Chapter 6 – A Life as Widow (3)

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“Bilian, mom won’t hurt you. Gu Ye is much better than Gu Jianshe. You and Gu Ye have to live well together, you will surely have a promising life in the future. Don’t treat those two children harshly, just get along normally. Give birth to Gu Ye’s children with peace of mind. With children, Gu Ye’s heart will be on you.”

He Jihong tried hard to persuade her daughter, she was worried for her daughter. As long as her daughter listened to her words, her daughter’s future life would certainly not be bad.

“Mom, you don’t know anything, give birth to a child… Gu Ye, he….”

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Xu Bilian said a half sentence angrily. She couldn’t say anything later. She was so ashamed that she bowed her head and twisted her fingers vigorously. She was very annoyed. Her mother arranged a good-looking husband for her, but it was not very useful. Gu Jianshe was still the good one, how strong he was.

“What happened to Gu Ye?”

He Jihong was so anxious that she asked directly. Chu Qiao who was in the room, also pricked up her ears, silently guessing in her heart, could it be that he can’t do it?

But Xu Bilian was pregnant in the previous life. Counting the time, she should have one in her stomach now.

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“Tell me, what happened with Gu Ye? You’re going to make me so worried!” He Jihong urged.

“He can’t do it, are you satisfied now?”

Xu Bilian was so anxious that she replied loudly. She was ashamed, annoyed, and aggrieved. She couldn’t help complaining, “You keep saying that Gu Ye is good at this and that, but this man is completely useless, like a wood in the bed. I put down my face and take the initiative to touch him, but he still ignores me, and doesn’t sleep in the same bed with me. So I’m just like a widow, how do you want me to live?”

“You have been married for half a year, and haven’t done anything?”

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He Jihong’s face changed greatly, and didn’t care to be ashamed. So she asked her daughter directly.


Hearing her daughter’s answer,  He Jihong’s heart cooled. She carefully selected a son-in-law who was good in everything, but she still made a mistake in the most important aspect. Her daughter was only 24 years old, and it was impossible to be a widow.

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“Really can’t do it? Are you sure? Have you……”

He Jihong still didn’t want to believe that Gu Ye who was tall and big, with a strong physique, no matter how you looked at it, he didn’t look like a person who couldn’t do it. She lowered her voice, and asked some private questions.

“Mom, don’t ask. He really can’t do it. I have tried everything you said, I even stood naked in front of him, but he was indifferent. I’m not ugly, and he’s a man. Can he not respond?”

Xu Bilian was so anxious that she shouted angrily. In fact, as long as Gu Ye was a little aggressive in that matter, it wasn’t like she couldn’t get along with this man. After all, Gu Ye was really good looking. But who makes this man looks handsome but useless, she didn’t want to be a widow.

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