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Chapter 740: 740

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That night, Zuo Aiai took the initiative for once. Yan Rong had said before that as long as they were discharged from the hospital, they would be able to live a normal married life.

However, Jin Di had always been concerned about Zuo Aiai’s physical condition and had never made any improper moves.

However, any normal man would find it difficult to control himself against a woman he liked after holding it in for more than a month.

Jin Di was even more so.

In addition, he had told Zuo Aiai his deepest secret that night. It was as if he had given his soul and heart to her.

At that moment, Zuo Aiai’s position in his heart had become more important than before.

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He wanted to love her, hug her, have her… …

He wanted to use her warmth to heal himself and warm himself. He had thought that he would never have such a feeling in his life.

Finally, today.

He had waited for it.

She thought that she would miss that night for the rest of her life, even if… … Soon, Jin Di would hate her to the bone …

It was as if fate had decided that when she woke up the next day, Jin Di was already gone. After he left, he sent her a message.

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The content of the text message was as simple as ever.

He needed to go to Europe on a business trip for two weeks, and he wouldn’t come back until then.

She clutched her phone and wanted to cry, but she tried her best to hold it back.

It was fine. Last night was so beautiful. It was good to just treat it as the ending between them.

Before leaving Binhai city, Zuo Aiai made a lot of preparations. First, she arranged the money that Lin Huiyue transferred to her, and then transferred all the shares and assets of the miai group to her name She called her mother and told her what she thought.

Mo Chen didn’t say anything, nor did she blame her. She just said, “If this is your decision, then I have no objections. I will always stand on your side. “.

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She couldn’t hold back her tears at that time.

Her mother sighed leisurely, and there were thousands of indescribable emotions… … In the end, all that was left was a deep heartache for her daughter …

Before she hung up the phone, Mo Chen said that she had to take care of her body outside and not worry about her too much.

After finishing the last exam at Binhai University, Zuo Aiai completely put down all her burdens. She took her visa and all her documents and followed Lei Xiaoxiao to the airport with her sunglasses.

Lei Xiaoxiao saw that her clothes were light, so she smiled and said, “you only took so few things? ”

Zuo Aiai smiled bitterly and said, “yes, nothing else is important to me. ”

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Lei Xiaoxiao didn’t say anything, and neither did ZUO AIAI. Both of them knew that their current mood was really not suitable for joking.

They had left this city where they had lived for more than twenty years. They didn’t know when they would come back… … This was what made them the most sad …

“Xiaoai, let’s start a new life. Let’s put everything here aside for the time being… who can say for sure about the future? ”

Everything unfolded as Zuo Aiai had planned. Lu Mobai was a man of his word. When they reached Toronto, before Jin Jingrong’s people could react, Zuo Aiai and Lei Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to get into a taxi… … And ran away right under their noses …

Jin Jingrong was so angry that his face turned pale when he received the call in Binhai City!

“What? She’s gone? She’s just my woman. How do you have eyes? ” Just then, Feng Shuyuan walked in from the door… …

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