100 billion doted on

Chapter 570: 570

Sitting on the plane to Tokyo, Zuo Aiai had not yet recovered from what had happened.

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Early this morning, she was woken up by Jin Di’s phone call. She did not even hear what was said on the other end of the phone. After hanging up the phone, she only vaguely remembered a few words… …

Get up, immediately change your clothes and wash up. Someone will pick you up in half an hour.

After taking a shower and changing her clothes, she sat in the living room with Shangguan Qianjin in a dignified manner and waited.

It was then that she remembered that she had been too rushed in the morning to ask Jin di what had happened?

And what was the meaning of sitting here for her to do all this?

However, before she could call Jin di and ask him about it, the doorbell of the apartment rang not long after. The person who knocked on the door was the team leader of Jin Di’s secretary team, with six bodyguards behind him, telling her with a smile on his face.

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“Miss Zuo, we are here to pick you up. ”

Then, she was taken to a black extended Cayenne… … Twenty minutes later, she, Shangguan Qianjin, and six bodyguards had already boarded the first-class cabin of the plane to Tokyo …

Binhai city was not far from Tokyo.

It would not take them more than a few hours to fly here directly, but… … This was, after all, going abroad ! !

Zuo Aiai’s mind was filled with stars. She could not understand what was wrong with this man, Jin Di!

He had just left last night, but he had already gotten someone to pick her up early this morning… … What, what did he mean by AH AH AH ? ?

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When they had gotten off the plane, they had come to pick them up with a few unfamiliar faces. However, when they saw Zuo Aiai, they recognized her face and came over enthusiastically.

It seemed like she wanted to take her luggage, but she had left in a hurry. She did not have any luggage on her. She only carried a bag with her phone and a simple ID.

The woman in the lead looked at her and seemed to be thinking about something. Then, she said to the people behind her.

“Alright, there’s not much time left. Everyone, hurry up and finish what CEO Jin ordered… ”

She really wanted to ask!

What did CEO Jin Order you to do?

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However, this group of people did not give her a chance to ask. They brought her to another car… … And then they ran to another unfamiliar place that she did not know at all …

Two hours later.

Hikaru Yamada, who was sitting in his office, was already getting impatient from waiting. His brows were tightly knitted. He kept raising his wrist to look at his watch. After looking at it a few times, the increasingly obvious displeasure in his tone gradually surfaced.

“Ceo Jin… what do you mean by this? ”

Hikaru Yamada said it in a tactful manner, but his tone and emotions clearly meant that he was not playing with him, right?

Jin Di closed his eyes slightly and leaned against the Leather Sofa to rest. When he heard Hikaru Yamada’s words, his eyes opened slightly. His Dark Brown pupils were calm and distant.

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“Mr. Yamada, sometimes the truth comes a little late, but the result is always worth waiting for. ”

“The truth? The result? ”

“I know that Mr. Yamada has always valued the character of the partners, so in order to prove that I did come to discuss business with you with sincerity today, I naturally want Mr. Yamada to see this sincerity with his own eyes. I don’t like to cheat. Since it’s the truth, it’s better to see the truth. ”

Jin Di’s words were faintly discernible, as if they were both true and false.

Su Yanchen, who was sitting at the side, couldn’t sit still. These words… … Why, why did it sound so unsettling ? ?

This Jin di… … could it be.. .. He really brought Zuo Aiai from Binhai City to Tokyo, right? – ..

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