Chapter 141 – Big tailed wolf and stupid sheep (2)

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At this moment, in Chu Peng’s eyes, Gu Ye was just a big bad wolf wagging his head and tail, and his stupid older sister was the little sheep. Even such a worthless flower could make her so infatuated and head over heels in love. 

Such a silly and ignorant girl, ah…… Easily abducted by the big tailed wolf like this. 

“Let’s go!”

After Chu Qiao had arranged the flower, she was about to go out with her bag. Chu Peng, who had been secretly observing, jumped out and asked coldly, “Where are you going?” 

With just a flower to ask people out, this bastard Gu Ye, such a big tailed wolf, dared to mess around in broad daylight. Did this stupid older sister have a brain? She did not restrain herself at all. 

“Go out to do some errands, it’s very important.” 

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Chu Qiao’s tone was very serious, her lifelong event was indeed very important. It was a pity that today was Sunday, and the Civil Affairs Bureau was not working. Otherwise she could get the marriage certificate today. 

“If you are going to do some errands, then why do you ask him to go with you? Where are you going? I will accompany you.” 

Chu Peng couldn’t wash the dishes anymore. He didn’t feel reassured If Gu Ye accompanied this stupid older sister. If Gu Ye, such a big tailed wolf, kidnapped his stupid older sister to the wilderness, then it would be useless to ask god for help.

Thinking about such a scene, Chu Peng didn’t feel good. He was also a man, and he was so  aware that men were actually beasts in their nature. Especially for this stupid older sister who looked so beautiful, with such a beauty that brings calamity. It would be strange if that beast could endure it. 

“I will go back to the countryside to see my aunt. She was seriously ill and said that she was going to die soon. Wouldn’t it make things worse if you go there? Aren’t you afraid that my aunt won’t die soon?” Chu Qiao said nonsense. 

That aunt of hers was not a joke, there was no psychological pressure when she cursed. 

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Chu Peng’s expression was a bit strange. It was indeed inconvenient for him to go her aunt’s place there, but……

“Then why can he go there?” Chu Peng pointed at Gu Ye and asked. 

Gu Ye grinned and said, “I’m your older sister’s boyfriend. Of course, I’m going to visit my uncle and aunt. Qiao Qiao, let’s go, or we won’t be able to catch the bus.” 


Chu Qiao followed Gu Ye out, and behind him Chu Peng gritted his teeth. His mood was even more chaotic than ten thousand hippopotamuses running around. Gu Ye was going to visit his stupid older sister’s uncle and aunt, their relationship was progressing too fast. 

He didn’t know whether this current situation was a blessing or curse. Love was too mysterious and beyond the scope of his knowledge. So Chu Peng was a bit confused. 

The quarreling in the room stopped, and He Jihong came out with a dark face, followed by Chu Yuanzhi with a dropping head. 

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“Where did Chu Qiao go?” He Jihong asked.

She made an appointment with Xiao Wenjun to wait in the park. Where did this damned little bitch go?

“Going out to do some errands, she will be back at night.” Chu Peng said lightly, and his hesitation before has dissipated. 

His stupid older sister was right. It was better to marry Gu Ye than to be arranged to those garbage men by his mother.

He Jihong scolded angrily, “What is she going out for? Chu Yuanzhi, your daughter is deliberately doing this with me now, right? I asked her to wait at home, but she just left like that. What should I do with Xiao Wenjun? I have already made an appointment with him.” 

“Qiao Qiao didn’t agree from the beginning to the end.” Chu Yuanzhi muttered in a low voice, he still had some complaints.

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80 yuan was taken away without a word, and didn’t even inform him of anything, just why did she treat him this way? 

“Did she still want to marry a high-ranking official? She didn’t have a job, and didn’t have the city hukou. Such a drag oil bottle1, Xiao Wenjun didn’t even dislike her, but she acted so arrogant, putting on airs. Chu Yuanzhi, you are so capable now ah? You don’t even think about your job title……” 

1拖油瓶 tuo you ping : drag oil bottle ; child of a previous marriage living with the family of the second husband.

He Jihong’s anger surged and she started cursing again. Chu Yuanzhi impatiently interrupted her, “You have just said it, I will just be a small doctor for all of my life, I already know that.” 

After finishing speaking, Chu Yuanzhi went out, he felt very suffocated at home. He just wanted to go out to relax.

Anyway, If he can’t get the job title, why should he be careful with He Jihong? What Qiao Qiao said was right. It wasn’t like he couldn’t find a wife anymore, so why should he bear He Jihong’s abuse and supercilious look

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