Ji Fanyin thought that this ‘self-recommendation’ incident would be the only hiccup she would face on the first day of her break. Who would have thought that she would receive a call from Li Xiaoxing at 1 A.M. in the morning, shortly after she had fallen asleep?

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Li Xiaoxing’s voice sounded a little strained. “I received a call from Ji Xinxin.”

Ji Fanyin rolled on her bed with her eyes still closed and wrapped the blanket tightly around her. “Then?”

“… I haven’t picked up yet,” added Li Xiaoxing.

A question mark popped up in Ji Fanyin’s mind. “Your phone is still ringing right now?”

“That’s right.”

Ji Fanyin rubbed her eyes before lifting her phone to check the time. “Mr Li, do you know my charges at this hour?”

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“I’ll transfer you the money after the call,” said Li Xiaoxing. “What do I do?”

Ji Fanyin thought that the domineering CEO’s ‘What do I do?’ sounded a little adorable yet pitiful. She switched on her bedside lights and slowly sat up. As her mind cleared up, she said, “For now… ignore her.”

“Ignore her?” Li Xiaoxing repeated her instructions in dissatisfaction. “She must have something important to say if she called at this hour.”

Ji Fanyin reached for the laptop she had placed on her bedside table. “Exactly. That’s why she won’t give up easily. If you’re on the phone with me now, what phone is Ji Xinxin calling you on?”


Ji Fanyin could hear the rolling of Li Xiaoxing’s wheelchair, and soon, she could hear another phone ringing on his side. 

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“Why did you call me?” asked Ji Fanyin curiously. “It’s just a phone call.”

“You can tell me what to do.”

“I’ve already gone through what you have to do at this stage. You should be able to deal with a phone call.” Ji Fanyin let out a yawn.

“Ji Fanyin. I’m not paying you to hear your complaints,” said Li Xiaoxing placidly.

Ji Fanyin yawned yet again. She couldn’t muster the energy to argue with him, so she waited for the ringing to end before replying, “Calm yourself down first. Put the call on speakerphone when you pick up later so that I can listen in. Check your WeChat for my messages; I’ll tell you what to do.”

“… I don’t have your WeChat.”

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“Ah. Shall we add each other now?” replied Ji Fanyin.

It took less than a minute for them to add each other. By then, Ji Xinxin’s second call had already come in. The second the call came in, Ji Fanyin decisively issued her order, “Pick it up.”

She hurriedly typed on the laptop right after: 【But don’t speak first】


The instant Ji Fanyin told him to ‘pick it up’, Li Xiaoxing grabbed his landline phone and put it on speakerphone. In accordance with what he was instructed, he kept his mouth tightly shut.

A few seconds of silence ensued, but it felt unbearable to Li Xiaoxing.

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He stared at his telephone with searing eyes that threatened to bore a hole through it.

“I had a nightmare. I dreamt that you were ignoring me, just like when we first met,” Ji Xinxin sobbed.

It melted Li Xiaoxing’s heart. He instinctively wanted to console her, but Ji Fanyin’s message popped up on his WeChat right after. She was typing at such an incredible speed that it almost felt like she was talking to him in real-time. 

【Tell her that it’s only a dream】【But don’t console her】【Tell her to go back to sleep】

The three consecutive messages plunged Li Xiaoxing into silence. He thought such a response was too heartless, and it would hurt the sensitive Ji Xinxin.

But then again, Ji Fanyin had already proven her capability over the past two months. She was able to accurately predict Ji Xinxin’s reaction over 70% of the time. It was not spot-on every single time, but it was still a frighteningly high level of accuracy. 

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