100 billion doted on

Chapter 226: 226


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“If brother Lu doesn’t accept sky blue today, then I’ll make the decision. Come, Sky Blue, show Mr. Jing Yuan’s original work for brother Lu to see. ”

The painting that had just been opened was not confiscated in the first place. It was just placed on a chair at the side. Hearing Feng Shuyuan’s words, Lu Hui naturally saw it too… …

He had just picked up the teacup and took a sip when he saw that the painting did not swallow a mouthful of tea. He almost choked.

He wiped the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief and smiled bitterly. “Shuyuan, you haven’t changed at all after so many years. YOU’RE SO DOMINEERING! ”

Feng Shuyuan’s smile was a little mischievous. She could guess that the relationship between Lu Hui and Auntie Feng must have been very good since they were very young.

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“Brother Lu, it’s not the first time that I’ve schemed against you. Your immature work from earlier is now in my hands. If you don’t want it to be publicized, you’d better promise me obediently. Otherwise… ”

Lu Hui was still smiling, but there was a hint of indulgence and indulgence in his eyes.

“Or else what do you want Besides, haven’t you already given this painting to Miss Sky Blue for two days Now, this Jingyuan’s original painting is already considered half-public… … You’ve already sold half of my face, and you’re using it to threaten me again. Shuyuan, your wishful thinking is really loud … But.. .. This time, you’re going to miscalculate, because I didn’t draw that painting.”

When these words came out, not only Zuo Aiai, but even Feng Shuyuan couldn’t help but be stunned!

She looked at the painting in disbelief and didn’t recover for a long time!

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“How is that possible? Lu Hui! I’ve been with you since you started your art class. How can I not know what style you’re drawing? That painting is exactly the same as your habits! ”

“It’s exactly the same, but it’s true that I didn’t draw it. Shuyuan, when have I ever lied to you? ”

Lu Hui smiled very indifferently. She could even clearly feel that Lu Hui’s words had deep feelings for Feng Shuyuan.

But when he looked at her, he did not put that kind of love on her.

On the contrary… … It was a little cold and a little unhappy ? ?

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Could it be that Mr. Lu knew about the negative news about me?

After all, I have a bad record. Although it’s just some rumors, not much of it is true.

She had never been worried about those messy news, but this was the first time she felt that she might have been too careless with her image in the past.

If her image had been better, she might have been able to openly say to Auntie Feng and Lu Hui that she was Zuo Aiai.

Since she was going to die anyway, she might as well just do what she wanted to do.

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In the end, whether it was Lu Mobai who exposed the truth or Lu Hui who hated her for not accepting her as a disciple, Zuo Aiai had always walked over with all kinds of colored eyes.

Now that things had come to this, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Her state of mind had changed, and her gaze had also changed. The corners of her mouth lifted slightly, and her gaze was firm as she spoke calmly.

“In fact, I have been observing this painting for a period of time during the past two days at the art exhibition. Perhaps… Mr. Lu is right. Auntie Feng, this painting might really not be Mr. Jing Yuan’s original work. ”

Her rash words clearly made Lu Hui slightly unhappy. His brows raised slightly, and his tone could not help but carry a hint of mockery.

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