Despite sharing the same name, ‘Ji Fanyin’ and Ji Fanyin’s birthdays were two months apart. So, the birthdate on ‘Ji Fanyin’s’ passport didn’t mean a thing to her.

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Even so, when she switched on her phone and saw that she had only received happy birthday wishes from her downloaded applications, she couldn’t help but sigh deeply on ‘Ji Fanyin’s’ behalf.

No matter how alike identical twins are, there are still some differences between them, such as their personality and wits.

Ji Fanyin felt regretful for the life ‘Ji Fanyin’ led after looking through her memories. She was actually an extremely precocious child, the kind who just had to browse through her textbooks once in order to ace all of her tests.

Even as a primary school student, she was already able to understand advanced mathematical concepts taught in university. The word ‘prodigy’ was created for people like her.

In contrast, Ji Xinxin possessed no such talent. She found herself unable to keep up with her older sister no matter how hard she worked, and in the end, she fell gravely ill.

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Ji Fanyin was quite curious as to how a prodigy’s mind worked, so she tried putting it to work. Unfortunately, while she had retained her acting skill, it would appear that she hadn’t inherited ‘Ji Fanyin’s’ intelligence.

If only ‘Ji Fanyin’ could be a little stronger, even if she had just filtered out all external disturbances and focused quietly on her studies… her ending would have been very different.

The world could be malicious at times, but one could also garner the courage to point a middle finger at it.

“Ji Fanyin, happy birthday,” murmured Ji Fanyin as she swiped off the notifications coming from her banks and e-commerce applications.

She tapped into her WeChat to take a look.

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She found it interesting that the most sincere happy birthday wish she received was handcrafted, coming from the hands of a bank manager.

I’m a big client for him, after all.

There were a few other messages on her WeChat, and some of them were from Chen Yunsheng.

She was the type to clear away her favorite dishes first when eating, so naturally, she tapped into his conversation window first.

Chen Yunsheng had sent quite a few messages, and the earliest one was around ten hours ago: 【Is it big sis’ birthday today? Happy birthday! Are you celebrating your birthday now? Or do you have work today too?】

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The next one was fifteen minutes later. He first embarked on a lengthy explanation on how he had approached a senior to ask for her birthday before asking if she was offended by his behavior. It was a sincere fifty-word apology.

It looked like he had gotten nervous from her lack of response.

Several hours later, there was another message which he had deleted.

The last one was from an hour back: 【The day is already coming to an end. Big sis, are you in a bad mood? I hope that you had an enjoyable birthday. I won’t switch off my phone, and you can call me whenever you feel like it. I’ll be here】

Ji Fanyin fiddled with her phone contemplatively.

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She wasn’t in a bad mood, but this was the only friend she had that wished her a happy birthday today.

Father Ji and Mother Ji hadn’t dropped her a call at all as if they had dropped dead. But again, considering how the Ji Family had been celebrating both their birthdays on Ji Xinxin’s birthday over the years, their apathy didn’t look too out of place.

Ji Fanyin replied to Chen Yunsheng’s messages: 【I wasn’t ignoring you. I was busy today. Thanks for your well wishes, goodnight】

Barely two seconds after she sent the message out, the conversation window suddenly showed ‘Chen Yunsheng is currently typing…’.

Ji Fanyin did a quick mental calculation and noted that it was already 1 A.M. back in China.

She sprawled on her bed and leisurely watched as Chen Yunsheng typed for a very long time before finally squeezing out a line of words: 【Did you have fun today?】

【I didn’t celebrate my birthday】Ji Fanyin replied honestly.【No time, and I didn’t intend to celebrate it】

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