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Chapter 521: 521


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She really felt hot, so she reached out to push his chest. The man’s beautiful dream was disturbed by someone. He frowned and seemed to say something, but she did not hear it clearly.

Just as she was thinking about escaping from his arms, the man suddenly turned over and pressed her under his body even more tightly.

Jin Di was more than 1.8 meters tall, and his body was at least 130 to 40 pounds. She was only about 100 pounds, so she was soon pressed down until she could not breathe.

She tried her best to move, trying to make him give her some space to breathe, but… … The man finally woke up because of her movements …

His drowsy black eyes locked onto her, and on the bright morning, they were covered with a thick layer of color.

“Left, left… ”

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The half-awake voice was drowsy, but it seemed to carry an inexplicable bewitchment, making her blush… … She uttered an “ah” and was about to speak, but in the next moment, her mouth was covered by the man’s hot and dry lips …

These days, Jin Di was as obedient as a lamb that had never eaten meat. Because he was too honest, she let her guard down.

She had forgotten that this man was a wolf that loved meat as much as his life.

This was a long and hot French kiss. The man’s warm palm was moving back and forth on her body. The meaning was very obvious.

How could she not understand after experiencing this many times?

However, she was pregnant now. His big palm was touching the hem of her clothes. She shuddered and wanted to tell him that it was impossible. However, her lips were covered tightly by him and she could not make a sound.

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She was angry and anxious. Finally, when the man’s hot tongue came in, she took the opportunity to bite down on the tip of his tongue!

The pain that felt like needles was transmitted from the tip of his tongue, stimulating Jin di’s weak self-control in the early morning.

He narrowed his eyes. The little woman in his sight had rosy cheeks, her eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and under her beautiful collarbone was skin as white as snow… …

The physiological instinct that was out of control in the early morning became even hotter at this moment.

He buried his head between her neck and let out a low growl. His burning body tensed up at this moment.

Realizing that Jin di’s body had not taken the next step, she faintly heaved a sigh of relief. However, it was not long before she became nervous again.

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Because the heat on Jin Di’s body had never subsided, he had no intention of getting off her body.

She tentatively pushed his shoulder. The man’s mountain-like Body did not move at all.

She gulped and called him softly, “Jin di? ”

There was no sound… …

She touched his taut muscles and continued to call out, “Jin di? ”

The man’s body trembled, and he suddenly opened his mouth and bit her collarbone.

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The force was not heavy, but it came suddenly. Caught off guard, she snorted, but to the man, it sounded like a Tiao Bean, making one’s blood race.

His body moved, and Zuo Aiai’s heart jumped. She thought he was going to get up, but who knew… … The man just changed his position, and an empty hand grabbed her wrist …

Before she could react… … Her fair little hand was placed by the man …

Her face instantly turned red, and after a long while, she still could not utter a complete sentence.

Jin Di frowned and looked at her with a pained expression. He panted and said, “Zuo Zuo, you know what to do. ”

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