Chapter 132 – Gu Ye, who was ecstatic with joy (1)

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Gu Ye sent Chu Qiao to the downstairs of the family dormitory building. On the surface, he looked quite calm.

After agreeing to get married, this man had become silent. He pedaled hard and didn’t say anything. Chu Qiao was embarrassed to start any conversation.

From the halfway home, the two of them did not say anything, and remained silent until they arrived. 

Chu Qiao murmured in her heart, ‘This guy kept talking a lot before. But as soon as she agreed to the proposal, he stopped talking. Is it true that men are like this, when they get the meat in the bowl, they don’t cherish it anymore?’ 

She couldn’t help but feel a little regretful. Although Gu Ye’s character was indeed a good one, marriage was still a major event after all. She agreed to get married rashly like this, it would not only be irresponsible to herself, but also unfair to Gu Ye. 

Chu Qiao, who was restless, didn’t even realize that she had arrived home. She still sat in the back seat in a daze, and didn’t realize that the bicycle had stopped.

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Gu Ye turned around and saw her sitting in a daze thinking about something. He was reluctant to call her, and just looked at her like a fool. As for Chu Peng who went downstairs, he saw a picture of two silly people. 

One was sitting, and one was standing, one was looking more stupid than the other. 


Chu Peng coughed heavily, alerting the two fools. Chu Qiao immediately realized and jumped out of the bike. Her face turned red, but Gu Ye was very affectionately called out, “Xiao Peng is coming down to pick you up ah!”

“Just take a walk!”

Chu Peng replied coldly, with disgust in his eyes. Now he doubted whether this stupid older sister was actually really working in the garment factory or not.

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Why was this guy Gu Ye always sending her back every night? Could it be that she was using the excuse of going to work to fool around with Gu Ye? 

Gu Ye looked up at the sky, the moon was high and it was in the depth of night, just what kind of walk Chu Peng had. This brother-in-law’s face was too thin-skinned, he should just say it straightforwardly when he cared about his older sister. 

“I’m going home, be careful on the way.”

Chu Qiao said softly with a blushing face. Her shy expression made Chu Peng feel more certain of his doubts in his heart. This damned couple was definitely fooling around. 

“I will pick you up tomorrow morning. Good night, and have a sweet dream!” 

Gu Ye made no effort to hide his affection. His voice sounded as if it was on fire, it was so hot that even Chu Peng who heard it, gritted his teeth and glared at him. 

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Chu Qiao’s face turned even redder and she went upstairs with Chu Peng.

After she entered the passageway, Gu Ye happily rode on the bike, with a smile that was brighter than the moonlight on his face. The corners of his mouth were pulled to the back of his ears.

He didn’t know how hard it was for him to control himself to not laugh out loud just now. He didn’t even dare to open his mouth, for fear of scaring the little fairy. 

“The sun sets over western hills and flies over the red clouds, the soldiers shoot the target and return to the camp…… mi so la mi so…… one two three four……” 

The powerful singing voice had strong penetrating power, and it was particularly loud in the middle of night. To be honest, Gu Ye’s singing voice was quite good, it was rough and wild, suitable for this kind of military song. It would be even better if the tune was more accurate. 

Chu Qiao, who was still in the passageway, heard it clearly and could not help laughing. The entanglement and doubts she had just now had disappeared. It was because she thought too much. This fool was obviously so happy that he was out of tune, and he was just holding back before. 

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“If you drink too much, just go swim in the Huangpu River! What are you doing in the middle of the night, motherfucker?!” 

A cursing voice sounded, it was the person who was woken up, and the singing disappeared immediately. Chu Qiao couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Gu Ye always brought her a lot of joy. 

“How many clothes did you make at night?” Chu Peng’s faint voice rang in her ears.

Chu Qiao didn’t react for a moment, she was stunned for a few seconds, she hesitated and said, “About ten or so pieces.”

Chu Peng sneered and didn’t speak. He leaned against the wall of the passageway, crossed his arms and looked at her.

Chu Qiao felt guilty when she saw him. She slowly lowered her head, but quickly raised it again. She hadn’t done anything wrong, why should she feel guilty? 

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