526 3,000 Seas of Chaos, Palace of Fortune

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A long time ago since ancient times, when the Xuanhuang had yet to condense and there werent any orders, the vast world and hundreds of millions of space were in chaos. However, as time passed by, they gradually moved towards order.

As heaven and earth evolved, life flourished. A terrifying life appeared in the world at an unknown time. They called themselves Heavenly Demonic Beasts. They had strong physique, profound cultivation and especially the unique power that could restrain all beings. What was more terrifying was that they could rapidly improve themselves through devouring spirits of thousands of clans. Therefore, their appearance was akin to natural disasters, destroying one world after another.

Gradually the experts who could barely resist these Heavenly Demonic Beasts appeared. They eventually gathered together, and an earth-shattering supreme war broke out.

It was said that there was a Heavenly Demonic Beast, which had surpassed the Chaos Realm. Because there was also one from among other spirits, the two led a group of thousands of Chaos Experts and blew up the world of Chaos.

As a result, almost half of the world had been destroyed. The clan of the Heavenly Demonic Beasts was crippled as almost all of them were slaughtered. However, there were some beasts which managed to escape but no one knew where they had gone hiding.

According to the record, after that battle, the world has abruptly changed and divided into 3,000 Seas of Chaos and this land of nothingness. Jian Wushuang described the past. In order to deal with the disaster of the Heavenly Demonic Beasts which may break out again in the future, the surviving experts founded the Great Dao Alliance. The Dao Breaking Realm was divided at that time. Whoever has advanced into the Dao Breaking Realm would be invited. Because all 3,000 Sea of Daos are too far apart to be found, a special Great Dao Vessel was refined to detect the creature whose combat power has reached One Dao Force. Its just like me descending to where you are, I did it through that special Supreme Treasure. However, it does consume a lot.

The past had become history. No one would know whether the recorded past was real or not. But even so, the past was magnificent. Who would have thought that the formation of the Sea of Chaos was a result of that battle? And there were 3,000 of them.

Jiang Ming silently thought of Jun Sanqian. I wonder where that brother is? Jiang Ming sighed in his heart.

Jiang Ming didnt know whether he would be meeting Jun Sanqian again since he had lost the opportunity to communicate with the Supreme Pagoda.

I wonder how big the world was in the past? It can actually be divided into 3,000 Seas of Chaos? Jiang Ming was truly astonished.

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Who knows? Jian Wushuang was confused as well.

If all the Seas of Chaos and the land of nothingness were to be merged together, the vastness of heaven and earth would give him the feeling of astonishment.

Even if a Lord Saint Expert was to travel through the entire heaven and earth at full speed, the expert would not be able to succeed without a hundred billion years. In fact, such length of time was optimistic speculation only. It was supposed to be immeasurable and even more unfathomable.

Jian Wushuang also explained more about the Great Dao Alliance.

Overall, the alliance was a loose organization with no mandatory requirements, with the Palace of Fortune as its headquarters. The organization also emphasized on ones strength, and there were several veterans to maintain the basic continuity of the organization.

The internal transaction used Hongmeng Coin as its currency. These coins were formed from condensing the Hongmeng Violet Qi. Everyone could create them but would need to spend time and energy. After the condensation, one could also absorb it for ones cultivation. A common Dao Breaking Expert could condense only ten pieces of coins per day, hence it showed the immeasurable value of the Hongmeng Coin.

Fellow Daoist Jiang, would you like to go over? Jian Wushuang finally invited Jiang Ming.

Of course! Jiang Ming accepted the invitation. After all, unless one had the capability to suppress all things, else it was the organization that was more powerful.

Jian Wushuang showed a happy look on his face. At the same time, he pointed at the ground, and a formation appeared beneath their feet. The formation emanated an undulation, which sent them away.

Upon appearance, Jian Wushuang and Jiang Ming had got to a great hall.

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The hall was very empty, and there werent many people around.

Jiang Ming took a glance and knew that it wasnt a trap!

This is the reception hall! Jian Wushang explained. When he saw a white-haired elder pacing towards them, he quickly introduced. Fellow Daoist Jiang, this is brother Gu Cheng, one of the five veterans. Brother Gu, this is Jiang Ming. When I got there, he had killed a dozen of Heavenly Demonic Beasts and suppressed a total of 13 Demonic Mountains.

The eyes of Gu Cheng were beaming with surprise. He hurriedly paced forward, clasped his hands and said, Its my pleasure to meet you, fellow Daoist Jiang!

Fellow Daoist Gu, my pleasure! Jiang Ming clasped his hands too.

It is so unexpected to learn that youve made such a record as soon as you show up. This is incredible. Gu Cheng complimented. We havent had any newcomers for 3,000 epochs. Your arrival will definitely excite other fellow Daoists and we get to meet as well.

Jiang Ming had learned that an epoch here was equivalent to a trillion years. Hence, 3,000 epochs was akin to a very long period of time.

For so many years in the many Seas of Chaos, the fact that no one actually successfully advanced into the Dao Breaking Realm was indeed a rather pathetic scene.

They entered the Dao Breaking Hall directly. It was the procedure every newcomer had to go through, that was to test the Dao Force.

There wasnt any mandatory requirement to request the newcomer to reserve his power or to evoke his special ability and the likes. Provided the newcomers power could reach the minimum requirement of One Dao Force, it would be considered as a testimony of passing the threshold.

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The room was enormous. On the wall in front of Jiang Ming, there was the word Dao engraved. It was just a simple word, but it made Jiang Ming abruptly feel gloomy.

From the word Dao, Jiang Ming actually felt the pressure, and there were traces of various Chaos Laws, which were incomparably ingeniously fused together and woven into a terrifying web. The left and right walls were tentacles, and the center was the core.

This is the Dao Breaking Hall which was refined by a total of 81 Dao Breaking Predecessors in the past. Its built to measure the level of Dao Force so that we will have a subjective judgment, which also allows the testers to have a basic understanding of their own combat power. Gu Cheng introduced. The Chaos Realm of Heavenly Demonic Beasts are divided into ranks as well. Once we advance into the Dao Breaking Realm, it would be equivalent to their King level; 100 Dao Force is akin to their Monarch level; and 10,000 Dao Force is akin to their Emperor level.

Jiang Ming listened seriously. He had also understood that Violet Kill, which was suppressed within his inner world not only had the King leveled bloodline, but it itself had also achieved the King level.

An Emperor leveled Heavenly Demonic Beast has at least 10,000 Dao Force? Jiang Ming was surprised.

Yep! Gu Cheng nodded. Whenever theres such an existence among the Heavenly Demonic Beasts, itd be a disaster to us.

Can we reach up to 10,000 Dao Force? Jiang Ming doubted. Can it be that the more Chaos Laws we master, the more terrifying the power we can burst forth? How many Chaos Laws do we need to master in order to achieve this level? There should be at least 100 Chaos Laws right?

More than 100? Difficult, its really difficult! Gu Cheng exclaimed. The Chaos Law itself is difficult to comprehend. If you try to comprehend other laws after you have mastered one, your law would repel the others. Hence, the degree of difficulty will increase exponentially, thats by ten times and then followed by a hundred times. Even if you have mastered more than 100 of Chaos Laws, itd be even more difficult to merge them together in order to burst forth the real power.

So its difficult to comprehend and to merge! Jiang Ming understood it.

Yes. Gu Cheng said, As two different Chaos Laws repel each other, it is extraordinarily difficult to merge into one special ability, let alone to merge more than 100 of Chaos Laws. This is totally different from the laws within a small chiliocosm. After all, every Chaos Law is a complete, independent and intolerant great Dao.

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Are there anyone taking the path of World Dao? Jiang Ming asked again.

No, because its even more difficult! Gu Cheng smiled wryly. Its usually the utmost limit for the inner world to evolve until the great chiliocosm level. Its extremely tempting for it to further transform into the Chaos, the Seas of Chaos and nurture 3,000 laws, which is also known as the perfect Dao. Based on the assumption, once the inner world has transformed into the Sea of Chaos and has nurtured 3,000 Daos, the host is akin to the heaven Dao. The host can easily master various Chaos Laws, and its particularly easy for the host to merge them together. Unfortunately, its not only the perfect Dao, but also the way of deception.

The way of deception? Jiang Ming was confused.

Yes, because its unattainable at all! Gu Cheng explained. We used to nurture numerus experts of Word Dao to the perfect stage of great chiliocosm. Yet, when they went through the transformation, all of them died! Among them were those who advanced into the Dao Breaking Realm through their soul before getting their physique to advance into the Dao Breaking Realm as well. There was also an expert who had both his soul and physique advanced into the Dao Breaking Realm and was supported by all 81 Dao Breaking Experts, yet he still failed at the critical point of the transformation.

It Jiang Ming was shocked.

Merely a few sentences of Gu Cheng had shown that there was a terrifying price to pay. Not to mention the resources required to nurture the inner world, just to help the expert to have his soul and physique advancing into the Dao Breaking Realm, how much would it cost? It was immeasurable, the means taken were even more incredible. Yet, with such strong support, why would those experts in World Dao still fail?

I remember that I managed to transform my inner world into the Chaos when my soul had just advanced into the Chaos Realm, which was at the initial stage of the Dao Patriarch. Although it was truly difficult, it was completely incomparable to what Gu Cheng had said. The difference in the difficulty is one trillion light-years away! Jiang Ming thought.

In fact, Jiang Ming felt very strange. He wondered why he could succeed.


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