“But you’re still a student.” Ji Fanyin burst into laughter. “You live far away, and things will definitely change in the future. Are we going to decide on things in the distant future now?”

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Doesn’t Bai Zhou see me as a substitute for him to rehearse his script before the real thing with Ji Xinxin? He’s supposed to be the most obstinate one amongst my clients.

“I want an answer right now.” Bai Zhou clenched his fists tightly. “I want to hear your true thoughts.”

Of course, there’s no way he’s going to get a proper answer from Ji Fanyin, but if we’re talking about Ji Xinxin here… 

Ji Fanyin lowered her eyes in deep thought. A while later, she raised her head and smiled. “I understand. There are many things that are still uncertain between us, but I’ll make a promise with you. If you still feel the same way for me on your 21st birthday, I’ll answer your question, alright?”

Bai Zhou pursed his lips tightly in dissatisfaction.

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“Before then, I want to see Zhouzhou grow into a responsible and reliable man,” said Ji Fanyin. “I know that you won’t disappoint me.”

She consoled Bai Zhou with a smile, not worried at all that Bai Zhou would get angry at her. There was no way he could when he was faced with the gentle and soft-spoken ‘Ji Xinxin’.

As she had expected, Bai Zhou turned his head away and yawned into the rising sun. “I’m tired.”

Before Ji Fanyin could suggest heading back to the villa to sleep, Bai Zhou suddenly fidgeted a little before placing his head on her lap.

“I’ll sleep for a while,” Bai Zhou closed his eyes and spoke with a slightly nasally voice. “Wake me up in thirty minutes. We’ll head back to rest afterward.”

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Ji Fanyin: “…”

If you’re intending to head back to the villa to rest right after, what’s the point of sleeping thirty minutes here?

Regardless of whether Bai Zhou was planning to sleep or not, he had already pulled his hat down and closed his eyes, making clear his determination to lie here for thirty minutes.

Ji Fanyin glanced at her clock as she gathered her resolve to waste thirty minutes of her life here with Bai Zhou.

At least the scenery isn’t too bad. Now that Bai Zhou isn’t talking anymore, I guess I can just think of this as a holiday and cut myself loose a little.

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Around ten minutes later, under the calming sounds of the distant waves, Bai Zhou’s breathing grew deep and peaceful.

He actually managed to quickly fall asleep despite being outside.Ji Fanyin lowered her gaze to look at Bai Zhou’s sleeping countenance. Half of his face was covered by his cap, but the other half was more than enough to showcase his attractive facial features that contained the sharpness of a hot-blooded youth. 

Having such a man lying on her lap would have likely been a heart-throbbing event for any other woman, but Ji Fanyin only felt numbness gradually settling in her thighs. 

While she was waiting for thirty minutes to be up, she heard the sound of footsteps and rolling wheels behind the bench. Curious, she turned behind and saw two men.

One of them was sitting in the wheelchair whereas the other one was pushing it.

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The man pushing the wheelchair had a typical East Asian face. He wore a neat suit that suggested that he was a secretary or a personal assistant. 

As for the man sitting in the wheelchair, it was harder to identify his background as his appearance could have been either that of a multiracial or a foreigner with gentler facial features. His skin was unhealthily pale, and his eyes were slightly droopy. There was a lack of emotion on his face that made him seem like an exquisitely-made but lifeless doll. 

He’s probably the offspring of some wealthy family who has fallen ill and is currently traveling outside for a change of pace.

While Ji Fanyin was thinking so, she happened to meet eyes with the secretary. She smiled at him before raising a finger to her lips, a gesture for them to keep quiet. 

The secretary appeared astonished to see her. It took several seconds before he responded with a nod of acknowledgment. 

Ji Fanyin retracted her gaze and turned her eyes back to the deep blue sea ahead. She could tell from the sound that the wheelchair had stopped on the spot for several seconds before moving forward once more. 

It came to a halt beside her bench.

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