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Chapter 936: 936

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Chen Ziyi suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. He felt a little guilty and awkward, but how could he admit it?

At this moment, Zuo Aiai saw the flashing text message on her phone. She smiled and said to Chen Ziyi, “I’m sorry, the person who picked me up has already been obtained. I’ll be leaving first. ”

After saying that, she went to pick up Ming Yu and the two of them walked out of the coffee shop.

Ming Yu held Zuo Aiai’s hand and looked back from time to time as he walked away. After walking a little further, he raised his small head and asked her.

“Mummy, the Auntie just now looks like you. ”

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Zuo Aiai did not realize this at first. After Ming Yu said that, she was stunned for a moment. She turned back and thought for a moment. No wonder she had always felt that her face was somewhat familiar… …

So it was… … Like her ? ?

When she thought of this, she suddenly felt a chill on her back. She pulled Ming Yu’s hand and quickened her pace.

“Don’t tell Uncle Jin about this later, do you hear me? We just went to the coffee shop. Ahem, I’ll tell uncle Jin about this later. ”

After the previous reconciliation, the two of them also discussed it and finally decided that it was better not to announce their relationship in the near future.

After all, Zuo Aiai had a lot of things to do during this period of time. Now that the rumors were flying all over the place, there might be many people who would clamor and say that they were creating hype.

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One of her reasons was that she wanted to keep her ears shut. The other reason was that after her identity as QUEEN was exposed, there would definitely be a lot of news that would use her as a gimmick. She did not want to expose it at this time.

Jin Di did not seem to mind. However, he did not deny the hidden relationship this time.

Moreover, there were still many things that he did not know about his relationship with Yang Lan. He was afraid that it would be troublesome if he announced it, so he did not reject it.

She was now certain that the relationship between Jin di and Yang Lan was definitely not a couple. Even if there was a scandal before, it must be fake.

The two of them were just using each other and testing each other.

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However, Zuo Aiai was still very interested in Yang Lan. Unfortunately, ever since the incident at the hospital that day, Jin Di had never let her see Yang Lan again.

She had also said that she wanted to see Yang Lan that day, but Jin di refused without saying anything.

He even said that she wanted to have less contact with Yang Lan.

When she thought of Yang Lan, she couldn’t help but think of Yang Meimei. Even though they were two completely different people, their appearances, personalities, and ways of doing things… … But she didn’t know why she would associate these two people together …

Where did Yang Meimei go now? She suddenly remembered that before she left, Yang Meimei was still working at Jin Di’s company, so she turned around and asked Jin Di, who was sitting next to her.

“that… my former classmate, Yang Meimei… do you still remember her? Is She still in your company now? ”

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Jin Di was holding a book-sized tablet computer in his hand. It was said to be a new product designed by the latest technology company that Jin di had acquired. He had just gotten it and was having a great time.

When he heard Yang Meimei’s name, he paused slightly and didn’t raise his head.

“She quit not long after you left three years ago. ”

“Oh… I see… ”


“Then do you know where she went? ”

Jin Di seemed to be a little impatient all of a sudden. He said in an indifferent tone, “it’s just an employee leaving her job. Do I have to track her down and find a new job before I let her go? I’M NOT HER MOTHER! ”

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