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Chapter 407: 407


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“Eat with you? “?

“I’m not afraid of being cheated to death by you, but I’m also afraid of being poisoned to death by you, okay? “?

However, after being together with Jin di for a long time… … She also gradually learned a trick, playing along with his tricks and playing the long game to catch the big fish …

Seeing that Jin di was not tired of playing, she also felt itchy today and wanted to give it a try.

“okay, since it’s a meal, let us be the hosts today. ”

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Her words made Jin di, who had originally stayed out of the matter, frown.

At night, it was a private room in the imperial cuisine garden. She thought that Zuo Yunyun might very well call Chen Ziyi over in order to provoke her bad luck.

In fact, she had indeed called Chen Ziyi over.

This man, who had once occupied a large part of her life, now appeared in front of her again. He could no longer stir up the slightest ripple in her heart… She quietly looked at that familiar face, then curved her lips and smiled faintly. In the eyes of strangers, he was indifferent and polite, but in the eyes of the people who had once loved him the most.. …

Her heart felt like it was being cut by a knife.

Chen Ziyi gently moved his gaze away and the four of them sat down. Zuo Aiai and Supreme Jin sat on one side, while Chen Ziyi and Zuo Yunyun sat opposite. Because the table was round, Zuo Aiai’s left was Supreme Jin, her right was Chen Ziyi, and Zuo Yunyun’s left and right were the same.

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She had indeed not figured out what kind of Medicine Zuo Yunyun was selling, but since she was here, she naturally had to eat well.

She ordered a table full of dishes that she wanted to eat. Anyway, someone was going to pay in the end, so she did not hold back at all. The most expensive dish came… …

The dishes were served on the table. Just as Zuo Yunyun picked up her chopsticks and reached for one of the dishes, Zuo Aiai coincidentally got up and carried the dish away lightly. Then, she placed it beside Supreme Jin di and said with a smile.

“Ah di… come, your hand is injured, you can’t use chopsticks… let me feed you… Ah! I remember that you like this dish the most… ”

Zuo Yunyun’s face was stiff, and Chen Ziyi turned a blind eye to her.

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While she was acting here, only Jin di… … although he only glanced at her coldly, the chopsticks in her hand almost fell to the ground …

However… … Jin Dada still gave her face …

Therefore, Zuo Aiai became even bolder. After that, she had to take away the dishes before Zuo Yunyun, and then give Jin di an excuse to feed her and Jin di until they were almost done with the dishes, and then bring them back… …

Of course, Zuo Yunyun looked at the plate of food that the wolf had borrowed, so naturally, she did not have any appetite… …

Just like that, Zuo Yunyun did not eat a single bite of food. On the other side, Zuo Aiai ate until she was full. She was in a good mood, so she waved her hand.

“Aiya, sister, are you full? It’s rare for me to treat you to a meal, but you must eat well. Don’t be polite with me. ”

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Zuo Yunyun was so angry that her face turned white. She was about to speak.

Zuo Aiai suddenly seemed to remember something She said lightly, “Aiya, I remember now. Sister, haven’t you been complaining about losing weight… … Aiya, look at me as your sister. I’m so careless. You must not dare to eat anymore. Then let’s go .. It’s getting late. Let’s go back.”

After saying that, she turned around and held Jin Di’s arm. She blinked her big eyes at him. Her meaning was simple and crude.

Jin Di, please pay the bill!

Jin Di looked at her as if he was looking at a pet. His eyes shone brightly. His meaning was very simple. He wanted to use my account to go back and settle it.

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