Chapter 67.3: I’m Terminating Our Business Relationship (3)

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“I did harbor feelings for Ji Xinxin in the past, but toward you, I also…” Song Shiyu blurted out, only for his words to screech to a halt halfway through. His mouth fell agape in shock as he belatedly realized what he was going to say.

“Pity me?” Ji Fanyin completed his sentence in his stead.

“…” Song Shiyu didn’t answer.

Ji Fanyin calmly took a sip of water before placing the cup back onto the table. “I heard that Miss Chen is preparing for marriage. To avoid unnecessary complications, I’ve decided to terminate our business relationship.”

Song Shiyu’s eyes slowly dilated upon hearing those words. He answered without the slightest bit of hesitation, “I refuse.”

“Hasn’t Ji Xinxin returned to the country?” remarked Ji Fanyin nonchalantly. “You should go look for her. She’s your white moonlight.”

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“Ji Fanyin!” bellowed Song Shiyu furiously.

A waiter was just about to get their order when the sudden bellow intimidated him, causing him to timidly walk away.

Ji Fanyin placed her finger on her lips and shushed him, “We’re in a public place. Don’t be a public nuisance.”

Song Shiyu’s chest rapidly expanded and contracted under the influence of his rampaging emotions. It took him a while to suppress his rage.

He furiously questioned, “What are you trying to ask me? What exactly do you want me to say? Are you waiting for me to confess that the person I like is no longer your younger sister but you?”

A question mark popped up in Ji Fanyin’s head. She was about to answer with an ‘Of course not’, but Song Shiyu didn’t give her the opportunity to answer.

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“Fine! My feelings have changed! I have fallen in love with you! My feelings for you are even stronger than how I previously felt for Xinxin! You’re far more important to me than she is! Are you satisfied now?!”

Despite Song Shiyu’s emotional outburst, Ji Fanyin was hardly moved at all.


She calmly assessed Song Shiyu’s expression while musing over his confession. Then, she laughed. “Song Shiyu, aren’t you getting something wrong here?”

Song Shiyu glared at her as if he was going to eat someone whole.

“I’ve never wanted your feelings.” Ji Fanyin waved her hand dismissively at Song Shiyu. “I’ve told you from the very start—I lack money. I thought that I’ve made things very clear. Are you still deluding yourself into believing that the ‘Ji Fanyin’ who has feelings for you is still around?”

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“That’s why I couldn’t say anything to you!” exclaimed Song Shiyu with suppressed agitation. “I couldn’t accept that you no longer had feelings for me. What does that make me then? I neglected you, used you, hurt you. I denied you in the past, only to helplessly fall for you now. What does this count as?!”

Ji Fanyin raised her eyebrows.

She wasn’t too surprised to learn of Song Shiyu’s thoughts.

Proud people had the tendency to ignore facts that made them question their own self-esteem. It was a natural defensive mechanism to protect their own sense of self. It was due to this that he interpreted Ji Fanyin’s actions as an alternative method to attract his attention.

That was why he thought that Ji Fanyin’s act of accepting money to become a stand-in was some way for her to preserve her own self-esteem while staying by his side.

That was why he assumed that Ji Fanyin had taken care of him while he was ill because she still had feelings for him.

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That was why he believed that Ji Fanyin was just being jealous when she asked him about his blind date.

That was why he surmised that Ji Fanyin had refused to go out with him because she doubted his sincerity.

But even an elephant could be brought down by an army of ants. It was only a matter of time before his castle of lies crumbled.

“If I admit to that, wouldn’t that mean that I’m a fucking idiot who fell in love with someone who’s no longer in love with me?!” Song Shiyu hissed through gritted teeth. It was the first time in a long while that he had used vulgarity in front of someone else.

Ji Fanyin directed a perplexed look at him and asked, “Do you not think you are?”


White moonlight refers to a person that you’re fond of but is well beyond your reach, similar to a ‘goddess of your dream’.

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