[System announcement]: player S successfully challenged player [one leaf boat], obtained “the victor is king”’s light!

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Yu Chu stared blankly.

Not only her, the entire world chat seemed completely quiet for one instant, no one sent a message.

In the game, this word ‘challenge’ had a special meaning. ——You had to go on the challenge stage, sign a life or death contract, and only then would it be considered and official challenge.

And as for all the ranked great gods, the result of a challenge would even get a system announcement.

Hence, great gods wouldn’t lightly challenge someone, because if they lost, then they would lose too much face.

And now, the one leaf boat who just recently was crowned as Mr Perfect, nevertheless in this way, lost to the top-notch great god S, it was even announced in front of everyone…

The shift in the trend of events was too dramatic, no one reacted at first, in the world chat that just a moment ago was full of chatter to the point it was on fire, at this moment, there was absolute silence, seemingly going as far as to it being somewhat comical.

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And right after this one second, a  message appeared on the world chat, startling everyone’s eyes.

 ——That one person who was always calm and collected, on the world chat where he’d never said anything, had typed a few words.

[World chat] [S]: Stay away from her.

He said this lightly and neutrally, but because he’d typed it in the world chat, it seemed it wasn’t only to one leaf boat, it even seemed like… a warning towards all players in the game.

In this moment, all players were collectively stunned.


The always calm and collected great god S, now appeared to be… Feeling jealous, moreover, jealous to the point he went berserk and that even onlookers interested in the spectacle who didn’t know anything about it all would be completely beaten…

After a few seconds of strange silence——

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The world chat exploded.

[world chat] [we strive for self-improvement]: Screenshot! Screenshot! Handsome handsome handsome, my face ah ah ah!!

[world chat] [From where to come where to go (1)]: F*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck! S? Is it my S god? That S?

[world chat] [Favourite Mary Sue]: Susususu (2) I’m going crazy ah! My blood stopped pumping!

[world chat] [Wolf in love with a sheep]: My S, my great god, how are you so handsome! I want to give birth to monkeys for you!

[world chat] [Yellow Springs public transport]: Give birth to monkeys +1, f*cking one leaf boat can’t be counted as half as handsome of my S god!! My S!

[world chat] [Hero character]: Speaking the truth, those who remain unbelieving, believe in S. I saw one leaf boat, in a few minutes, be forced to sign by S and after that, again be beaten up.

[world chat] [Years by the river bank]: I don’t know the situation, but I went from being indifferent to being a big fan, S great god don’t explain (3)!

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[world chat] [ego cogito ergo sum]: Wow wow wow Mr Perfect you taking me in as a little concubine is also ok boo hoo hoo!

[world chat] [A thousand birds fly away]: WTF, I already said earlier, that one leaf boat is counted as a hair! Looking handsome and being the top student, what about it, he was still instantly killed by my S god who doesn’t appear and doesn’t release information (4)! I Stressing one more time, instantly killed!

The world chat that was in disorder turned into a complete mess, Yu Chu also dropped her small scoop ‘pa ta’ on the watermelon with a stupefied face.

She put her hands on the keyboard.

[private chat] [Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow]: Great god?

She a little wanted to ask if the other person was hacked, but the other person very quickly answered, unperturbed:

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[private chat] [S]: Yeah.

After responding with one word, he once again continued to speak, calm and collected:

[private chat] [S]: Wait a moment.

Still… Still had to wait?

Yu Chu touched her burning hot face, her heart couldn’t help but skip a beat.

And the exceptionally calm and collected Su Yanbai, who was right in the middle of clicking open the game’s shopping center, suddenly received a message in his private chat.

[private chat] [one leaf boat]: You just wait!

从哪来回哪去 苏苏苏苏苏我要疯了啊啊 粉定S大神不解释 不露面不曝信息

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