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Chapter 830: 830

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The people who had gathered around the conference table just now walked out. Finally, Danil walked to her side and whispered, “Miss Zuo, President Jin is waiting for you in the office. ”

She Hummed in acknowledgment. She felt that she was still not done with Vicky and was about to part ways. She was somewhat reluctant to part ways with her.

Vicky was the same. She forcefully asked for her phone number and said that she would only let her go after they had an appointment to have coffee outside.

Although she had to prepare herself mentally every time she came to meet Jin di, it was not a bad thing to get to know Vicky this time.

With this thought in mind, she entered Jin DI’s office.

The room was still dark, and the thick, shading curtains still covered the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Jin Di was always so busy. He had just finished a meeting and was picking up the phone again. She stood alone in a place that she used to be very familiar with but was now very unfamiliar with. She was at a loss as she watched the man standing in front of the curtains holding his phone and communicating with the person on the other side of the phone in Italian… …

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She was somewhat fantastical as she thought, how many languages does Jin di speak?

“You came all the way here to stare blankly? Are you very free? ”

The man’s annoying voice suddenly rang out. She came back to her senses and saw that Jin di had already appeared in front of her.

“please spare some precious time to see me, President Jin. I’ll make it short. ”

The two of them tacitly did not mention the unpleasant incident last night. When Jin di did not mention the divorce certificate, the two of them just looked at each other casually.

Zuo Aiai opened her mouth.

“Can you take Ming Yu to the hospital to have a comprehensive check-up? ”

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“Is there something wrong with Ming Yu’s body? ” Jin Di’s expression changed slightly.

She quickly shook her head. “No… Yes, there are other places that need to be checked. ”

“What places? ”

Jin Di would never agree to do things without asking clearly.

She understood this very well, and her face also became hot. After a long time, she finally managed to squeeze out a sentence… …

“Ming… Ming Yu’s… that, seems to have begun to develop… ”

Jin Di was stunned for a moment before he understood what she meant by that… … His originally cold expression suddenly became awkward and strange, and finally revealed a faint smile …

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“Aren’t you his mother? Why don’t you bring him along? ”

No one knew who Jin di was better than Zuo Aiai’s personality.

If she could solve the problem herself, she would definitely not come to her own office. If she came, it meant that this matter could only be done with her own help no matter what. Such a good opportunity to reap benefits.. How could we, the intelligent and Wise Jin Dada, let it go?

“It’s not impossible for me to bring Ming Yu to the hospital, but… ”

Even if Jin di did not say anything, she could guess what he was going to say next!

Ever since this man left three years ago, even if she begged him for a small matter… … He would definitely add additional conditions ! !

She had already understood his nature, so she had already mentally prepared herself before coming here!

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Even if Jin di proposed some humiliating terms, she would still nod her head without changing her expression!

However, Jin Di only said one sentence casually.

“Let him call Me Dad, I’ll bring him there. ”

Zuo Aiai:”…”

She wanted to curse!

Jin Di’s condition was way beyond her imagination, right?

Moreover, Ming Yu had lived with her overseas for so many years… … To be honest, she had never seen him get close to anyone before …

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