Chapter 157 – Disobeying future father-in-law (2)  

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Because Lin Yunlan was a teacher herself, she felt that it was pretty good to be a teacher. And if Chu Qiao was interested in teaching, she could introduce her to the school as a music teacher. She could be a substitute teacher first, and after two years, she could become a full-time teacher.

But she didn’t dare to say it, she was afraid that Gu Ye would be angry.

The old man remembered Tang Yaozu and his expression became strange. He directly asked, “Are you playing piano in the dance hall?”

Chu Qiao nodded, “Yes, performing with the band, and I play the electronic keyboard.”

The old man frowned. The dance hall was not a place for decent people to go. Chu Qiao was so beautiful, and going to work there was like a lamb in a tiger’s den*.

*A lamb in a tiger’s den (idiom) : to tread dangerous ground.

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Even if there was Tang Yaozu’s protection, there were many hidden dragons and crouching tigers* in Shanghai. There were many people that Tang Yaozu couldn’t afford to mess with.

*Hidden dragon, crouching tiger (idiom) : talented individuals in hiding / concealed talent.

“The dance hall is a chaotic place. It’s not safe for a beautiful girl like you to go there to work. I will help you to find a new job.” The old man clearly expressed his dissatisfaction with the job.

Marriage was already certain, Chu Qiao was his daughter-in-law. He definitely didn’t like his daughter-in-law to work in a dance hall. Being a teacher would be much better, so he would inquire with others about it later.

“I don’t plan to work in the dance hall for long. The salary there was high, and I just want to earn more money so that I can have the capital to start a business in the future. Moreover, I’m strong, so there won’t be any problems as long as I’m careful.”

Chu Qiao did not agree. Although her voice was delicate and soft, her tone was very firm. She didn’t want her life to be arranged by others again. Even if the other party was the respected Old Mr. Gu.

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In this life, she wanted to arrange her own life. Whether it was good or bad, she would take responsibility for it herself.

Old Mr. Gu was a little surprised. He didn’t expect to see such soft Chu Qiao would be quite assertive, which made his impression better.

It was good to be assertive, but blind self-confidence was not good. This girl’s arms were not as thick as a stick, who could she beat?

Her tone was quite impressive, she really did not know the immensity of heaven and earth*.

*Not to know the immensity of heaven and earth : an exaggerated opinion of one’s own abilities.

Gu Ye saw that the old man didn’t believe it, so he smiled at Chu Qiao, and said, “Try it, you can do an arm wrestle with my dad!”

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The old man glared angrily. Although he was old, he was not weak. He could easily defeat three or four young people. Such as Chu Qiao, who had thin arms and legs, he was afraid to break her.

“Alright. I will yield to you for one minute!”

Chu Qiao walked confidently to the old man, she also wanted to impress him.

The old man was amused when she boasted shamelessly. She still wanted to yield for one minute. It wouldn’t take three seconds for him to overthrow this girl.

He slanted his eyes at his son on the side, snorted coldly, he stretched out his left hand, and said: “I won’t move this hand. If you can move it, then it will be my loss.”

“I can’t bully you, it’s still better for you to use both of your hands.” Chu Qiao said sincerely.

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The old man really wanted to laugh out loud. This little girl was so ignorant. Without knowing the situation, she even wanted him to use both hands.

Since he was too lazy to talk nonsense, he put his left hand on the table, and signaled Chu Qiao to start.

“Qiao Qiao, go ahead. Do your best!” Gu Ye encouraged her with a smile. He had to let the old man see his wife’s strength today. So that he wouldn’t think that he himself was too strong every day.

“Then I won’t restrain myself!”

Chu Qiao sat down, her thin white hands were in sharp contrast with the old man’s large tanned  hands.

Lin Yulan looked amused, she simply didn’t think that Chu Qiao could win. But their family hadn’t been this harmonious for so long. With Chu Qiao here, Xiao Ye became much more talkative. She really hoped that this young couple would often come back and visit them.

The old man didn’t take Chu Qiao seriously at all. He didn’t even look at her, and thought of using only a little bit of strength, so as not to make the little girl cry.

However, when he just felt an extra soft hand in his hand, and before he could react, suddenly there was a strong force. And with a ‘bang’, his hand fell on the table.

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