Chapter 135 – There were lady bosses everywhere in this world (2)

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He Jihong, who was burning with anger, was not so easy to coax today. She shaked off Chu Yuanzhi and cursed loudly at him, with words that were particularly unpleasant. Even Chu Yuanzhi, who had a good temper, couldn’t stand it anymore and his face became very ugly.

Although he didn’t have much ambition and was pretty timid, after all he was still a man.

Over the years, he had succumbed to He Jihong’s pressure and watched his own daughter being wronged without daring to speak out. He Jihong was still dissatisfied and still cursed so harshly, it was like excessive bullying.

Even if he got angry again, Chu Yuanzhi did not dare to confront He Jihong face to face. He didn’t have the courage at all, he would only sulk by himself.

Seeing how cowardly he was, He Jihong was proud. This man would never want to climb out of her Five Finger Mountain. 

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-Five Finger Mountain / Wuzhi Mountain. 

Chu Qiao in the room couldn’t bear it anymore. She didn’t sympathize with Chu Yuanzhi. This father had caused it on his own, so she didn’t have much sympathy for him.

She was just angry because He Jihong still didn’t give up, and wanted to give her to that perverted beast Xiao Wenjun. 

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Fortunately, she had already made an agreement with Gu Ye last night. Today she will go back to the countryside to get her hukou book and get the certificate. Let’s see what kind of evil that this old woman can do. 

There was a loud bang.

He Jihong’s curse suddenly stopped abruptly, and she glared angrily at Chu Qiao. Even though Chu Qiao hadn’t washed and her hair was loose, she was still so beautiful that people couldn’t move their eyes.

This also made He Jihong jealous and resentful. Her eyes glared at Chu Qiao and wanted to scold. 

But Chu Qiao was faster than her, she stood in front of the ashen-faced Chu Yuanzhi, and scolded her: “Don’t threaten my father with the job title anymore. Isn’t that just a useless job title? It only gives a few more yuan for a month after being promoted. What’s so great about that? If you don’t get promoted, it’s alright. Dad, don’t live like this anymore. If you divorce her, just based on your appearance, it’s very easy to find a wealthy and beautiful lady boss. A few days ago, the lady boss of the restaurant across the street asked me about you. There are lady bosses everywhere in this world, why do you have to hang yourself on this old and withered flower, you will live better without her!” 

Chu Yuanzhi was so frightened that his mind felt muddled. He never thought about divorce, and he didn’t even dare to have such rebellious thoughts. His previous experiences really shaped him to be faint-hearted. 

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A single ‘social status’ changed him from a high-ranking rich young master to a lowly low-class man. Even a beggar was nobler than him.

He originally wanted to live in peace with Chu Qiao’s mother, but Sun Yinxiu gave him a green hat and another green hat1, and she also always beat him. He couldn’t bear it anymore, only then he and He Jihong became together. 

1Wearing green hat : is an expression that Chinese use when a woman cheats on her husband or boyfriend, because the phrase sounds similar to the word for cuckold. 

Although He Jihong had a bad temper and unpleasant speech, she didn’t hit people and even helped him solve his job problem.

After so many years of turbulent life, Chu Yuanzhi was very satisfied with his current stable life and never thought of changing it.

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His daughter actually asked him to divorce?

She also said that there were lady bosses everywhere in this world, this kind of disgraceful words, this…… this was too wild. 

But did the lady boss of the restaurant really ask about him?

Chu Yuanzhi’s old face was a little red. He had gone to the restaurant to eat there several times.

The lady boss was younger than He Jihong and dressed quite fashionable. It was said that she was a widow with strong abilities. The restaurant’s business was really good and she made a lot of money.

No, what was he thinking about, Chu Yuanzhi quickly shook his head and threw out the messy thoughts from his head. He was already in his forties and almost reach fifties, and he really couldn’t afford to toss around anymore.

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