Jiang Ming paused when he read this part of the Great Demon Hei Tians Status.

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What followed clearly overlapped with what he knew from Dao Patriarch Xing Chen yet was somewhat different at the same time.

The Great Demon Hei Tian had depleted all of his remaining soul power. Although he entered the sea of consciousness of Dao Patriarch Xing Chen, he wasnt able to forcibly seize the body.

The Great Demon Hei Tian later realized that this person was trying to refine him within. Hence, he snickered in his heart. However down and out he ended up, he still had the essence of a King Saint. The thought of refining him was just a fools errand.

Even if he didnt try to resist, the person couldnt do anything to him at all.

However, the Great Demon Hei Tian was a great demon after all. After spying on Dao Patriarch Xing Chens memory, he went with the plot and allowed himself to be refined by him little by little. At the same time, he released some of his memories, allowing the Dao Patriarch to peek into the way of sanctifying Dao, to see the view beyond the Saint Realm and to peek into the countless supreme special abilities.

Dao Patriarch Xing Chen eventually refined him completely.

The Great Demon Hei Tian followed suit, merging into the depth of the Dao Patriarchs primal soul. He fell into an extreme state of slumber and used the Dao Patriarchs growth to restore himself.

He woke up again, only to discover that the former Dao Monarch Xing Chen had become Dao Patriarch Xing Chen, wielding supreme authority within the great chiliocosm. It left him in shock and he didnt dare to make sudden moves.

Because, once he revealed his true essence, he would likely face the mad revolt by the origins of the great chiliocosm and might even be refined by Dao Patriarch Xing Chen. Because, Dao Patriarch Xing Chen already had the ability to do so by this time.

The Great Demon Hei Tian hid himself even more carefully. At the same time, he also mastered everything about the Dao Patriarch, secretly influencing him so that he would head for the fragments in the Sea of Chaos in search of great fortunes, allowing him to take a step further and advance into the King Saint Realm.

Once the Great Demon Hei Tian could enter the fragment ruins of the Chaos, with the help of the body of Dao Patriarch Xing Chen, he would be able to absorb the residual demonic energy and demonic blood, allowing him to completely seize the body, breaking apart the great formation.

Unfortunately however, he met this variably Jiang Ming.

It was especially right after Jiang Ming evoked the Heaven-Shattering Spear, that he felt the aura of total destruction contained within. He immediately recognized that this was a King Saint weapon and was even of the top-grade.

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The Great Demon Hei Tian didnt know if he could resist such a great weapon. When Dao Patriarch Xing Chen was desperate, he took the opportunity to seize control of his body, sacrificed his flesh and blood to strike an overwhelming blow, but he still could not stop the attack.


Seeing his soul remnants that had recovered considerably, was about to be pierced, the Great Demon Hei Tian called on the Lord God with the voice of his primal soul.

He had always retained a trace of Lord Gods imprint on his soul remnant all the while, an imprint that he could erase anytime. It was back then that he thought of the fact that there might be a life-anddeath crisis in the future and he might be able to ask for help from the Lord God as the last resort.

In fact, he had tried to ask for help numerous times when he was within the seal but it never worked. He knew that it was the great formation that blocked his call for help. After all, there was only a trace of imprint left on his soul remnant.

Nevertheless, his call this time had received a response.

: The divine luminance that descended surprisingly blocked off the King Saint Weapon. It even suppressed its destructive power at the same time. Amazing! Worthy of the Lord God that I look up upon.

: The capability of traveling through Chaos into this chiliocosm. Such an unbelievable ability!

: Oh Lord God. You are still the great, the invincible, and the all-encompassing. Little demon me will never forget your saving grace. From here on out, Ill be your servant at your command.

: However, I heard that this sort of help isnt from the Lord God himself, but evoked from a supreme weapon that was forged by the Lord God himself. I dont know whether this is true or not.

: Im afraid itll still take some time before I can be sent back.

: Hmph! Just you wait, you brat! The day I return, Ill break your body into pieces.

: God damn it! He evoked five Saint Weapons!

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: Thats not good! He can detonate them!

: Oh Great Lord God, take me away! Take me away quickly!

: Damn it! The divine light is shattering.

: Argh! Im going to die.

The Status in the Human Path Record came to an abrupt end. The color of his name had also turned gray instantly. This meant that the person was dead. Completely and utterly dead.

Jiang Ming frowned even more after looking through the Status.

The Great Demon Hei Tian had exposed too much information.

The Abyss within the Sea of Chaos is the origin of the Demons? Battling against foreign world? Invading the Sea of Chaos? Isnt the Sea of Chaos the ultimate limit of the Chaos? How can an enemy appear? What is this foreign world?

These information brought chills down Jiang Mings spine.

In fact, Jiang Ming had vague suspicions when he first entered the galaxy of Luo Hengs world back then. Now that there was more evidence proving that there was a Sea of Chaos beyond the Sea of Chaos.

In fact, what shocked him most was the fact that the Lord God was able to descend power across the Chaos. How high a realm and how strong a cultivation base would that have needed?

Just thinking of this made even his Saint Soul tremble.

In the Great Demon Hei Tians memory, this Lord God was perhaps not even the original body but a refined supreme weapon?

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God damn!Jiang Ming couldnt help but curse.

That was just too powerful, powerful beyond imagination. However, he was assured that the Lord God of the Lord God Space came from the Sea of Chaos.

The destructive torrents gradually dissipated. There was no longer the figure of the Great Demon Hei Tian that could be seen before Jiang Ming.

Even the divine light that descended on the Great Demon Hei Tian was completely shattered, leaving only wisps and an illusory imprint.

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows again when he saw the scene. He was surprised to see that the divine light was not completely destroyed yet!

That was the might of five Saint Weapons! God damn! It is truly terrifying.

However, it was at that moment that he saw the wisp flew into the illusory imprint and proceeded to emanate blinding luminance. It turned into a huge palm and slapped Jiang Ming.

At the same time a voice rang out. With the light of the Lord God descending, the contract has been made. Whoever slain the Lord Gods beneficiary wont be pardoned for his sin.

The voice was extremely indifferent, as though it was just a cold machine, but it gave Jiang Ming the chills.

The palm of luminance didnt exude obvious powers, nor did it cause the aura of Chaos to tremble. However, whatever the palm went past, the chaotic aura was directly annihilated.

Yes, it was straight up annihilated from existence.

Jiang Ming wanted to move, but realized that his surrounding had been solidified into a single entity. The sudden exude of pressure on him could even turn his body into dust.

This palm attack is much more terrifying than my all-out attack with the Heaven-Shattering Spear just now. Jiang Ming was appalled at such abnormality. He didnt hesitate to evoke his privilege of the Supreme Order and formed a thin defensive film around his body.

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Yet, he was still inexplicably uneasy.

This was because the might of this palm attack was beyond his imagination, making him feel as if he was as feeble as mere ants.

As the palm attack fell on his body, it exploded directly from the recoil, turning into a ball of light before rapidly dispersing without a trace.

Looking back at the defensive film around his body, it was still intact and nothing had changed.

The Supreme Order is still the best.

From this encounter, Jiang Mings evaluation of the Supreme Tower was once again raised to a huge level.

He released a turbid breath and looked into the depths of Chaos with a cold gaze.

The Lord God Space, Lord God! Humph! Very good! Very good indeed! Youve been targeting me throughout ever since the beginning. Now, you even want to kill me! Ill engrave this grudge deep in my mind!

Jiang Ming thought to himself and stayed for a moment longer. Seeing that there was nothing else transpiring, he turned around and started his search for the spoils of war left behind by Dao Patriarch Xing Chen.

As a result, he only found three pieces: a dragon-headed crutch, a futon, and a book. As for the mirror and the immortal cloth that Dao Patriarch Xing Chen was wearing, were blown to pieces by the Heaven-Shattering Spear.

After searching for a few more moments and getting nothing, he stood still and thought, Should I return to Xuanhuang Great Chiliocosm or go look for the fragments of the Sea of Chaos?

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