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Chapter 666: 666

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She shivered, and the phone in her hand slipped out of her hand.

Jin Di frowned and picked up the phone. He glanced at it and quietly locked the screen.

Zuo Aiai was a little puzzled. “whose text is that? I saw that person’s text message in your inbox. ”

Jin Di did not even look at her. “Do you know the personal privacy law? You dare to read anything? ”

Zuo Aiai:”…”. …

If I don’t read it, I’ll get it!

Who would like to read it?

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“Um, Jin di, my body has almost recovered in the past few days. It’s okay for me to stay in the hospital. It’s not convenient for you to work here. Actually, you can stay in the apartment. ”

Jin Di did not even raise his head.

“Don’t talk. ”

As soon as he said that, she felt a heavy head resting on her legs.

Her legs immediately became scalding hot, and she did not even dare to move.

Jin Di lay on her body, breathing slowly and quietly. She lowered her head and stared at his long and narrow eyelashes, gray eyelids, red lips, and high nose bridge… …

Well, this man is truly blessed with perfection.

God, this is so unfair!

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“child… ”

Jin Di’s thin lips touched slightly, and his gentle voice trembled slightly when he said these two words.

Her face slightly stiff, did not speak, the next moment Jin di’s originally closed eyes suddenly opened, against her caught off guard eyes.

“It hurts me too. ”

He looked at her deeply, firm and not evasive, she wanted to retreat, but still saw his eyes that touch deep and obvious pain.

Did he mean that he was heartbroken that the child was gone?

She did not say a word, nor did she move.

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Suddenly, she felt his hand holding the hand by her side. After his palm touched her palm, he sighed deeply. When he closed his eyes again, his brows were slightly furrowed.

“So, you don’t have to pretend in front of me… If you want to cry, just cry. ”

This morning, although she had also cried, other than that, she was all smiling and cheerful. No matter how one looked at it, she did not look like a mother who had just lost her child.

It was her first time being a mother. After she was pregnant with this child, he had seen all the ups and downs of her emotions.

She looked forward to this child.

So much anticipation… …

She had thought that after she had cried that morning, she had already adjusted her mood and would not be affected by the child’s matter anymore. However, after hearing Jin Di’s words.. She did not even realize that she was crying. Tears had already fallen from her eyes… …

They slid down Jin Di’s fair cheeks.

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One drop, two drops… … Ten drops.. …

Tears were always like this.

It was very difficult to stop crying immediately when there was a beginning. She started sobbing softly at the beginning and gradually lost control of herself and started crying loudly. She had clearly made up her mind not to cry anymore, but… …

This man had only opened his mouth to say one sentence, but he could easily break all of her established rules.

Jin Di, do you know that you are breaking the rules?

When she was crying so hard that she could not breathe, Jin di reached out and held her in his arms. He patted her back with a warm voice.

“You still have me. ”

“I left his ashes behind. ”

“Let’s go pick a cemetery for him some other day, okay? ”

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