100 billion doted on

Chapter 504: 504


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And the woman by Jin Di’s side must be the most outstanding one.

Jin Di looked out of the French window at the scenery of Hong Kong. This was the building with the best view in Mong Kok. It was also the headquarters of Huiyuan Real Estate, the largest real estate sales company under the MO family.

Mr. Chen was the general manager of Huiyuan Real Estate Branch. After getting the approval of the higher-ups of the Mo family, he brought him here.

Jin Di’s identity had a certain amount of influence even in Hong Kong, so he was treated with respect here.

After hanging up the phone for a while, someone knocked on the door of the reception room three times politely. He turned around and saw a man walking in.

The man was wearing an english-style dark blue shirt with Brown casual pants underneath. A pair of handmade leather shoes made of calfskin was the most popular style at the moment.

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Although it was very fashionable, in such a formal company, it was inevitable that he had an unruly aura.

Jin Di frowned but did not say anything. The man smiled and reached out his hand, taking the initiative to greet him.

“Hello, Mr. Jin. My surname is Mo and my name is Mo Huichen. I’m the person in charge of the Mo family. Nice to meet you. ”

“Nice to meet you. ”

After learning that Jin di didn’t pursue the consequences of her mistakes and even asked him to personally solve this mess, Yang Meimei finally understood.

Yang Meimei finally knew that everything that man said wasn’t groundless.

That man really knew Jin di very well and even had extraordinary confidence in this plan.

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However, Yang Meimei wasn’t a fool. When she first heard about this plan, she felt that the man had an ulterior motive.

However, since he had something on her, she had no choice but to do as he said.

After a few days of restlessness, her palm-sized face had shrunk. She held the contract in her hand and left the company. Then, she found an empty corner and made a call to the man.

When the call was picked up, she said something.

“It’s all done. Get someone to come and get the agreement. ”

The person on the other end of the phone let out a faint “HMM” with a lazy and slightly tipsy tone.

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This man was always like this when he spoke. It was like he was half asleep, half smiling, but it was always frightening.

She didn’t hang up the phone, nor did she cut off the other end. After a long silence, the man’s deep voice sounded again.

“What, is there anything else? ”

Yang Meimei clenched her teeth with a pale face. After a long time, she asked carefully.

“You didn’t lie to me about what you said last time, did you? You wouldn’t do anything bad to Goldking and my friend, would you? ”

She knew that if she didn’t pay attention to her boundaries when speaking in front of this man, she might suffer a terrible consequence… … The last time .. The wound left behind by him biting her back was still faintly aching… … If it was not for her body being just right for his taste, she might not have survived until today …

“woman, do you dare to doubt my words? ”

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“The prestige of my white ghost was not built up in a day. If you don’t believe me, you don’t have to make a deal with me. Moreover, Miss Yang, do you have any other choice now? ”

Her eyes were almost splitting open, and blood was almost dripping out of her eyes. Her lips were already Pale, and her hands were trembling uncontrollably.

“My Mei Mei, be good. Eat well and be fat. Understand? ”

The man said the last sentence with a smile. Then, he cut off the phone without waiting for her reply.

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