Chapter 12 As a Demon

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“Master Vince. How long will you stay in a place like this …… I’m not going to be a part of the human race …… where they raise their warriors!”

A corner of the academy grounds. Close to the training forest. There is a gardener’s hut, and next to the hut, there is even a residence for live-in staff, which is simple from the perspective of the institute, but magnificent in the general sense of the term. However, most of the gardeners live in the community, and only Vince is using the hut and the house as his residence.

In fact, they are the result of those who secretly protect the demon tribe. In other words, this mansion is also a place where his clan …… mainly reconciliationists gather.

“….. Ada. This place was entrusted to us through consultation with the Hito clan after gradually building up trust. You may not like it, you are still young, and You may not like it because you’re in the Open-war faction, but we’re not going to move from here.”

“Cowardice! What’s this about talks with the humans! We are only at their mercy after all! Is that what Vince-sama wants for the demon tribe, to live by wagging our tails and flattering the human race?

The demon tribe is by no means monolithic. Even among the reconciliationists who have spent a long time among humans, there are those who are dissatisfied with the current situation.

Now that it is possible to pass through the frontier areas by a route other than the Great Valley of the Unbounded and secretly go back and forth between the territory of the Demon Tribe and the territory of the Human Tribe, there are many people who have come into contact with the values of the Demon Tribe’s home country even though they are in the territory of the Human Tribe.

Because of this influence, some feel that Vince and the other reconciliationists are becoming too close to humans, and are starting to move with the values of demon territory.

The game also talks about those who are in human society but are linked to open warring factions in mainland demon territory. The spies of the demon tribe in their quests.

“Yes. The younger generation may only know this by hearsay, but it was the demons in our own country who originally persecuted us and cut off our way of life in our own country. ……They are the ones you call the “open war” faction.

And it was the humans of this country that accepted us as exiles and gave us shelter. That is an undeniable fact. Without that fact, you, …… Ada, would not have been born into this world.

If you are ignorant of such a favor, …… If you’ve become that ungrateful, …… Go ahead. I can’t approve of that idea, but I won’t stop you. We are with humans.”

“I’m going …… and see if I can find it. ……But! ……Does Master Vince not have the pride as a demon tribe? The human race is a poor race, even the nobles are far below us! I will not continue to follow such people!”

Vince takes pity on Ada.

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She was born into a peaceful world and has never known the “real battlefield,” where the goal is not to win or lose, but to stay alive. It should be a joyous and good thing.

However, Ada held the power of a demon tribe. She had an enormous amount of mana, more than even the head of a human noble family. As a result, she became conceited. I am stronger than the nobles of humans.

To Vince, who knows the old battlefields, today, the demons in the home country and Ada are no different. They are just a bunch of chicks who are accustomed to the lukewarm battlefield. Chickens are usually only concerned with competing for the loudness of their own cries, and are oblivious to their surroundings.

“…… Ada. You certainly have a immense amount of mana. You’re probably one of the best among the demon tribe. But that is all. What does it matter if you can use a only little strong magic?

Look at this institute. Could the demons have built the beautiful and majestic structures in this institute?

Look at the prosperity of this royal city. How could the demon tribe create, maintain, and develop such a city?

…… That’s the answer. Humans are weak but also strong. Not as individuals, but as a whole.”

Somewhere Vince had also given up. Such words alone would not reach a young person like Ada. He would have to broaden his own insight and understand for himself, or people like her would not listen to him. Vince knew that many would end up dying before they had the chance to spread their insight, although it would only be a painful …… experience.

“I don’t know the strength of the human race,” she said. “If they are good at making things, why not just take them by force after they are finished? We demons have that power!”

Foolish. And yet, Vince can no longer help but wonder where Ada is going.

(Ada, …… The demons don’t have that much power. And the superiority of a warrior can not be told by the amount of mana one has. Do you not understand that? …… Even magic with a small amount of mana can easily kill you alone. ……)


Al thinks. “This is impossible, isn’t it?” And.

Aside from the case of Vince, it is impossible to find a spy of the demon tribe so easily by just wandering around the premises without a clue. It is a matter, of course.

Al realized this after he had already spent a few days.

“(Not at all …… is that surprising when you think about it?

Even game quests had at least a hint. In the real world, it’s impossible to pinpoint your goal with no hints……. foundation. The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your time at the Academy is to be prepared for the unexpected. …I can’t be asking around like, ‘Are you a demon tribe?’ It can’t be ‘…… how did you know? How incompetent a spy are you? It’s normal to pretend you don’t know what you’re talking about when asked. (I really wasted a lot of effort……)”

I walk through the garden in a daze and in silent contemplation. Naturally, his feet were leading him to the house of old man Vince, whom he had come to know a few days ago, and with whom he had been talking often since then.

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“(I talk to him for some reason. Mister Vince is a mysterious man. And I’ve seen him several times with his family members, and he’s a …… pretty good user. He seems like a gentle gardener now, but I wonder if Lord Vince was also a warrior in his younger days? (There’s an atmosphere of an old soldier in him).”

Somehow, Al senses a whiff of frontier territory about Vince and his clan members. His intuition is not far from being right.

In his daily wanderings, it was routine for him to take a short break at Vince’s hut or mansion. Today, he even brought a souvenir.

“(Oh? Prior guest? I’ve never seen this face before, but …… great amount of mana. Although she hides it quite well, is she actually better than the head of a noble family? At least it’s a little more than father’s mana volume. (…… could it be that …… Lord Vince’s family …… is actually a family of old nobles?)”

They often meet at the hut, but today Al couldn’t find Vince. So he turned toward the direction of Mansion, and saw a girl coming out.

Their eyes meet.

“…… What can I do for you?”

“Um, yes. I thought I’d bring some tea cakes for Mister Vince. …… I didn’t know he had a visitor.”

The girl …… Ada recognizes Al, but dismisses him at first glance because of his low mana.

She did not notice. She does not realize that she is doing the same thing as humans.

“…… Mr. Vince is inside. I have finished my business. ……”

“I see. Well, I’m sorry if I’m inconveniencing you here, but I’d like to speak to him.

Al looks at the girl and thinks. It’s a waste.

She boasts such a large amount of mana, but her control of it is too immature. And her body is flowing with every movement. Her torso is too sweet. If this were Falconer’s territory and she were a recruit, she would have been beaten up by her superiors.

“(Hah …… I knew the city aristocrats were feckless …… with something that could shine if polished, but …… it’s pathetic. At least let the main character and other important characters do their best.)”

“(Hmph. What do the humans want with Master Vince? …… No, wait? The humans go out of their way to visit this place? ……Is this guy …… related to the “protector” ……?)”

Their feelings do not mesh at all, and the two cross-paths. Regarding Ada, it is a disturbing misunderstanding.

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Al, being Al, is completely unaware that he has set foot in the hideout of the demons …… Who have so far roamed the premises and have not been found.



“Sorry. I didn’t realize you had a family visitor. ……”

“Hoho. No problem. She’ s the first of the rootless ones. …… She comes in unexpectedly without prior notice. It’s not something you need to worry about.”

Today is a tea party in the garden. However, it is not elegant. We just brought out a tea set and sat directly on the lawn in the garden, sitting cross-legged.

“……But then again, the people I’ve met so far who seem to be of Vince’s family seem to be quite skilled, ……but the one I just met was something else again.”

“…… how? What did Mister Al see in her …… Ada?”

They have been seeing each other every day for the past few days, and Al, realizes that Vince is someone who could control his mana…. And he’s several times above Al.

“Yes. ……I don’t mean to be rude. I don’t think she’s not quite ready to be a user. She may be well trained, but I feel she is lacking in many ways. That amount of mana …………It’s a shame, because it would shine if it were polished.”

Al casually shares his honest thoughts over a cup of tea. He also notices that Vince’s eyes are a little sharper, but he pretends he doesn’t notice.

‘ (Is she like a granddaughter? He seems quite concerned about her reputation. Well, Mister Vince is aware of that, and I’m sure he won’t be too offended by the truth).”

“(Ada, too, wore a certain amount of disguise. Despite this, it is amazing that he could spot her at a glance. ……I’m sure the girl probably didn’t even notice that Al was there……. Hmmm. I think Al is ……Maybe he’s a better user than expected. …… strangely, I can’t read his mind. ……).”

They do not pry into each other’s affairs, knowing that they have something hidden in their bellies, chests, or even heads.

Al does not ask Vince the name of his family.

Vince often does not dare to ask Al either.

“…… I see. I guess Al also describes Ada in that way. She seems to have a …… immense amount of mana. …… “I can use strong magic,” she says. I’m strong because I can use strong magic,…….” That kind of childish thinking is hard to get rid of. As a member of the family, it’s a shameful thing…”

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Vince is unusually bitchy. Al also felt a little better. Up until now, it had honestly been just a tea party and not an in-depth discussion of his innermost feelings.

“Hah …… but isn’t it common in the capital aristocracy for the amount of mana to be supreme ……? Besides, as someone who is probably the same age as her, …… it’s normal for kids to get carried away with strong magic, isn’t it? It’s not like there’s fighting on a daily basis like on the …… frontier. …… well, let’s just say it’s a sign of peace. ……”

“…… Ho, ho. It’s common in the capital’s aristocracy,” “It’s normal for young people to get carried away,” and “Being far away from the real battle is a sign of peace. …… Unfortunately, I’m sure she’ll be very upset if she hears about any of these.”

Knowing the amount of mana Ada has, how could he dismiss her as a young member of the capital’s aristocracy who does not know how to fight a real battle?

Vince is convinced.

The boy in front of him, Al, is a better warrior than Ada. He would not take any notice of her. A warrior who could defeat that girl with ease. A man who knows the true battlefield, which is becoming rare among the demon tribe. The elite of a frontier noble family of humans.

It’s unclear because of he hides it, but the amount of mana itself is less than one-third of Ada’s at most…… But, despite that, she’s not a match for him, and before you know it, she’ ll be dead? I’ve been away from actual combat for some time now, and I’m not sure I’m in any danger either. …… Does Al have some secret mission? (…… if …… it’s not me they are after, but …… the war mongers!)”

Vince is now the chief in charge of the lives of many of his compatriots.

He is more wary of Al, a man who is more familiar with death than he had expected.

Originally, Vince thought that Al, who wanders around the academy observing his surroundings, was a messenger from the human side.

But although we see each other every day. He wondered about Al, who never gave any particular sign, but …… What if the target was not me, but something else? I am caught in such a doubtful mindset.

Al, on the other hand, does not care about Vince’s inner thoughts.

“(Huh,…… it’s time to get busy with enrollment and dormitory procedures. …… Can we start packing the Great Hall around tomorrow?)”

He decided to wait for the protagonists rather than search for the demon spy, which did not go well.

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