Chapter 53 – Can you accept my kowtow? (2)

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It used to be so good in the past, but now becomes noisy every day, which also affected his career. His daughter couldn’t stay at home anymore. It would be better to marry her out soon, and his life would be peaceful.

“Qiao Qiao, kowtow to your Aunt He and apologize!”

Chu Yuanzhi sternly reprimanded Chu Qiao. He had to let He Jihong calm down. So he could only wronged his daughter.

Chu Qiao gritted her teeth. Over the past five years, she had kowtowed countless heads to He Jihong. She was as humble as the mud, begging for forgiveness from this woman, while in fact, she was not a weak person. She was beaten and scolded by Sun Yinxiu when she was young, even after arriving at the Chu family, He Jihong brainwashed her every day, saying that she was a rural girl, and she was ugly. So she had to work more and talk less, and be more humble in order to be liked by others. Otherwise people would hate her, and would not be able to marry out.

Damn it, this woman just knew that she was prettier than her own daughter, Xu Bilian. So she deliberately trampled on her like this. No matter how good-looking a woman was, she would not be likable if she kept herself submissive and servile all day long.

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“Okay, I will kowtow to her and apologize!”

Chu Qiao glared at Chu Yuanzhi bitterly, and then looked at He Jihong coldly. She would kowtow her head, let’s see whether He Jihong could accept it.

He Jihong’s heart sank, and she felt a little uneasy. She saw Chu Qiao running out, and she hurriedly shouted, “Come back to me, Chu Yuanzhi, pull her back quickly!”

This little bitch was definitely going to create a scene again, and if she caused trouble to her father, that old man would definitely scold her.

“Qiao Qiao!”

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When Chu Yuanzhi reacted, Chu Qiao was already in the corridor. She kneeled down on her knees and kowtowed heavily to the door, “Aunt He, I’m sorry. I should not wear Bilian jie’s1 old clothes. I was wrong. Please forgive me!”

1jie (姐) : older sister

She knocked down heavily again, and her voice was loud, “Dad, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have embarrassed you by being insensitive, and let you in a dilemma in front of Aunt He, which also affects your career evaluation!”

It was around four o’clock in the afternoon. Everyone woke up from the afternoon nap. Hearing that the Chu family had made another noise, they all came out to watch the excitement. When they saw Chu Qiao was kneeling on the ground and kowtowing, all of them were shocked.

Now that we are in a new society, why are you still kowtowing and pleading guilty?

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“Chu Qiao, get up quickly. How hard the ground is!” Someone tried to pull Chu Qiao up, but Chu Qiao still knelt upright and refused to be pulled up.

“Aunt He and my father haven’t forgiven me. I don’t dare to get up.”

Chu Qiao refused to get up. She had completely offended He Jihong today. So she had to get some benefits, otherwise the trouble she made would be in vain.

“Doctor Chu, Doctor He, what’s going on here? This child Chu Qiao has always been obedient. She is a big girl now. You guys, as parents, should also pay more attention to propriety. Don’t be insensitive towards a child!” Someone advised them meaningfully.

Chu Qiao used to be quiet before, but today she had been making trouble twice. Obviously that was because she was forced to. He Jihong had been hypocritical for five years, and finally showed her vicious face. This child Chu Qiao was so pitiful.

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“Yes, now the children have strong self-esteem. After my daughter went to high school, I didn’t even dare to say harsh words to her. Because If I say one sentence, she can refute it with ten sentences. Chu Qiao was obedient enough and didn’t say anything when she wore old clothes every day. “

“Xu Bilian makes new clothes every three day, but when it’s Chu Qiao, she hasn’t made any new clothes for five years. Tsk……No matter how nice you say it, what’s the use? Words are cheaper than actions, ah!”

“There are several good stepmothers. If you have a stepmother, then you will have a stepfather. The old saying is true. Didn’t you hear what Chu Qiao said before? Doctor Chu wanted to have a career evaluation. How could he dare to stand up for his daughter?”


The voices of these people were quite loud. He Jihong and Chu Yuanzhi in the room heard them, and their faces became very ugly, as if they were stripped naked and hung on the city wall for the public display. They had lost all of their reputation.

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