Chapter 130 – Put the meat into the bowl first (1)

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That night, the dance hall was very peaceful. Young Master Zhao also didn’t come. Probably because he hadn’t sobered up yet, or maybe he felt ashamed and didn’t have the nerve to come.

However, there were more guests on the second floor than yesterday. Tang Yaozong said that most of them were coming because Chu Qiao was there.

“The news of you drinking with that guy surnamed Zhao last night has spread all over the city. Everyone wants to come and get to know you.” Tang Yaozong said with a smile. 

Chu Qiao pursed her lips and smiled. She really wished that the more guests would come, the better. If the business in the dance hall improved, then her salary could increase as well. 

Fortunately, these guests were quite civilized and didn’t cause any trouble. Moreover, they also rewarded a lot of flower baskets. When she got off work, Chu Qiao received tonight’s salary, a base salary of 50 yuan, and a tip for six flower baskets, totaling 80 yuan. Chu Qiao was very happy.

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“I will take you home.” 

Tang Yaozong was attentive and wanted to show some performance in front of the beauty. As long as she hasn’t married Gu Ye, he would still have a chance.

“Thank you, Mr. Tang. I can return home by myself.” 

Chu Qiao refused, she felt Tang Yaozong’s affection. Although this man might not seem like a decent person, he was really nice. It was just he was not the type she liked. 

She didn’t like pale-faced scholar1, but she also didn’t like the ones that were too wild. Tang Yaozong looked a little wild. She also didn’t know what kind of men that she liked, she couldn’t describe it. 

1Pale-faced scholar (idiom): young and inexperienced person without practical experience / still wet behind the ears; refers to scholars who lack experience ; also refers to scholars with fair faces. 

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Suddenly, Gu Ye’s ruffian and handsome appearance appeared in her mind, showing his big white teeth and smiling at her. Chu Qiao’s face became red. In fact, this guy was really good-looking.

Tang Yaozong still didn’t give up, “It’s getting so dark now, it’s not safe for a young girl like you, I will send you……” 

“I will send Qiao Qiao home, you can just stay aside!” 

Gu Ye, like a ghost, suddenly rushed out and kicked Tang Yaozong aside, while rushing towards Chu Qiao. He was still holding a bright red rose in his mouth, which was still fresh, as if he had just picked it up. 

It was true that Gu Ye just picked it up from his old man’s yard. His mother liked to grow flowers, so later Old Mr. Gu also learned how to grow flowers. The yard was full of all kinds of flowers, and there were a few roses. Gu Ye picked the most beautiful one. 

“For you.”

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Gu Ye took the flower from his mouth and gave it to Chu Qiao. He was smiling like a big bad wolf. Tang Yaozong, who was rubbing his buttocks, gritted his teeth and felt angry. Why didn’t he think of sending flowers? Obviously there were so many flower baskets in the dance hall.

Damn, a miscalculation! 

Chu Qiao looked at the delicate and beautiful rose in her hand, her face became even redder than the flower. It was the first time she had received a rose, she had never received one in her previous life. Gu Jianshe never gave her flowers or gifts. Every time they celebrated her birthday, all Gu Jianshe gave were supermarket gift coupons, saying that this was more practical and useful. 

What the hell, of course supermarket gift coupons were practical and useful. All the things she bought were used by the Gu family. 

“Do you like it?” Gu Ye looked expectantly.

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“I like it.” 

Chu Qiao nodded her head, not hiding her joy. She really liked it. 

Gu Ye grinned and silently gave the credit to Tang Weiguo in his heart. Later, he would invite this kid to dinner to be more caring about this kid’s relationship.

The last time he heard from this kid, it sounded like this kid was sincere. He would ask the girl’s situation first. If that girl was good, then it would be okay to settle down first. 

Gu Ye, who was proud of his love life, couldn’t see others being single and was ready to take time to care about Tang Weiguo’s personal problems.

As for Tang Yaozong, just let him die aside, and it would be good for him to stay single for the rest of his life. 

“There will be one every day.” Gu Ye made a promise. He had just counted the roses that the old man had planted, and there were also a few budding ones that should be able to bloom tomorrow. 

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