The moment the three of them made eye contact, the atmosphere became incredibly bizarre. 

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Song Shiyu instinctively averted his face.

Ji Fanyin thought that Ji Xinxin would be paying close heed to his reaction since there was a lot of information to be gleaned from it, but to her surprise, Ji Xinxin’s reaction was even bigger. She took a step back with a frightened look on her face. 

Ji Fanyin patiently waited several seconds with a cup of hot cocoa in her hand, but the two of them showed no inclination to move at all. So, she asked, “Are the two of you not coming out? I’m taking the elevator down.”

Those words snapped Song Shiyu out of his daze. He coughed lightly and began making his way out of the elevator. It was also only then that he belatedly noticed Ji Xinxin’s peculiar state. “Xinxin?”

“B-big sis,” Ji Xinxin greeted Ji Fanyin in a meek voice. She shuffled her way out of the lift while trying to stay as far away from Ji Fanyin as possible. 

Ji Fanyin replied with a casual “Mm”. She entered the lift, pressed the B1 button, and waved them goodbye. “I wish you two an enjoyable date.”

Till the lift doors finally closed shut, the two of them had their eyes firmly drawn to her like opposite poles of a magnet. 

Ji Fanyin took a sip of her sweet hot cocoa as her thoughts began to wander. 

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Did Ji Xinxin screw up that quickly? No, that shouldn’t be possible. I mean, she came back to conduct a routine maintenance check on her local fishery.

But why does it feel like things are only getting worse with her fixing?

It was intriguing, but she wasn’t too concerned since it was none of her business. When the lift doors opened once more, she exiled Song Shiyu and Ji Xinxin out of her mind and began on her delightful shopping spree in Hema Supermarket. 

Given her current financial status, she could afford to buy entire shelves of goods without batting an eyelid. 

Many thanks to my rich and gullible clients, as well as Ji Xinxin’s ceaseless diligence on the fishery.

“With their generous contribution toward my financial freedom, the least I can do is to wish them a pleasant date,” mumbled Ji Fanyin to herself, as she happily threw a box of chocolate balls into her shopping cart. 

Her phone suddenly vibrated.

She took it out and saw that she had just received two messages from Song Shiyu. 

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First message:【It isn’t a date】Second message:【Let’s meet tomorrow night. Two hours】

Ji Fanyin couldn’t resist the urge to gaze at the ceiling above her.

Isn’t Song Shiyu in the midst of a movie date with his goddess several floors above?

She lazily replied:【I’m on my break】

Song Shiyu’s reply came swiftly:【Tenfold】

Ji Fanyin gave it some thought.

I can only think of one reason why Song Shiyu is in such a rush to meet me… Is it the painting he gave me? Is he intending on buying it back for Ji Xinxin? 

Well, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I can even hike up the price and squeeze more out of him. Not to mention, I’ll be receiving a salary of 2,000,000 dollars too.

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Ji Fanyin rested her arms on her shopping cart as she merrily typed out a response:【Sure. Time and location?】

Song Shiyu replied:【Six in the evening. My house】

A second later, she received a notification informing her that 2,000,000 dollars had made its way into her bank account. 

Ji Fanyin stared at her phone in deep thought.

… Does he intend to have dinner with me at his house? Does he even know how to cook?

Whatever. I’ll just bring a pepper spray just in case. 

Ah, the painting too. It’ll be better if we could settle the transaction on the spot. 

Ji Fanyin hummed a joyous melody as she tossed a box of pork collar bone into her shopping cart. 

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Her client was going to buy back the painting he gave her at an even higher price. What could be happier in life than free money generating more free money?


While Song Shiyu was putting away his phone, he noticed that Ji Xinxin’s eyes were on him.

It wasn’t too surprising since his phone screen remained jarringly bright in the dark movie theater even after he set the brightness level to the lowest.

“Urgent news from work,” whispered Song Shiyu. “Don’t worry, I’ve settled it.”

As those words came out of his mouth, he realized that his excuse wasn’t appropriate. He had brought up work far too many times during their meetings. Ji Xinxin was bound to get suspicious.

However, Ji Xinxin merely flashed him a gentle smile and replied distractedly, “Mm, let’s continue watching the movie.”

“Alright.” Song Shiyu heaved a sigh of relief. 


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