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Chapter 375: 375


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He was in no mood at all. To him, being with a woman who could not be honest with him even when they slept together at night was a very torturous thing.

So he chose to escape.

Jin Jingrong had always turned a blind eye to his behavior. However, after he returned to the country this time, his big brother’s attitude seemed to have changed.

Jin Jingsheng had long become tired of Chang Xuan, who had nothing to say to him and would use his big brother’s sense of responsibility every time it came to this. He smiled and interrupted her before she could answer.

“Big Brother, it’s fine. She’s just a little emotional. Ah Xuan, she’s still at the dining table. Who Are you trying to embarrass? ”

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Jin Jingsheng was usually a very amiable person and never spoke loudly to her. However, recently, Jin Jingsheng was in a bad mood because of the matter between Zuo Aiai and Jin di. He was even more tired of treating Chang Xuan with such a hypocritical face.

His tone was also harsher than usual.

Chang Xuan was caught off guard. She was suddenly stunned and did not say anything.

Jin Jingrong had originally chosen a good day for his retirement and hoped that everyone would be happy. It was fine if Chang Xuan was usually willful towards his younger brother, but she was so insensible on today’s big day.

He was a little unhappy. After Jin Jingsheng finished speaking, he did not continue asking. He just smiled and went to the table next to him to toast.

Chang Xuan was really embarrassed this time. She sat at the side with a red face. After a while, no one paid attention to her, so she found an excuse to leave.

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Halfway through the banquet, Jin Di kept looking at his watch. Jin Jingsheng looked at this scene and felt inexplicable. In the end, she could not bear to say this to Jin di.

“Ah di, this time, big brother really doesn’t agree to you and Miss Zuo being together. You know big brother’s character. It’s fine if it’s just a small fight, but if it’s for real, I’m afraid both you and Miss Zuo won’t be able to handle it… you… better think about it again. ”

Jin Di narrowed his eyes, and the round Wine Cup on his slender fingertip swirled in his palm. Finally, he curled his lips and smiled faintly.

“little uncle, thank you. I’ll still say what I said last night. I’ll do what I said back then, and I definitely won’t change my mind. ”

“But… ”

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“second uncle, since I was young, when have you ever seen me do something I’m not confident about? ”

“It’s the same this time. If I wasn’t so clear about my feelings toward Zuo Zuo before, after the terrorist attack this time, it actually made me understand. “. “second uncle, I don’t want a marriage like yours and second aunt’s. “I don’t want a marriage like mom and dad’s. If I have a child, I hope he grows up in an environment full of love. ”

“Then do you love that Miss Zuo? ” Jin Jingsheng suddenly asked this question. Jin Di was stunned for a long time before he raised his eyebrows.

“second uncle, when did you become so gossipy? ”

As soon as Jin di finished speaking, Jin Jingrong finished his toast and walked to the podium.

An emcee next to him set up a microphone, and someone next to him moved the ribbon-cutting flowers onto the stage.

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Seeing this scene, Jin Jingsheng and Jin di were both shocked.


Could there be an opening ceremony?

No, they had never heard of this segment before!

Jin Jingsheng suddenly remembered that Jin Jingrong had said that he would never let Jin di and Zuo Aiai get together, could it be… … This opening ceremony was a trap set up by his big brother to restrain Jin di ? ?

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