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Chapter 849: 849

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Her bad attitude toward Ming Yu and Zuo Aiai was largely because she was really worried about her children.

But now that Jin Dada was standing there to hold the fort, no matter how much dissatisfaction and resentment the principal had in his heart, he did not dare to show it. He could only sigh and nod.

When the adults talked to her, she did not open her mouth.

If this went on, they really did not know what to do.

Zuo Aiai also completely did not understand what Jin di was up to. These two children… … Let the kids solve the problem …

How could this man think of this!

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Just as she was about to say no, Jin Di interrupted her and patted Ming Yu on the shoulder.

“Okay, the principal has agreed. You can go in. ”

He completely ignored her opinion, okay Okay Okay?

Moreover, Ming Yu actually listened to Jin di and directly pushed the door into the ward!

She was suddenly a little angry. Just as she was about to step forward to Stop Ming Yu, Jin Di grabbed her arm and dragged her back.

The principal blushed immediately. Tsk Tsk Tsk, it was said that the two of them did not fall in love again… … Hehe, looking at it now, only a ghost would believe it ? ?

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Why would a couple care so much about their children?

If Ming Yu was not so old, she really would not have suspected that Ming Yu was the child of these two people, okay?

“Jin di! This is not how the matter is resolved! I want to know what happened! ”

“Why should I let you know what happened? This is a matter between the children, it has nothing to do with US adults. ”

“You! ! ! You’re twisting the facts! Now that something has happened, we need the adults to uphold justice for them and let them distinguish right from wrong. Only then can they grow up better! ”

Jin Di was also very insistent. “Don’t tell me that you’ve been by Ming Yu’s side for more than three years, and you still don’t know if he’s a child who can distinguish right from wrong? ”

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Jin Di’s words immediately filled her with dissatisfaction and anger.

She… … Really didn’t think of this …

“What kind of child is Ming Yu? Don’t you have any idea as a mother “If you can’t trust him to solve the problem now, how can Ming Yu dare to say everything in front of you “Zuo Zuo, you’re a tyrant now. It’s because you always protect him too thoroughly that Ming Yu is afraid that you’ll worry and won’t say anything! ”

“You! ”

She was so angry by Jin Di’s words that she became speechless. ..

After a long time, she finally shook off Jin di’s hand and wanted to walk out without saying a word. However, before she could take two steps, she was grabbed by his wrist and pulled back.

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“You want to run away because I hit you in the head? You ran away like this three years ago, and now you want to run away again! ”

Jin Di’s words were sharp and merciless!

The wound in her heart was torn open. She couldn’t hold it in any longer and raised her hand to give Jin di a hard slap!

After shaking off Jin di, she took advantage of the moment when Jin di was stunned and ran away.

Jin Di was stunned on the spot and didn’t move for a long time. When the principal of the kindergarten saw this scene, she was dumbfounded. She wanted to turn into a grain of sand on the ground immediately He wanted to disappear in front of the last and richest man in Binhai City!

Jin Di’s cold gaze swept over. The principal immediately understood the coldness in his gaze!

“I… I, I, I… I will never tell anyone! I swear on my life! ”

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