The house was particularly quiet these days, He Jihong’s expression was not as bad as before, she even spoke in a soft tone, which made Chu Qiao become suspicious.

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The invitation had already been sent to the He family, so it was reasonable to say that He Jihong should be furious. But now she was too calm, which was too abnormal.

Chu Qiao became vigilant, there must be something wrong with He Jihong, she had to be more careful.

That day when it was dinner time, Chu Qiao cooked the meal. She really couldn’t get used to the taste of He Jihong’s cooking. Anyway, she would leave in a few days, so it didn’t matter for her to cook for a few meals.

“I have received the invitation. The wedding between you and Gu Ye is too fast, and our family doesn’t have any preparation at all.” He Jihong suddenly mentioned the wedding, her tone was very soft, as if talking about the ordinary life of a family.

Chu Yuanzhi and Chu Peng, both father and son, were stunned. What invitation?

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“Gu Ye is quite rushed. It’s okay if you don’t prepare anything, since Gu Ye has already prepared it well.” Chu Qiao secretly raised her alertness, this woman definitely did not have good intentions.

“What kind of wedding? Qiao Qiao, you and Gu Ye are getting married? When is it?” Chu Yuanzhi urgently asked. He, as a father, didn’t know such a big thing, it was too disrespectful to him.

Chu Peng also looked over and was a little angry. This stupid older sister just sold herself so cheaply like this. She made a dumb choice that left him speechless.

That bastard Gu Ye was very cunning. He even wanted to marry his older sister without spending a penny, he was too shameless!

“Gu Ye and I are going to have our wedding banquet on the 8th of next month, and the date has already been set.” Chu Qiao said.

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Chu Yuanzhi became anxious and stopped eating, “Why didn’t you tell me in advance, such an important matter like marriage, you just decide it by yourself without saying anything to us? No, I don’t agree with this marriage.”

The dowry was not prepared, and it was too bad for his daughter to just marry like this. Even if she married Gu Ye, the marriage ceremony also had to be done in a proper manner and grandly. It was definitely not like this, okay!

“Is there any use if I told you? So you can prepare the dowry and choose a husband for me? Even a few days ago, you helped your wife and wanted me to marry a strange man. Who knows what kind of bastard that surname Xiao is!”

Chu Qiao also got angry. Her father’s mouth was always faster than his hand. The way he talked seemed like he was concerned about her. But when something really happened, he would shrink faster than a rabbit. He really couldn’t be depended on at all.

If Chu Yuanzhi dared to speak up for her, there would be no need for her to fake her marriage and move her hukou anymore. Towards this kind of father, Chu Qiao was full of resentment. So naturally, she wouldn’t talk to him nicely either.

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Chu Yuanzhi was embarrassed, he felt very uncomfortable. He really didn’t expect that in his daughter’s heart, he would be so useless.

But he admitted that his daughter was telling the truth. He really didn’t have any right to speak in this family. So his daughter was blaming him ah!

Chu Yuanzhi had a lot of resentment towards He Jihong in his heart, but he still didn’t dare to express it and silently repressed it. Perhaps it would explode one day.

“But there’s no need to be so hasty, right? At least we need to buy some dowry.” Chu Yuanzhi said in a low voice, with a slight flattering expression.

Although his small treasury suffered heavy losses, he still had 70 yuan left. Then if he borrowed some more from his colleagues, he would be able to buy something for his daughter.

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But now it was only four or five days until 28th, even if he started to buy it now, there was not enough time.

“No need, Gu Ye is not a snobbish person.”

Chu Qiao spoke lightly, and she continued to eat. Chu Yuanzhi didn’t dare to say anything more.

His current daughter had not only become more beautiful, but she also became more decisive. He became a little timid in front of his daughter, and lacked confidence.

He Jihong remained silent and secretly sneered. This little bitch really had good eyesight, Gu Ye was indeed not a snobbish person, and he was a hundred times better than Gu Jianshe.

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