She was stunned for a moment. Just as she was about to ask him who he was, the man had already ignored her wishes and squatted down to raise her feet.

The soles of her feet were stained with mud and stone stubble. Some parts of her feet had already been pricked, and the man’s beautiful eyebrows were tightly knitted together.

She suddenly blushed shyly and wanted to pull her legs back!

“Who are you! What are you doing! ”

“Hilton Hotel, ” the man said slowly.

She suddenly froze.

She had run away without checking out this morning. She guessed that the man would have noticed this when he came to clean the room in the afternoon… …

Although she didn’t know if she had used her ID card when she checked in, the man clearly knew something when he said that!

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Moreover… … The sour feeling on her body this morning, as well as that brazen hickey ! ! ! ! !

She could not help but nervously swallow her saliva.

“You… who exactly are you! ”

“You want to know? ”

The man said with a fake smile. He gently put down her injured right foot and looked into her eyes.

She felt as if she was instantly drowned in that starry gaze… …

She could not find her thoughts for a long time… …

When she came back to her senses, she realized that her entire body was floating in the air!

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“What are you doing! ”

“Go to the nurse’s station. Your foot needs to be sterilized and bandaged. ”

The man was a man of few words. Other than answering her basic questions, he didn’t want to say another word.

The nurse looked at the man beside her with red eyes while she slowly bandaged her foot. She was still hesitant not to go out.

In the end, it was the man who said, “my secretary may come to look for me later. Please wait for me outside. ”

Then, the young nurse went out happily and closed the door!

Zuo Aiai thought that she was doing well in Binhai city. At least, she had met some of the more famous people in the upper-class society. Those she was familiar with were her friends, and those she wasn’t familiar with at least knew their names.

She had almost been on the newspapers or the news, or had some fame, so there was no reason she couldn’t recognize them.

But she really didn’t recognize this man in front of her!

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Wasn’t he from the Upper-class Society?

And he mentioned the Hilton Hotel Thinking of what happened last night… …

She had to think of the worst case scenario, and her face suddenly became very ugly.

“Um… I’m sorry, did I order some special service at the Hilton Hotel last night? ”

To be honest, she had never seen what she looked like when she was drunk. The only time Chen Ziyi had seen her was the next day when he said to her miserably… …

Xiao’ai, promise me that you’ll never touch alcohol again, okay?

Recalling Chen Ziyi’s miserable expression at that time, she suddenly felt that she had taken advantage of the fact that she was drunk to order a Gigolo or something… … It seemed .. It was really not that strange?

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