Such a cost-effective matter.

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He lean forward slightly and soft, thin lips gently touched the girl’s forehead. His eyes turning a deep blue, he place a hand on the side of the pillow to hold up his body.

He whispered:

“Can you…… fall in love with me?”

The eyelashes of the person underneath, quivered, before finally slowly opening. A pair of clear and gentle brown eyes stared fixedly at him, filled with inexplicable emotions.

The youth’s own long and think lashes fluttered, blinking. His tender, white cheeks then revealed small, soft dimples.

He leaned over slightly and supporting his hands on either side of her shoulders, he unhurriedly climbed onto the bed. Burying his beautiful cheeks into the crook of her neck and gently rubbing it, he spoke, his voice as soft as usual: “Rian, you woke up.”

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After a pause, he softly asked:

“You were awake. Why were you pretending to be asleep?”

Letting him hug her, Yu Chu expressionlessly stared at the ceiling, blankly thinking——

Of course…… it was in order to know what you were thinking, ah.

After tossing and turning all night, worried over the pain of the other person when walking, and to not know whether the dagger would pierce her body or not…… Thinking confusedly, what would it mean if her body was stabbed, and what would it mean if her body wasn’t?

That is, until the kiss that fell on her forehead and the youth voice that was like a sigh……

At that moment, all her confusion ended.

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The youth propped up his body and narrowed his beautiful ice blue eyes as he looked down at her. Yu Chu dazedly returned the gaze, and felt her mind momentarily becoming somewhat messy, not knowing what to say.

“It’s good to be awake.”

The beautiful youth suddenly laughed.

In his glistening eyes, there seemed to be floating peach blossoms, carrying a bit of lingering emotions and brightness. Anmore gently raised her wrists and held it at the top of her head with one hand. He smiled, the expression carrying a hint of exotic meaning.

Slender white finger gently tapped her lips and the light in the youth’s eyes grew dark. He whispered:

“Seeing as I can achieve this much leeway with you, you obviously don’t hate me at least. Then why must you…”

He did not say anything more.

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Yu Chu subconsciously shook her head. “I…”

“Rian must not say it.” The youth suddenly smiled slightly. On his tender, white cheeks, the soft and lovely dimples were faintly discernible. He said softly: “You saying you don’t like me…… such words, I don’t want to hear.”

He curved his watery blue eyes and looking at her calmly, said:

“I like you the most.”

The girl’s eyes suddenly widen.

The youth smiled sweetly. Pushing down her hands that were above her, he slowly lowered his head.

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His petal-like lips covered hers, his soft tongue licking, then delving deeper between lips and teeth.

Yu Chu’s eyes widened even more and watched as the long and thick lashes in front her slightly trembled along with it’s owner’s breathing, looking like the wings of two fluttering butterflies.

The heavy scent of his breath lingered. The bright red lips covered her own while the tip of his tongue very skillfully and gently sucked. The faint taste from between their lips and teeth made the girl’s vision almost instantly blur and her breathing gradually became erratic.

By the time the youth finally withdrew, Yu Chu was dizzy and her cheeks were flushed red. She could only breathe in big mouthful.

She looked at Anmore with a somewhat implausible expression. She really did not expect her old aunt self to actually be kissed until gasping for breath by the pure and innocent Little Merman before her.

A long, white hand reach out to gently cover her eyes. The youth’s voice was silky and soft:

“Rian, what do I do? I really like you, really want to hide you away, so that only I can see……”

His beautiful soft, thin lips fell gently between her neck, giving a feel of numbness.

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