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Chapter 270: 270


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“Xiaoxiao? ”

Jin Di’s voice was filled with doubt, and she suddenly remembered that Jin di did not know who lei Xiaoxiao was, so he hurriedly added on.

“Lei Xiaoxiao is my best friend, and we have a very good relationship… uh, that… she recently had some things to do, so she came to me for a chat to relax, so she left her things in the apartment… I’m sorry, is it very messy? I’ll go back and clean it up later. ”

Zuo Aiai could not find any loopholes in her words. Jin Di frowned. At this time, Danil had already walked out of the Hilton Hotel with a bunch of messy things in his hands.

Jin Di’s eyes flashed and he said faintly.

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“got it. ”

He hung up the phone with a bang.

“CEO Jin… ”

“Have you found all the things? ”

Danil nodded. In order to prevent any omissions, Jin di asked Danil to search all the suspicious things in the house. Danil did find a lot of them… …

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“Have you cleaned up the house? ”

“Jin, don’t worry. Even if they come back and turn the house upside down, they won’t find any clues. ”

Jin Di nodded with satisfaction, turned around and got into the car. When the car started, he ordered Danil lightly.

“while I’m away, arrange for people to keep an eye on Zuo Aiai. Don’t let her leave Binhai City, don’t let her find out. ”

“Yes, boss Jin. ”

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After hanging up the phone, Lei Xiaoxiao almost screamed!

“Zuo AIAI! STOP RIGHT THERE! STOP RIGHT THERE! Get your ass over here and let me hit you! Damn it, my reputation will last forever! Damn it! ”

“Xiaoxiao! .. Calm down You have to calm down Jin Di doesn’t know who you are at all… … And I didn’t say that you’re pregnant. I just said that you need it. Even if he really misunderstands in the future, you can still explain that you took it for your friend .. Besides, I’m in such a crisis, do you have the heart to watch me die… … Xiaoxiao, I know you’re the best, okay okay okay?”

Lei Xiaoxiao wasn’t really angry, but when she saw the pleading expression on Zuo Aiai’s face, her anger dissipated. After all, Zuo Aiai’s situation was much more serious than hers.

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“Forget it, let’s cut the crap. What do you plan to do now Even if you manage to muddle through this time, what about the next time Once you’re really pregnant, even if Jin di goes to the meeting for the next few days, it’s impossible for your miscarriage to be airtight… “Xiao’ai, what exactly are your plans? ”

“Sigh… actually, I don’t know either. ” Zuo Aiai had a complicated expression on her face as she looked around at the pregnant women who were sitting beside her husband with blissful expressions. Her heart felt sour and bitter …

She couldn’t imagine the scene of her and Jin di appearing here at the same time. It was as illusory as an impossible dream.

“If I’m really pregnant, I definitely can’t keep this child. A marriage without love is too pathetic, and… … My mother loved my father so much back then. She sacrificed everything for him until today, but wasn’t she betrayed by my father ? Xiaoxiao, I really can’t believe in love. I’d rather not have children for the rest of my life. Even if I get married, I won’t give up love. That way, at least I won’t be hurt … ..

“Xiao’ai… ” Lei Xiaoxiao knew that she and Xiao’ai were both girls who had been hurt before, so she was especially able to understand her feelings, and her heart ached for her. “Sigh… Xiao’ai, really, I don’t know how to comfort you, but there’s no such thing as absolute things in this world. Men are definitely not all bad people. ”

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