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Chapter 723: 723

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Hearing this, Lu mobai’s expression changed slightly, as if she was not happy.

Zuo Aiai did not care. She excitedly told him about the restaurant she had chosen, but Lu Mobai acted as if he did not hear her. He only told her when they reached the place.

“I’ll go pick up the master. ”

After saying that, she stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

Zuo Aiai was almost knocked down by the inertia. When she turned around, Lu Mobai’s car had already disappeared.

She had to be angry in the heart of a curse, crazy!

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The dinner with Lu Mobai and Lu Hui was quite enjoyable. Lu Hui was obviously very satisfied with the result of her winning the third prize. During the dinner, he talked a lot about her future prospects and future development plans.

She is smiling and agreed, but the heart is a desolate and sad.


After dinner, Zuo Aiai received a text message from Jin Jingrong. When she arrived at the parking lot, the driver arranged by Jin Jingrong had arrived.

“Miss Zuo, Mr. Jin asked me to bring you to go through the formalities. ”

Who did this Mr. Jin Represent.

She Hummed and got into the car.

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The car was heading to the Immigration Bureau. Before she left, she had to get her passport and some documents. Before going to Japan, it was Jin di who had gotten her documents. Now, it was not in her hands. She had to report it to the authorities She had to be present. That was why Jin Jingrong had asked someone to bring her here.

Zuo Aiai was very obedient. When she arrived at the place, she obediently went through the formalities. She had no intention of struggling at all. The person who looked after her also seemed to be relieved.

When she finished the formalities and came out of the Immigration Department, the person opened the car door for her, but she smiled and declined.

“No need. This place is not far from where I live. I can walk back by myself. ”

“But… ” he looked troubled.

“I will call Mr. Jin to explain the situation. You can go back. ”

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Seeing that she said so, he didn’t say anything more. After all, he could get off work earlier. Who wouldn’t be happy.

“Then I’ll be leaving first, Ms. Zuo. ”

“Okay. ”

Seeing that the car was getting further and further away from her sight, Zuo Aiai sighed deeply. As soon as she finished speaking, a familiar male voice suddenly came from behind her.

“little junior sister, you’ve really been busy all day. I saw you in such a hurry when we were eating just now, and it made me worried. So you still came to work at such a late hour? ”

Lu mobai’s half-smile voice made Zuo Aiai’s heart jump. She turned around and indeed saw his car parked not far away. The car window was half-open, but he was leaning against the front of the car.

“Lu Mobai! You followed me! ”

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Lu Mobai had an innocent look on her face “I just happened to take this road when I went home. I didn’t expect to see junior sister getting into a stranger’s car. For the sake of senior brother’s safety, I followed you to see if you had encountered any trouble… why would I follow you? ”

“You! ”

Lu Mobai was like Jin di, cunning and cunning. He always spoke and did things that others could not catch him with!

Zuo Aiai was furious, but on second thought, it was not a big deal even if Lu Mobai knew about it. He and Jin di were not that close, so he would not take the initiative to settle the score with Jin di for her Their relationship was not that close.

“senior brother… about this, actually… you misunderstood… ”

Lu mobai seemed to have expected her to say that, so she smiled when she heard it.

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