“It’s because you need to pay for the banquet!”

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Gu Ye was not polite at all, and he made the old man so angry that the old man’s face became even worse.

Chu Qiao was a little flustered, so she couldn’t help but tug on Gu Ye’s shirt, telling him to speak more gently, and not to be angry with the old man.

Lin Yulan spoke out to smooth things over, “Since you have obtained the certificate, then let’s hurry up and set up the banquet. I still have some money on hand. Xiao Ye, you can use it.”

“I don’t want it. Isn’t Gu Jianshe also going to get married? You must give your money to him.”

Gu Ye refused in a cold voice. He didn’t even look straight at her. Lin Yunlan’s face changed slightly, her heart ached, and she lowered her head in sadness.

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Her son would never forgive her in this lifetime, but at that time she truly didn’t have a choice. Why couldn’t Xiao Ye be more considerate of her?

“Is this your way of talking to your mother?” Old Mr. Gu shouted.

“I just say what I want to say, whether you want to hear it or not.” Gu Ye sneered and looked at the old man, he didn’t feel that he was doing anything wrong.

There was no use for being nice to him now. He no longer needed motherly love.

When he needed her the most, Lin Yulan gave all her love to Gu Jianshe. When he was starving and crying, Gu Jianshe was eating biscuits. When he fell ill and had a fever of 39 degrees, Lin Yulan was accompanying Gu Jianshe.

Over and over again, all of the sadness and loss had accumulated into a mountain, turning into a complete disappointment and cold heart.

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He was now the strong and invincible Gu Ye. If It was just a little bit of motherly love, he didn’t need it anymore.

Old Mr. Gu was about to lose his temper again, but was stopped by Lin Yulan, who gave a warning glance.

The old man had no choice but to suppress his anger. He went to the room with a dark face, then he took out a bankbook and threw it to Gu Ye. He said, “ The password is your birthday.”

This bankbook was the money he had saved for his youngest son to marry a wife. He had kept it and never took it out.

At that time when his youngest son married Xu Bilian, this kid stubbornly refused to organize the banquet, so it was not used. It was also good to use it now, but he still had some worries in his heart.


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Gu Ye took the bankbook and found that there was 2,000 yuan on it. It was a bit surprising that there was so much money, and he didn’t feel good about it.

He indeed got a little angry when he talked with the old man just now, fortunately the old man didn’t have a high blood pressure.

He was so pissed and couldn’t help but want to confront the old man. He was obviously doing a good job in Team B and was about to be promoted. But only for the sake of his reputation, the old man silently let him transfer. When he received the notice of transfer, he was completely dumbfounded.

Afterwards, he found out that Team B was going to undergo major layoffs* (this policy existed in the 1980s, so I won’t write more about it here. For more details, you can check it on Google/ Baidu), Many old leaders had taken the initiative to let their children transfer jobs, expressing their support for this policy.

*In June, 1985, China decided to reduce military personnel by one-million in two years as part of its effort to modernize the armed forces. Externally, China continued active diplomacy in line with its basic policy, i.e. “independent foreign policy”.  []

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However these old leaders had more than one child in Team B, and their children were not doing as well as Gu Ye in Team B. Since they already didn’t want to stay in Team B, they were eager to transfer jobs and returned to the city.

Gu Ye was different. He liked to be in Team B, and was doing well there. The leaders also appreciated him, so he would definitely have a great future if he stayed. Moreover, Gu Ye was the only one from the Gu family in Team B. So, there was no need for him to transfer.

The leaders of Team B called the old man to change his mind, but the old man refused. Saying that his son had to be treated equally.

In this way, Gu Ye was forcefully brought back to the city, and went to the security department of the machine tool factory.

To put it nicely, it was the security department. But in fact, it was just a gatekeeper. Gu Ye had always had a thorn in his heart.

He already had a grudge against the old man, and now the resentment had deepened. It couldn’t be solved in a day or two.

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